“Biting the tongue.”
“Tongue cracked, bluish black.”
“Mouth wide open before an attack,” showing that the spasm is coming on; and this condition increases so that when the attack is not on, he drops the jaw and looks stupid as if be bad forgotten everything.
Bufo often corresponds to lesser attacks resembling vertigo. In this state people do not fall, and for a few seconds everything is blank, or sometimes they do things automatically in these moments.
A person, in this mild form of epileptic vertigo, will hardly show anything, but he will sometimes come to a perfect standstill and then go on as if nothing had happened. What occurred during that attack he knows nothing of.
Sometimes be will continue right on doing what he was doing, and nobody will know of the spell. Sometimes when driving he will turn his horses around, and when he comes to himself he will know by this that he Ins had one of his attacks.
Stomach and abdomen: Quite a number of medicines have produced that condition of the mind, a state in which he goes on doing things automatically.
“Vomiting after drinking.”
“Yellow fluid in vomit. ”
‘Vomiting of bile or blood.”
“Spasms end by convulsive movements in abdomen.”
It says in the text,
“The attack originates in abdomen;” that is, he has a feeling of anxiety in the abdomen previous to the attack.
“Hemorrhoidal tumors.”
“Urine passes involuntarily.”
The urine passes involuntarily in such as arc becoming imbeciles from the epileptic attacks, in approaching softening of the brain, which is really what is taking place, a form of softening, a lowered form of integrity.
Genitals: As you might suppose, there is great disturbance of the sexual organs, this is usually the case in insane people. Sometimes the sexual organs are in a state of excitement and sometimes in a state of impotency, but the patient is low-minded, inclination to carry the band constantly to the genital organs.
“Semen is discharged too quickly without pleasurable sensation.”
Spasms or epilepsy comes on during coition. It has also inflammation of glands, especially about the groins, such as are found in syphilis.
In the female sexual organs burning is the most striking feature burning in the ovaries and uterus. It is one of the most troublesome, symptoms you will have to contend with, when a case of dysmenorrhoea has burning in the ovaries and in the pelvis, at the coming on of or during menses.
Burning in the genital organs, in the ovaries, and rending, tearing pains that extend down the thighs. This forms a troublesome kind of dysmenorrhoea, especially when there are cysts and hydatids about the ovaries. Some will tell you that these cannot be cured.
All these conditions are curable!
“Burning beat and stitches in ovaries.”
“Distending, burning pains or cramps in uterus.”
This remedy has been a great palliative for these awful burning pains that occur in carcinoma of the uterus; stitching, rending, tearing pains in carcinoma of the uterus, when the pains run outwards into the legs, with ulceration of the uterus and cervix; tearing, stinging pains and bloody, offensive leucorrhea.
Bufo is full of offensive discharges; bloody, offensive leucorrhea. You would think you had the odor of gangrene or gangrenous erysipelas in the room from smelling these discharges.
“Enormous blisters upon tumefied uterus, discharging a thin, serous, yellow fluid.”
This occurs in epileptic states.
“Menstruation suppressed,”
“too early with headache,”
“burning in uterus and vagina.”
“Spasms occur just before menses.”
That is, girls who are subject to epilepsy have increase of spasm at the time of menses, sometimes before, sometimes during.
“Attacks worse at time of menses.”
“During menses contractive pain in liver.”
“Yellow fluid leucorrhoea.”
When the girl lies in an unconscious condition during the menstrual period and has several epileptic spasms which she has no realization of until told and then she is too much dazed to understand it she needs Bufo.
Bufo has been a great palliative in cancer of the mammae, for the burning pains and for the blisters that form roundabout; large, yellow blisters; blisters that fill with yellow, serous discharge; it has been especially useful when the milk is mixed with blood.
Larynx and chest: It corresponds to the low form of inflammation of the blood- vessels, like milk leg, when the veins feet like whipcords in the thighs.
“Burning, excoriation in larynx.”
You see how burning runs all through the remedy; it occurs wherever there are inflammatory conditions or where nerves are sensitive and painful, and the nerve sheath becomes painful and sensitive to touch along its course hence its use in sciatica and other inflammatory conditions of large nerves.
“Violent cough with vomiting.”
Cough with gagging and retching. Expectoration is bloody or formed of pure blood. Sensation of coldness in chest.
“Burning like fire in lungs.”
Burning extending up into the larynx; gangrene of the lungs.
“Laryngitis, haemoptysis.”
Burning in the chest with all these affections, such as have been described. It has the phtisical constitution when the epilepsy has been turned aside by strong drugs. It has the phtisical constitution when discharges have been suppressed by closing fistulous openings, or by stimulating ointments.
It has those low forms of disease which must develop when outward manifestations have been suppressed. The constitution that belongs to the very nature of the individual will come out in epilepsy, in insanity, in imbecility, in cancer, in some one of the low forms of disease. This medicine corresponds to a low type and constitution.
The nature of the Bufo constitution is such that it is capable of giving out symptoms similar to those produced by low forms of disease.
He is not likely to live to be old, he A likely to break down at forty. She comes to her end by cancer of uterus or breast, or by imbecility. He comes to his end with low forms of disease, malignant manifestations. This medicine, therefore goes into the very life.
Children develop an unusual tendency to low forms of chronic disease; they do not possess a good healthy nature, a good sound brain; but they are feeble, they break out with eruptions, they go into consumption. Persons of twenty-five have a tendency to break down, and when the symptoms look like those of Bufo this medicine will, in a wonderful way, make that constitution all over.
Such cases as these only get well by a violent turmoil and by tremendous aggravations. When we approach these diseases by easy stages the patient does not got so much disorder or excitement, but is not cured so radically. Old diseases would reappear, old gonorrheal would be brought back, and old syphilitic states come up, ulcers attack the mucous membranes, etc.
Such turmoil is likely to occur when you get a deep acting remedy, such as brings all the disease out that was lurking within.
“Attacks ushered in by a jerk in the nape of neck.”
“Swelling of bone she of Ea.”
“Arms became stiffened before an attack.”
“Numbness of left arm.”
“Blister in hand, which recurred annually.”
A great many troubles occur in the extremities, paralytic affections, etc.
A warm room is unbearable; headaches and flushes of the face are made worse in a warm room or when near the stove, better from bathing or in cold air. Complaints better from putting the feet in hot water.
Trembling. Some of the epileptic attacks occur with regular periodicity, others occur irregularly. We have no remedy for epilepsy.
Does that mean we must leave the human race to go on and suffer with epilepsy?
We do have plenty of remedies for people who have epilepsy. A large percentage of the cases are curable.
After what has been said concerning the nature of this remedy I am sure you will read the symptoms with great interest.
When you read the symptoms, they will cling around the constitution and nature of such individuals and such states as have been described.
This is one of the remedies that you will need to use for the development of feeble-minded children whether there are spasms or not.