“Mouth burning, ulcerated; grey, dirty, spongy skin about a tooth, which is surrounded with proud flesh; offensive saliva.”
In the mouth we have the same general feature of ulceration, with dryness of the mouth, dry tongue and throat, and great thirst for ice cold water.
“Uvula inflamed and enlarged. Predisposed to tonsillitis.”
“Vomits everything he eats.”
After that you can put the word “ulcer,” because it especially refers to that state of congestion, where there is easy ulceration.
Abdomen: Under abdomen we find flatulence.
The intestines do not perform their work, they take on spasmodic action, and consequently the patient suffers from cramps and colicky pains; boring, rending, tearing pains.
Retraction of the abdomen and drawing in of the navel. If you will compare Lead in its poisonous effects upon those who work in white lead you will see quite a counterpart of this remedy, and you will not be surprised to observe that Plumbum and this remedy antidote each other.
They do so because they are so similar, they cannot live in the same house. Alumen is a great remedy to overcome lead colic in those who work in lead; it removes the susceptibility.
There are many painters who have to give up their occupation on account of this susceptibility.
Alumen will often overcome this tendency and enable them to go back to their business. Etc,
Female: In the female we note
“weight of uterus presses down collum; granulations of vagina; leucorrhoea copious; emaciation; yellow complexion; indurations of uterus, even scirrhus; ulcers of uterus.”
Sometimes you get evidence of this vaginal state by the woman saying that coition is so painful that it becomes impossible; it is not to be wondered at that the natural act cannot be performed when so much trouble is present.
Larynx and Chest
“Voice entirely lost.”
Chronic loss of the voice from a low state of the economy and from always taking fresh colds. Expectoration of much yellow mucus; scraping of the throat all the time to get rid of a little accumulation of yellow mucus.
“Dry cough in evening after lying down.”
“Chronic morning cough.”
Cough is not a very important thing in this remedy; it is the general state of the economy that is to be looked at. The cough will not interpret the nature of the disease to the physician, because when these little ulcers are present they must cause some kind of a cough. This patient may go into phthisis or be affected with any of the ultimates of disease.
Alumen has been very useful in the treatment of old people who morning expectoration, catarrh of the chest, suffer from copious, ropy, haemoptysis and great weakness of the chest, so that it is difficult to expel the mucus. In this it is similar to Antimonium tartaricum.
Alumen and Alumina: Because of its relation to Alumina further provings; will undoubtedly develop the fact that it has many spinal symptoms. It is well known that it has a weak spine, with coldness of the spine, a feeling as if cold water were poured own the back.
Pain in the dorsal spine on a line with the inferior angle of the scapulae; weakness in this region and in the shoulders.
Like Alumina it has the sensation of constriction, as of a cord or band around the limbs. Feeling as if a cord were drawn tightly around the upper arm.
The clumsiness of the fingers, as seen in dropping things, the pain in the lower limbs at night, the lassitude and numbness, are other manifestations of spinal symptoms.
Sensation as of a cord around the leg under the knee; soles sensitive to pressure on walking; feet numb and cold, although warmly covered; legs cold to knees.
These are all further evidences of the action of the remedy on the spinal cord. Bruised pain in all the limbs. Crawling, tingling paralysis of all the limbs.
He is kept awake at night by a sensation as if the blood rushed through the body. Many complaints come on during sleep. Night mare. He is sensitive to weather changes and very sensitive to cold.