Kalium Phosphoricum

Ear: Discharge from the ear, bloody, offensive, putrid, purulent.

Eruptions on the ears. Pimples in the canal. Fullness in ears. The ears are hot. Itching in the ears, aggravated lying. Noises from nervous exhaustion and cerebral anaemia, with vertigo. Buzzing, fluttering, humming, ringing, roaring, rushing, singing, whizzing.

Pain deep in ear. Cramping, drawing, pressing. Stitching in left ear down to cheek, and behind the ear. Stinging in ear, aggravated lying. Tearing in ear. Pulsation in ear. Stopped sensation. Singing in ear. Ears swollen. Twitching. Hearing acute to noises and voices, but impaired as to the articulation of the human voice. Deafness.

Coryza: fluent or dry, with cough, with headache.

Hay-fever with great nervous weakness. Obstinate catarrh. Discharge bloody, excoriating, greenish offensive, purulent, stringy, thick, watery, white, yellow, worse in the morning. Yellow crusts, worse in right nostril.

He suffers much from dryness in the nose. Epistaxis in the morning, on blowing the nose, in low fevers. The nose is obstructed. Itching, and burning in the nose. Pressing pain at the root of the nose. Much soreness inside of the nose, with yellow crusts and dark blood. Smell at first acute, later wanting. Sneezing frequent; violent at 2 A.M., from slight exposure. Ulceration in the nose. The nose is swollen.

Face: Brown patch from the edge of the brows to the eyebrows, three inches wide, lasting three months.

Chlorotic face. Dark circles under eyes. Cracked lips. Face pale, sickly and dirty.

Circumscribed red checks. jaundiced face. Herpes on the lips. Sore crusts on lips. Vesicles on lips. The expression is haggard, sickly and suffering. Flushes of heat in face. Inflammation and swelling of the parotid glands. Itching of the face, in the whiskers, on right cheek, on temples. There are drawing, stitching, tearing pains in the face, aggravated in cold air.

Cold applications ameliorate pain in right side of face from a hollow tooth. Pain in jaw bones, ameliorated after eating and speaking, waking and touch. Neuralgia of face followed by great weakness.

Neuralgic stitch riding in cold air, ameliorated by heat of hand. Paralysis of one side of face (Causticum). The face perspires. Swollen lips, parotid and submaxillary glands. Tension of the face. Ulceration of lips.

Mouth: The tongue is dark coated and bleeding.

The gums bleed, and are covered with sores. The typhoid mouth, tongue and teeth in septic fevers when there are putrid odors. Redness of gums and edges of the tongue. The tongue is white, slimy, greenish yellow. Dry mouth and tongue in the morning. Inflamed mouth and gums.

Offensive odor, putrid morning, like spoiled cheese. Sore burning mouth and tongue. Receding gums. Thick salty saliva. Scorbutic, spongy gums. The roof of the mouth swollen in ridges, feels as if lined with grease.

Taste bad, bitter, insipid, putrid, sour; bitter in the morning. Grinding teeth in sleep. Nervous chattering of teeth. Pain in teeth from taking cold, aggravated by cold things, aggravated masticating, aggravated after sleep. Pulsating, aching, jerking, pressing, sore, stitching, tearing.

Throat: This remedy has been used with some success in diphtheria with putrid odor.

Dryness in throat in evening. Fullness and constriction of the throat. Inclination to clear the throat by hawking. Mucus in the throat in the morning, sometimes tasting salty. Lump in throat. Pain in throat on swallowing. Pain in right tonsil. Burning, rawness, soreness. Stitching on swallowing. Stitching pain from left tonsil to ear, while driving in forenoon. Inflammation and swelling of throat and tonsils, with white deposits like membrane.

Stomach: The appetite is increased and sometimes ravenous, but goes on the sight of food.

Hunger soon after eating, from nervous weakness. Hunger during menses. Aversion to food, to bread, to meat. Sensation of coldness in the stomach. Desires cold drinks, sour things, sweets. The stomach is commonly disordered. Fullness and distension. Emptiness with nausea, during menses, after eating. Eructations, after eating, ineffectual, of bile, bitter, empty, of food, sour; waterbrash. Heartburn. Weight in stomach after eating.

