Benzoicum Acidum

“Urine of a very repulsive odor.”

“Effervescing with hydrochloric acids.”

The odor is sometimes like hartshorn; it is pungent; these are only efforts to describe the strong smell.

“Urine dark brown.”

It is true that normal urine after standing a while will get a foetid odor, but in this remedy, that just passed is properly described as being intensely urinous.

“Urine contains mucus and pus.”

“Morbid condition of urine renders urine acid.”

it says in the text “Hippuricum acid,” but this is a rare condition.

“Brown urine smells sour.”

“Too frequent desire to evacuate bladder.”

“Nephritic colic.”

“Urine dark, urinous odor highly intensified.”

Gouty troubles of the liver; rheumatism; nephritic colic; it has cured such states after gonorrhoea, but it is not much of a gonorrhoeal remedy.

When the rheumatic states and these symptoms are present there are more or less pains in the kidney.

” Sore pain in the back; burning in the kidney.”

“Prolapsus uteri with foetid urine.”

“Retention of urine in infants.”

“Asthma with inflammatory rheumatic complaints.”

“Cough followed by expectoration of green mucus.”

Heart: The organ that is most commonly affected in these rheumatic complaints is the heart. No organ is so likely to be affected when rheumatism leaves the outermost parts as the heart.

Pains in the heart. So in this diathesis, with the strong smelling urine and the gout, we may expect affections of the heart.

“Pains change place incessantly.”

“Palpitation of the heart.”

The rheumatism, of course, is affecting the heart.

“Awakens after midnight with violent pulsations of the heart.”

Think a moment and you will see in what kind of a case you will need Benzoic acid.

The constitution of the remedy comes to mind at once with the heart symptoms, the dyspnea, pain in the heart with rheumatic symptoms;

“cannot go to sleep.”

Think of the alternation of sleeplessness with sleep; think of the strong urine, of the fluctuating complaints, of the erratic constitution.

“Palpitation worse at night.”

“Rheumatic pains in extremities relieving heart.”

There we get relief; complaints going back to the extremities with relief to the heart. The heart will relieve when the urine becomes copious or when the rheumatism goes back to the extremities, into the fingers and knees, especially the knees in Benzoic acid.

Rheumatism alternating between the extremities and heart. This medicine has cured affections of the heart when the rheumatism has a long time ago disappeared from the extremities and has ever since been affecting the heart; after Benzoic acid has been administered a very good sign of its action is that the extremities become painful and the urine becomes copious; free urine and solids increased; the urine becomes heavy, whereas it was light.

“Hard, frequent pulse.”

Extremities: The extremities are full of rheumatic affections.

“Lassitude in lower limbs.”

“Swelling of knee.”

All gouty affections belong to this remedy.

“Gouty concretions.”

“Nodes on joints.”

Benzoic acid is often an excellent palliating remedy in old gouty constitutions; they want to be relieved of the pains in their fingers and in the nodes and joints. The fingers crack and are clumsy and painful.

But often the pain has been relieved and gone to other parts. This is one among the remedies that will drive the complaints away from the internal organs and generally increase the pain in the extremities, which they will scold about.

“Trembling with palpitation of heart.”

“Extreme weakness; sweat and comatose condition.”

Note that comatose condition with sweat; the Benzoic acid patient sweats without relief.

Copious, exhaustive sweat and profound sleep, but there is no relief.

“Awaken with difficulty of breathing.”

Pulsation all over.

“All sorts of catarrhal states; gouty diathesis, gout with arthritic nodosites, syphilitic rheumatism, etc.”

These patients are getting low down in the scale of life, the tissues become feeble. Ulcers form upon the skin and mucous membranes.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.