
James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Guaiacum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Helleborus Niger

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Helleborus Niger in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Hepar Sulphur

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Hepar Sulphur in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Hydrastis Canadensis

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Hydrastis Canadensis in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Hyoscyamus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Hypericum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Ignatia in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies….


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Iodine in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Ipecac in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Kalium Bichromicum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Kalium Bichromicum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Kalium Carbonicum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Kalium Carbonicum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Kalium Iodatum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Kalium Iodatum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Kalium Phosphoricum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Kalium Phosphoricum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Kalium Sulphuricum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Kalium Sulphuricum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Kalmia Latifolia

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Kalmia Latifolia in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Kreosotum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Lac Caninum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Lac Caninum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Lac Vaccinum Defloratum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Lac Vaccinum Defloratum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Lachesis in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Laurocerasus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Ledum Palustre

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Ledum Palustre in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Lilium Tigrinum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Lilium Tigrinum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Lycopodium in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Magnesia Carbonica

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Magnesia Carbonica in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Magnesia Muriatica

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Magnesia Muriatica in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Magnesia Phosphorica

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Magnesia Phosphorica in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Manganum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Medorrhinum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Mercurius in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Mercurius Corrosivus

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Mercurius Corrosivus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Mercurius Cyanatus

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Mercurius Cyanatus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Mercurius Iodatus Flavus

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Mercurius Iodatus Flavus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. ……

Mercurius Iodatus Ruber

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Mercurius Iodatus Ruber in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Mercurius sulphuricus

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Mercurius sulphuricus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Mezereum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Millefolium in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Moschus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Muriaticum acidum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Muriaticum acidum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Naja in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Natrum Arsenicosum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Natrum Arsenicosum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Natrum Carbonicum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Natrum Carbonicum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Natrum Muriaticum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Natrum Muriaticum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Natrum Phosphoricum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Natrum Phosphoricum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Natrum sulfuricum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Natrum sulfuricum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Nitricum Acidum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Acid Nitricum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Nux Moschata

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Nux Moschata in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Nux Vomica

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Opium in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Oxalicum Acidum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Oxalicum Acidum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Petroleum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Phosphoricum Acidum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Phosphoricum Acidum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Phosphorus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Phytolacca in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Picric Acid

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Picric Acid in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Platina in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Plumbum Metallicum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Plumbum Metallicum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Podophyllum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Psorinum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Pyrogenium in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Ranunculus Bulbosus

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Ranunculus Bulbosus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Rhododendron in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Rhus Toxicodendron

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Rhus Toxicodendron in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Rumex Crispus

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Rumex Crispus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Ruta Graveolens

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Ruta Graveolens in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Sabadilla in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Sabina in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Sanguinaria in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Sarsaparilla in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Secale Cornutum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Secale Cornutum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Selenium in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Senecio Aureus

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Senecio Aureus in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Senega in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Sepia in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Silicea in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Spigelia Anthelmintica

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Spigelia Anthelmintica in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Spongia Tosta

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Spongia Tosta in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Squilla in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Stannum Metallicum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Stannum Metallicum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Staphysagria in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Stramonium in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Sulphur in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Sulphuricum Acidum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Sulphuricum Acidum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Syphilinum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Tarentula Hispanica

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Tarentula Hispanica in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Theridion in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Thuja Occidentalis

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Thuja Occidentalis in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …

Tuberculinum Bovinum

James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Tuberculinum Bovinum in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …


James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Valeriana in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. …