Loathing of food. Nausea on coughing, after eating, during headache, during menses, during pregnancy; ameliorated by eructations. Retching. Pain in stomach after eating and during menses. Burning, cramping, cutting, soreness. Stitching. Gnawing pain at 5 A.M. on waking. Pressing after eating. Sensation of a stone in the stomach. Extreme thirst for cold water. Thirst during heat. Thirstlessness sometimes. Vomiting in the morning, on coughing, after eating, during headaches, during menses, during pregnancy. Vomiting bile, blood, food, mucus, sour.

Abdomen: The abdomen feels cold, and is sensitive to uncovering.

Distension after eating, during menses. Tympanitic with great pain, in typhoid fever. Distended with dropsy. Sensation of emptiness. Fermentation with distress in heart. Flatulence, obstructed, noisy. Sensation of fullness after eating. Heat in abdomen and heaviness. Inflammation of intestines, peritoneum, and liver. Pain in abdomen aggravated at night; across the abdomen left to right; bending double ameliorates; during cough, during diarrhoea, after eating, before and during menses; paroxysmal; before stool.

Pain in region of liver. Bearing down, ameliorated sitting, aggravated lying on left side, aggravated after drinking. Seems as though sides of abdomen would burst when sneezing. Burning. Cramping after eating. Cutting. Griping in hypogastrium with ineffectual urging to stool. Soreness in abdomen and liver. Stitching in abdomen and liver. Stitching, catching in spleen, aggravated from motion. Rumbling and tension.

Anus: Constipation with very difficult stool; hard, large, knotty.

Diarrhoea, morning, 6 A.M., evening, night, during or after eating; colliquative; from fright or excitement, during menses, painless, with vomit ing and cramps, with great exhaustion, in typhoid. Dysentery. Offensive flatus which ameliorates the symptoms. Formication of the anus. Haemorrhage from intestines in typhoid.

Haemorrhoids, external and internal, itching, painful with burning and swelling. Inflamed piles with offensive moisture. Inactivity of the rectum. Involuntary stools. Pain in rectum during and after stool. Burning during and after stool. Soreness and pressing pains. Stitching pain. Tenesmus after stool. Paralysis of the rectum. Relaxed anus. Ineffectual urging to stool. The stool is excoriating; bloody mucus or pure blood, brown, clay colored, watery stool; putrid flatus followed by tenesmus after breakfast. Stool copious, dark, frequent; large, light colored. Lienteric stools. Stools offensive, putrid, purulent, watery, like rice water, yellow or yellowish green mucus.

Bladder: Chronic catarrh of the bladder in old people and nervous wrecks.

Pressing and stitching in the bladder. The urging to urinate is frequent, or ineffectual, and worse at night. The urine dribbles. Dribbling after urination; feeble stream, frequent, copious at night, Stream stops and starts. Involuntary at night, in old people, in typhoid, in nervous prostration.

In obstinate cases of enuresis, in excitable, sensitive children. Unsatisfactory urination. Inflammation and stitching in the kidneys. Burning in the urethra during and after urination. Stitching in the urethra. The urine is albuminous, burning, cloudy, copious, offensive, scanty, watery, yellow like saffron. Sediment is flocculent, mucous, red and sandy. Specific gravity increased. Sugar in the urine.

Genitals: Erections very troublesome in the morning and during the night without sexual desire; violent in the morning. Impotency. Frequent seminal emissions with erections. Inflammation of glans penis. Sexual passion obliterated.

In tired out nervous women who are subject to abortion. Aversion to coition. Desire increased, intense for four or five days after menses. Inflammation of uterus. Itching from leucorrhoea. It cured a chronic abscess discharging periodically through the vagina and rectum a copious orange-colored fluid. Leucorrhoea acrid, burning, copious, greenish, yellow, offensive, putrid; after menses; in young girl.

Menses absent, black, copious, dark, delayed, frequent, irregular, late, offensive, painful, pale, protracted, scanty, short, suppressed, thick. Uterine haemorrhage. Pain in ovaries, in left, ameliorated lying on the back and bending double, during menses. Pain in ovaries on going to sleep. Stitching pain in ovaries. Pain in uterus and ovaries at night during pregnancy. Labor-like pains. Prolapsus of uterus.

Respiration: Irritation of the larynx and trachea in cold air.

Catarrh of the air passages, with thick, yellowish white mucus. Soreness and scraping in the larynx. Tickling in larynx and trachea. Voice hoarse, lost from paralysis of the vocal cords; hoarse from over-exertion of vocal cords.

Respiration difficult at night; rattling, short; difficult on going up stairs. Nervous asthma, aggravated after eating.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.