Arsenicum Iodatum

It has many complaints of the liver. Pain in abdomen after eating; during menses; during stool; better by external warmth.

Pain in hypogastrium, hypochondria, groin, liver, spleen and umbilical region; burning, cramping, drawing pain in abdomen; cutting in abdomen during stool; cutting pain in liver pressing pains and soreness in liver.

Stitching pains in hypochondria pulsating in abdomen; restless feeling in abdomen; pain and soreness in spleen.

Very troublesome constipation; diarrhoea alternating with constipation; stool hard, knotty and light colored. The diarrhoea comes in the morning and after eating; in old people, excoriating stool. Dysentery with bloody mucous stools and tenesmus; diarrhoea with brown,

Copious, frequent, offensive, yellow or white watery stools; ineffectual urging to stool; urging after stool; offensive flatus. External piles. Itching of anus. Burning in anus after stool.

Bladder and kidneys: It acts deeply upon the bladder and kidneys. It has been most useful in Addison’s disease.

Retention of urine; constant or frequent urging to urinate; worse during the night; urination is dribbling and involuntary, suppression of urine; the urine is albuminous, cloudy, dark, red, copious or scanty and offensive.

Genitals: The genital organs present many symptoms and complaints. Erections, strong toward morning; later incomplete and wanting. It cures hydrocele and induration of the testes.

Itching of the penis and glans; perspiration of the genitals; seminal emissions; swelling of the testes; ulcers on the penis; chancres and chancroids with bubos.

It has been a great comfort to the women in many complaints. It has restrained the progress of cancer of uterus in a notable manner; the burning and odor are removed and the ulceration is lessened.

Life has been prolonged to four years in several cases. Sexual desire is increased. It has cured enlargement and induration of the ovaries; it has cured inflammation of the ovaries.

Leucorrhoea, acrid, bloody, burning, copious, after menses, thick or thin, yellow; menses absent or suppressed, copious, frequent, late, painful, short.

Haemorrhage from the uterus; pain in ovaries, especially the right; sore, bruised genitals and ovaries. Prolapsus of the uterus; swollen ovaries. It has stopped the growth of ovarian tumors.

Larynx and trachea: Croupous condition of the larynx. Dryness in the air passages. Inflammation of the larynx and trachea; much mucus in the larynx and trachea; spasmodic conditions of the larynx like Laryngismus; burning rawness and soreness in larynx and trachea; phthisis of the larynx.

The voice is hoarse, rough and weak and finally lost; respiration is fast and asthmatic; respiration is difficult at night, on ascending, on exertion and motion, with palpitation; respiration is irregular, rattling, short, suffocative and wheezing.

Asthma from 11 P.M. until 2 A.M. The cough is in the morning, evening and after midnight; the cough is asthmatic, croupy, deep, dry, exhausting, during fever; cough from irritation and tickling in larynx and trachea; the cough is loose, spasmodic, suffocative; worse from motion and talking; worse in a warm room.

It cures whooping cough. Expectoration most in the morning; is bloody, copious, greenish-yellow, difficult; mucous and bloody; mucus offensive, purulent, tough, viscid, yellow, tasting putrid, saltish, sweetish.

There is marked anxiety in the region of the heart. Catarrh of the bronchial tubes; constriction of the chest, of the heart; fatty degeneration of the heart. Enlarged and painful mammae. Heat in the chest.

Inflammation of the bronchial tubes, endocardium, pericardium, lungs and pleura; murmurs of the heart; stitching of the skin of chest; oppression of the chest and heart in a warm room; pain in the side of chest; in the heart; burning in the chest; cutting pain in chest and in the heart; pressing pain in chest; rawness in chest; stitching, pain in chest on coughing; palpitation from excitement, from exertion; tumultuous palpitation.

Paralysis of the heart, of the lungs. It is a very useful remedy in ulcerative conditions during phthisis; swollen axillary gIands: tremulous heart; tumor of the axilla. Great weakness of chest and heart.

Pain in the back during menses; pain in the lumbar region during menses; pain in sacrum and coccyx.

Limbs: Coldness of hands, legs and feet; cramps of upper limbs, lower limbs, thighs, legs and feet; scaly eruptions, eczema and vesicles; heat of hands; heaviness of the limbs as though tired; heaviness of the feet.

Hip joint disease. Itching of all the limbs; numbness of all the limbs, fingers, legs and feet; pain in all the joints, gouty and rheumatic; rheumatic pain in upper limbs; pain in elbow forearm, hip, thigh, knee, foot; drawing in lower limbs, thighs, knees; stitching pain in shoulders, wrists and knees; tearing in joints, elbows, fingers; paralytic weakness in upper limbs; paralysis of lower limbs.

Cold perspiration of hands and feet. Stiffness of limbs, of fingers. Dropsical swelling of hands, legs and feet; trembling of hands and lower limbs; twitching of upper limbs and legs; weakness of upper limbs and knees.

Dreams amorous; anxious; of dead people; distressing; vivid; nightmare. Restless sleep; sleepiness in the evening; sleepless after Midnight, waking too early.

Chill at night in bed; chill external and internal, worse from motion. Quartian, tertian shaking-chill; periodicity marked; warm room does not ameliorate the chill.

Fever afternoon and night; fever alternates with chill; fever and chill intermingle; dry, external heat; flushes of heat; chronic intermittent fever; internal heat with external coldness; fever with no sweat, and desire to uncover. Hectic fever.

Perspiration morning and night; cold sweat; exhausting sweat; sweat on motion, or on slight exertion; profuse night sweats.

Skin: Anaesthesia of the skin; burning skin; the skin is jaundiced; liver spots and red spots.

The skin is cold to touch; dryness of the skin with inability to perspire. Many eruptions on the skin; boils, pustules, rash and scales moist eruptions, eczema, itching eruption; herpes; psoriasis.

It has cured ichthyosis. Dry, scaly, burning eruptions; urticaria.

It cures all syphilitic eruptions where the symptoms agree, where eruptions have been suppressed by local treatment.

Excoriation; erysipelas formication, indurations; itching, burning and stinging; rough skin; purpura haemorrhagica.

Dropsical, spongy swelling of skin; ulcers with bleeding or bloody discharges, with corrosive watery, yellow discharge.

Cancerous ulceration. Indolent and indurated ulcers; sensitive and suppurating ulcers ulcerative pain in ulcers in old syphilitic ulcers.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.