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Nash gives the symptoms of homeopathy drug Silicea in relation to Catarrh, Laryngitis, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pertussis, Pneumonia, Pleuritis, Tuberculosis & Cough. Leaders in Respiratory Organs by E.B. Nash, 1909….

Respiratory organs

Silicea is another remedy which, like Calcarea and Lycopodium, cures cases the result of mal – assimilation, and changes the whole being of its subject from a sickly to a healthy and strong person. Of course, this is most easily and quickly done in young and childhood. The best time to begin the treatment of tuberculosis is before they get it, or in scientific parlance, prophylactic. Rosenbaum writes (page 261 Physician versus Bacteriologist) thus: “In the interest of prognosis and therapy not only is the determination of the species of micro – organism present to a certain degree essential, but information as well regarding the extent of irritability to foreign bodies and their product (predisposition).” “The demonstration of the microbes is of particular value only in this connection, the presence of tubercle bacilli in the sputum proves a certain inferiority of the pulmonary tissue, which condition prognosticates further changes of tissue and also creates the soil for the pyogenic organisms.” To this ” inferiority” of not only pulmonary but any tissue, homoeopathy particularly addresses itself, and aims to render untenable the human organism as a ” soil” adapted to the destructive organisms bacterial, etc. The physician who is able to recognize early the manifestations of a disordered vital force, and set it to rights, is far more efficient as a healer than those who are never able to act until the pathological or microbic appearances confirm a diagnosis. In other words, the anticipatory or prophylactic treatment, hygienic and remedial, is of paramount importance. So far as remedies are concerned, the homoeopathist is able to meet the demand in his ” symptom correspondence” treatment of the Patient even before pathological lesions are “to the front” better than any other. This we claim, and it is “up to us” to be able in our knowledge of Sulphur, Calcarea, Lycopod., Psorinum, Tuberculinum and the long list of well proven drugs to be able to choose wisely, and apply skilfully to this kind of patient. What are the leading symptoms pointing to Silicea? We give a few especially adapted to those who suffer from imperfect nourishment not from defects in quality, or quantity, or food, but from defective assimilation. Lean, emaciated body with weak ankles. Disproportionately large head, which sweats. Feels very sensitive to cold; lack of vital warmth, and is especially averse to uncovering of the head, better with it wrapped up. Foot sweat which is offensive, and if checked brings on much suffering generally. Yielding mind, discouraged, tearful (chronic of Pulsatilla ), “grit all gone.” Tendency to suppurations, and glandular swellings. Constipation, stool slips back when partially expelled, or persistent diarrhoea with changeable stools. This is a picture of Silicea, which may be found in subjects tending to the development of tuberculosis and may check it. It also has its uses in the late stage of the disease, especially when the expectoration becomes purulent or mucopurulent, and may afford much comfort and lengthen life by controlling the suppurative process here as in other tissues, and modifying the night cough which is so fatiguing and weakening.

Chronic coryza, ulcers high up in the nose, fetid, offensive discharges, caries of bones, from syphilis or scrofula. Better from having head wrapped up warm.

Cough character – Dry at first, later loose and purulent, or mucopurulent. Sometimes musty or fetid.

Cough aggravated by – worse cold drink, motion, speaking, lying down, night cough.

Concomitants – Pain in the chest; weakness in the chest ( Stann..) difficult to speak; shortness of breath, worse exercise, lying on the back, want of animal heat, always chilly, sense of hair on the tongue; night sweats, most after midnight; weakened or difficult assimilation; eats enough but does not nourish; foot sweats, or consequence of its suppression; generally better in warmth, especially covering head.

It will be seen that it is in chronic coughs that Silicea is most apt to be needed, the constitutional symptoms guiding to the choice even more than the cough. As elsewhere the tendency to suppurations or cavities in the lungs is an important factor.

Here it may be between Silicea and Kali carb., or if there is profuse discharge greatly weakening the patient – China. Calcarea hypophos. has a wonderful influence over suppurative process, as I have had occasion to witness, but my experience is that it must be given low but carefully, as it sometimes excites haemorrhage, while on the contrary Silicea must be given high, and sometimes very high, to get the best results. The 6,000th acts beautifully.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.