
Anus and Stools: Pains through the abdomen. Copious, thick, mushy stools, and these are yellow, like yellow corn meal mush.

“Diarrhoea; mush-like yellowish discharges.”


From what we have seen it is not surprising that it is clay-colored, that it is bileless, that it is white.

The action on the liver does that. When you have these symptoms associated, with radiating pains, and with wandering pains in broken down constitutions, persons who are suffering from cold, who are pallid and sickly, you have a Berberis case.

Then the patient becomes constipated, but the stool is white, or very light colored.

“Burning, stinging pain before, during, and after stool.”

“Enlargement of the prostate gland, which causes a constant pressure in the perineum. Pressure as if there were a lump, or as if something was pressing down.”

“Tearing extending around the anus. Herpes around anus. Fistula in ano.”

Now the surgeons nearly all advocate that if there is a fistulous opening around the anus it must be operated upon. Homoeopathy cures such cases. I have, not operated on one for twenty years. The remedy that is indicated for the patient will cure the patient, and the fistula.

Above all things they should not be operated on. To close up that fistulous opening, and thus neglect the patient, is a very dangerous thing to do. Knowing all that I know, if such a trouble should come upon me and I could not find the remedy to cure it I would bear with it patiently, knowing I was keeping a much less grievance.

Nor I could I advise my patient to have, a thing done that I would not have done upon myself. It is a dangerous thing to operate upon a fistula in ano.

It is a very serious matter. If it is closed up, and that patient is leaning towards phthisis, he will develop phthisis; if he has a tendency towards Bright’s disease, that will hasten it; if he threatens to break down in any direction; his weakest parts will be affected and he will break down.

Occasionally time enough elapses so that the physician who is ignorant does not see the relation between the two. But now that you have heard it, you can never forget it.

Kidneys: And then the kidneys and the urinary organs come in for their troubles. There is such a soreness in the lumbar region, in the region of the kidneys, that he can bear no pressure.

He cannot step down from a carriage to the pavement without letting himself down very carefully. A jar is a great shock to him, and sometimes the soreness is so great that he almost faints.

Soreness in the back; in the muscles of the back, and in the region of the kidneys; and this associated with all sorts of disturbances in the urine, with excessive deposits.

The kidneys radiate in every direction. Pains run up into the kidney, and they become worn out if he does not get relief, he will have some serious disease. Hence we have these symptoms.

“Burning and soreness in the region of the kidneys. Burning stitches, single or several in succession, in regions of loins and kidneys. Much pain, soreness and tenderness in back, in the region of the kidneys. Sensitiveness in the region of the kidneys so great that any jarring motion, riding in a wagon, jumping from it, was intolerable. After kidney complaints, a foul, bitter taste, rush of blood to the throat. Great urging, with pain in the neck of the bladder, with burning, scanty urine. Violent, cutting, tensive pain, deeply seated in left side of bladder, at last becoming a sticking, obliquely in female urethra, as if in its orifice, lasting a ‘few minutes.”

Now we see how these symptoms manifest themselves. Sore, inflamed, sensitive kidney, one or both.

And then, the formation of little calculi in the pelvis of the kidney – little stones like pinheads; and every now and then one of them takes a start down the ureter to the bladder, and, oh, how he suffers.

Then it is that the pains in the kidneys radiate in every direction. Pains run up into the kidneys and down into the bladder.

In the male they appear as if, they ran down the spermatic cord into the testes, and he is a great sufferer. You will, be astonished to know how quickly Berberis will relieve this particular kind of renal colic. Burning pain in the bladder; burning pain in the kidney.

“Urine dark, turbid with copious sediment. Urine very slow to flow. Constant urging.”

The bladder becomes very irritable. Catarrhal conditions of the bladder. Smarting, burning, stitch ing pains. Many troubles, pains and aches in the spermatic cord and testes in gouty constitutions. Burning pains along these regions.

Berberis especially fits a woman who is tired, with a gouty constitution; though not old in years she is physically tired, so that all of her domestic affairs fret and tire her.

Coition becomes painful, and she has an aversion to it. The orgasm is delayed, or is entirely absent, and she is prostrated by it.

In all the affairs of her innermost life she is a drudge.

Full of twinging pains in all of her nerves.

“Burning in the female urethra. Burning pain in the vagina”.

A lack of sensation normal to these parts in the woman.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.