Derived from Kent’s classroom lectures on the homeopathy remedy Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum. Published in 1926 as Lesser Writings, Clinical Cases, New Remedies, Aphorisms and Precepts by J.T. Kent….

This is one of our deepest remedies and is to used against psora and syphilis, especially in old broken constitutions. The Encyclopedia and Guiding Symptoms furnish valuable fragmentary provings. This study is based also upon new provings and extensive clinical observations. It is a most useful medicine in old cases of malaria, in great weakness following the abuse of quinine. When eruptions have been suppressed from local treatment, and there is great weakness and lack of reaction.

The symptoms are worse in morning, forenoon, afternoon, evening, in twilight, NIGHT, before midnight, after midnight. It has a marked tendency to form abscesses. Aversion to open air. Aversion to open air alternating with a desire for open air. Extremely sensitive to a draft. Open air makes some symptoms better and some worse. ANAEMIA and PHYSICAL ANXIETY. Weakness and suffocation from going up stairs. Parts feel constricted as with a band. He takes cold from bathing and all symptoms are worse. It is a most useful remedy in combating the symptoms of epithelioma, lupus and scirrhus, even where ulceration is far advanced. The appearance of the face and skin is much like chlorosis. Choreic action of the muscles all over the body. In general the patient is cold, worse from cold air, from becoming cold, from cold, wet weather; takes cold easily. Convulsion, abdomen puffed up; offensive bilious diarrhea, slimy vomiting. Discharges from all mucous membranes and outlets very excoriating, offensive, thin and yellow. Dropsy of the extremities and in abdomen. The symptoms are worse before and AFTER EATING. There is marked emaciation of the body. Slight exertion increases all conditions and symptoms. Faintness from many causes, but especially after stool. Worse from cold drinks, sour food, cold food, fat food, fruit and milk. Formication all over the body. The mucous membranes bleeding easily. The body feels heavy and loggy. Sometimes he is too warm and sometimes chilly. Inflamed parts and base of ulcers indurate. Inflammation of organs and glands. Lassitude and lack of reaction. He always desires to lie down. He feels worse lying, worse after lying awhile, worse lying on back, yet he feels better in bed. Symptoms all worse during menstruation. Motion in general ameliorates, yet motion aggravates some symptoms. The patient dreads motion. Old people much broken down, seem to rally under its action. Pains are cutting, BURNING, internal and external, PRESSING, stitching, tearing; tearing downward, tearing in muscles. Thrusting pains. Periodicity is very marked. Perspiration gives no relief. Complaints after suppressed sweat. Pulsations all over the body. The pulse is fast, irregular, intermittent, small, weak. Running or fast walking increases all symptoms. Extremely sensitive to pain. Shocks felt throughout the body; many symptoms worse on right side of the body. Complaints worse sitting. Symptoms before sleep, on going to sleep and during sleep. Standing aggravates. Stiffness in body and limbs. Dropsical swelling and swelling of glands. Affected parts sore to touch. Trembling of body and limbs. Twitching of muscles. Varicose veins. Many symptoms worse after sleep. Walking ameliorates, walking in open air aggravates; walking fast aggravates. Warmth of bed ameliorates. Extreme weakness, weakness in morning, during menses, after exertion, after eating, from perspiration, after stool, from walking in open air.

Absent minded and he is greatly affected from anger. Aversion to answering questions and when he does answer his mind works slowly. ANXIETY, morning, EVENING, EVENING IN BED, during the night. Anxiety of conscience, with fear, during fever, about salvation, after a swoon, during stool, on waking. He is very critical with his friends and desires things which are not useful to him. Confusion of mind in the morning on waking. Overconscientious about small matters. Longs for death. Delirious and raving during the night. His mind is full of delusions. A general feeling of despair. He is discontented and very excitable. His mind is full of fear at night; fear of a crowd, of death, of evil, of ghosts, of people, of solitude. Memory at first active, later he is forgetful. Easily frightened or startled, starting on going to sleep and during sleep. It has been useful during fevers when he picks the bed clothing. Hurried feeling and always hasty in actions. Many hysterical symptoms. Impatience, indifference, indolence. He seems to be growing weak minded. It has been used in insane conditions, in drunkards. Extremely irritable during chill; in the morning on waking. Loathing of life. Sometimes he is lamenting and again he is laughing. At times very talkative and again very malicious, almost maniacal like one intoxicated. It has been used in mania-a-potu. Mental work is impossible after eating. Great liveliness, then muttering. Extremely unreasonable and obstinate. Offended without cause and quarrelsome followed by insane fury. Religious affections, remorse. Great mental fatigue. Restlessness evening, night, tossing in bed, during fever, during menses. Sadness evening, during heat, during sweat. Extremely sensitive and touchy. Inclined to take all matters seriously. Speech incoherent and wandering. Aversion to being spoken to, indisposed to converse on any subject. Suspicious of all his friends and his family. Periods of stupefaction, vanishing of thought. Weeping at night. Weeping in sleep. Extremely timid, bashful, feeling of weakness in head.

