This remedy powerfully excites the sexual appetite in both sexes. It is almost irresistible, and leads the patient into a mania in which he will expose himself. This is succeeded by the opposite extreme of impotence, though the desire remains after the ability to perform is gone. Of course, this sexual symptoms are accompanied with concomitant symptoms of the drug.

Upon the female sexual organs PHOS., Is true to its general haemorrhagic tendencies, if the menses do not appear, there is often VICARIOUS BLEEDING from the nose or lungs instead. PHOS., is BOUND TO BLEED. It is so with cancer of the womb or breast also they bleed easily. Upon the RESPIRATORY ORGANS this is one of our greatest remedies. Beginning with the voice and larynx it causes and cures great hoarseness. Patient can hardly make a loud noise, and is apt to be worse in the even., or forepart of the night. There is PAIN IN THE LARYNX worse by talking, or can’t talk at all on account of it. In croup it sometimes comes in after ACON., and SPONGIA., have failed. The disease has progressed downward until it involves the bronchi and parenchyma of the lungs. It is of indispensable value here, and also when, after the violence of the affections seems to have abated, the patient hoarses up every even., and seems to be INCLINED TO RELAPSE.

In bronchitis the cough is tight, worse from even., to midnight, also from SPEAKING, LAUGHING, READING ALOUD (ARG- MET.,)COLD, and LYING ON LEFT SIDE. The patient suppresses the cough with a moan just as long as he can, because it hurts him so. The whole body TREMBLES with the cough.

It has great oppression of breathing in both acute and chronic affections of the lungs. There is HEAVINESS, AS OF A WEIGHT ON THE CHEST. In pneumonia, for which PHOS., is one of our best remedies, it attacks the LOWER HALF OF THE RIGHT LUNG. It is apt to be indicated by the symptoms, either at the beginning of the stage of hepatization, when it puts a stop to the further progress of the disease, but its more frequent application comes in where the stage of hepatization is past and we want to break it up and promote absorption or resolution.

Now, do not misunderstand and give the remedy blindly on a pathological indication. If you do you will sometimes fail, and ought to, But I repeat, this remedy will oftener be found the indicated one here than any other. After the hepatization begins to break up. Other remedies like ANT-T., SULPH., and LYCOPODIUM., will come in.

In pleuritis you will find stitches in the left side increased by lying on the left side. Remember in both affections PHOS., is characteristically increased by lying upon left side.

In tuberculosis, it is oftenest indicated in the incipient stage with the symptom of cough, oppression and general weakness already mentioned; but I have often found it indicated in the later stages, and if given very high and in the single dose and not repeated have seen it greatly benefit even incurable cases. If given too low and repeated it will fearfully worse.

One of the most characteristic symptoms of this remedy is, ” FEELING OF INTENSE HEAT RUNNING UP THE BACK. “Again the burning may be in spots along the spine. Also it has intense heat and burning between the scapulae. (LYCOPODIUM.,)

These, like the rest of the burnings of PHOS., often occur in diseases of the spine and nervous system, but not necessarily so. Like ZINC., these burnings may be purely subjective, but are none the less valuable as therapeutic indications.

Another very characteristic symptom of PHOS., is BURNING OF THE HANDS. It is as strong as the burning of the feet of SULPH., and is found both in acute and chronic diseases; The flashes of heat all over BEGIN in the hands and spread from there even to the face. It now remains to call attention to the CONSTITUTION OF PHOSPHORUS.

1). “Tall, slender persons of sanguine temperament, fair skin, blonde hair; quick, lively perception and sensitive nature.

2). “Tall, slender phthisical patients, delicate eyelashes, soft hair.

3). “Tall, slender women disposed to stoop.

4). “Young people who grow too rapidly and are inclined to stoop.

5). “Nervous, weak persons who like to be magnetised.

Now, in number 4 there is not the tendency to grow fat, like CALC.,, but tall, and you will notice that the PHOS element in CALC-P., takes away the fat producing property of the CALC., element.

Now in closing, we desire to say we have only touched upon the wonderful virtues of this drug, which must be studied in its entirety. Enough, however, we trust to convince of its great value.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.