Carbo veg

Nash gives the symptoms of homeopathy drug Carbo Veg in relation to Catarrh, Laryngitis, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pertussis, Pneumonia, Pleuritis, Tuberculosis & Cough. Leaders in Respiratory Organs by E.B. Nash, 1909….

Respiratory organs

Cough – Dry, spasmodic, continuous (in whooping cough), or, expectorates purulent matter as in tuberculosis.

Cough excited by – itching in the larynx or roughness or crawling in the throat.

Cough aggravated by – worse evening or midnight; going from warm to cold places; damp air.

Cough concomitants – Hoarseness and rawness worse evenings or damp air; breathing short; wants to be fanned; burning in the chest; haemoptysis, with pale cold skin; weak, fatigued feeling in the chest; pneumonia, fetid sputum, cold breath and sweat, rattling breathing, threatened paralysis, cold knees, etc.

Many cases of pneumonia that have seemed hopeless, in a state of collapse, blood stagnating in the capillaries, causing blueness, coldness and ecchymosis, with the foregoing chest symptoms, may be saved by this remedy. The difference between Carbo veg. and Arsenicum in this stage is that the erethism and restlessness is very marked under the latter, and lack of manifestation of vital force under the Carbo veg. It is not only here in these affections that Carbo veg. is useful, but in typhoids and other diseases where these conditions are present.

Carbo veg. complements it if there is great prostration, sunken hippocratic face, general coldness and blueness, and there is rattling respiration and dyspnoea with desire to be fanned hard to help the breathing. Pleuritis.Cough by spells or no cough; if cough with rattling but too weak to expectorate ( Ant. tart. ); Ant. tart. has failed; hippocratic face, nose pinched and cold; lips, hands, feet and skin blue and cold, breath cold, dyspnoea great, wants to be fanned, can’t get oxygen enough, vital force almost expended. I have seen several such cases come out under Carbo veg., re – action setting in so that other remedies that did not act satisfactory will now take hold and do better work. Antimon tart. is often of great utility where the case has gone into what might be called the “loosening up” stage. The chest seems full of mucus with coarse rattling and cough which seems as though it must bring up large quantities, but it does not; the patient becomes cyanotic from want of oxygen, which the great accumulation of mucus shuts out, there seems to be lack of strength to expectorate, even threatened paralysis of the lungs; fits of suffocation. This is the condition that precedes the desperate stage of Carbo veg. and may save the patient from it. It is oftenest found in children and very old people. Pneumonia.

Carbo veg. if there is dark or light colored haemorrhage with perfect indifference, especially if there is excessive paleness of the skin of whole body.

If, notwithstanding the use of Ant-t., the rattling and weakness increase, the cyanosis also, until the blood stagnates in the capillaries, the extremities and breath become cold, and the patient gasps fan me, fan harder, Carbo veg. is still able to turn the scale in favour of the patient. I have witnessed this result more than once. It is in these cases more of a broncho – pneumonia than simple bronchitis.

Carbo veg. may follow Ant-t. if the weakness and general blueness from unoxygenized blood, with great hunger for oxygen, wants to be fanned hard to breathe, coldness and prostration.

Pertussis (Whooping Cough).

Carbo vegetabilis is also well adapted to the chronic form, though it may come in early and prevent it, if there is hoarseness equal to Calcarea or Causticum, but is worse in the evening or the damp air of evening. It is particularly well adapted to old or elderly people of low or reduced vitality.

With both Calcarea and Carbo veg. there may be thick heavy expectoration. Laryngitis.

It, like the Kalis, maybe indicated in any stage of phthisis. If it begins in the larynx with painless hoarseness; great roughness with deep rough voice ( Drosera ) which failed on exerting it; worse from damp evening air ( Causticum, worse morning), this is the first remedy. It is particularly good for this condition in elderly people of broken down constitutions, venous system preponderating. But its use is by no means confined to the aged. The Carbo veg. subject is one of generally reduced vitality, which may or may not have followed on the heels of some acute disease from which she never recovered, is apt to be pale, anaemic, with scorbutic gums and flatulent and easily deranged stomach; much gas which presses upward ( Lycopodium, downward, intestinal) and is quite subject to haemorrhages from gums, nose or lungs. A characteristic of these haemorrhages with this remedy is the great paleness of the skin. The breathing is short, oppressed, wants more oxygen, hunger for oxygen, wants to be fanned hard, or had doors and windows open.

Circulation is weak, with coldness of extremities, especially knees. There is sensation of weakness and fatigue in the chest, sometimes with burning as from glowing coals. Aching through apex to right scapula ( left Myrtus, Sulphur ). It has two kinds of cough, one dry, hard, spasmodic, the other loose, with purulent, salty ( Kali hyd. ) or offensive sputa ( Sanguinaria and Creosot. ). These with more symptoms show how valuable this remedy is. It is not used so often as it might be with great advantage, especially by the materialists who can see nothing above the twelfth potency.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.