Vertigo evening, as if dancing up and down. Inclined to fall to the right. Vertigo with headache. Looking downward, with nausea; walking in the open air.

Whenever the general symptoms given above strongly predominate in any given case, the following particulars will yield to this remedy.

The head is cold during headache, especially the forehead. A feeling of tightness of the forehead and marked hyperaemia of the brain, moist crusts and scales on the scalp. It has been very useful in eczema. Pustules on the scalp. Inflamed patches much like erysipelas. Much heat in the head and especially in the forehead. Great weight in forehead morning and evening. Itching of the scalp. The head is painful in the morning on waking. Pain in the afternoon. Pain at 5 p. m. and 4 p. m. Pain in the head evening and night. Pain worse in cold air, on coughing, after eating, from exercising, in bright light, moving head, riding in a carriage, in a warm room, shaking the head, after sleep, from stimulants, from stooping, from walking in the open air. Pain comes during chill, during menses, comes periodically, every two weeks. Pain is violent and pulsating. Violent pain deep in the brain, in frontal region and right ear. Pain in forehead worse in right side, better after sleep. Waking often with dull pain above the eyes extending to the top of the head. Pain in the occiput extending to sides of head 7 to 11 a. m. Pain in sides of head. Pain in vertex. Sore, bruised pain in whole head, in forehead. Burning in head. Drawing pain in forehead. Pressing pain in forehead, occiput and temples. Dull pain in right frontal region, which increases in severity and becomes a sharp, pulsating and shooting pain extending to occiput on the right side, worse from motion and stooping, 4 p. m. Stitching pain in the head, in temple, worse on coughing. Tearing pain in occiput. Cold sweat on the forehead; temple worse on coughing. Pulsation in the head. Shocks in the head.

Eyelids stuck together in the morning. Discharges from eyes acrid, bloody, yellow. Dryness of the eyes. Dullness. Eruptions about the eyes. Excoriation of the lids. Glassy look of the eyes. Gum in canthi. Granular lids. Chronic inflammation of eyes, of conjunctiva, cornea, iris, lids. The veins of eyes are injected. Lachrymation. Half open eyes. Opening lids difficult. Pain in eyes evening, on moving eyes, when reading, aching in the eyes. Burning in evening when reading. Burning in margin of lids. Pains are drawing, pressing, sore, bruised, stitching, tearing, paralysis of optic nerve. Photophobia in sunlight. The eyes feel as if protruding. Redness of lids, of veins, spots on the cornea; sunken eyes. Swollen lids. The tears are acrid. Twitching of the lids. Ulceration of the cornea. In the field of vision there are sparks, flickerings and dark colors. Objects look yellow. Foggy vision. Dim vision.

Discharges from ear fetid and offensive. Eruptions on and behind ears. Formication. Heat of ears. Sensation of fullness in ears. Itching of ears and in ears. Noises; buzzing, humming, ringing, soaring, rushing, snapping. Pain in ears in evening. Pain behind ears. Pain in ears; burning, drawing, pressing outward, stitching, tearing. Pulsation in ears. Ears feel stopped. Tingling of ears. Tensive feeling behind right ear on stroking the hair. Hearing impaired.

Cold nose. Fluent coryza. Nasal discharge bloody burning, crusty, excoriating, greenish, offensive, thick, white, yellow. Dryness in nose. Bleeding from the nose. The nose is obstructed with thick mucus. Offensive odour from nose. Burning inside of nose. Smell at first acute, later wanting. Frequent sneezing. The nose is swollen. Ulceration high up in nose.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.