Therapeutic symptoms of homeopathic remedy Nitric Acid, described by E.B. Nash in his book, Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics, published in 1898….

Has a particular affinity for mucus outlets, where skin and membranes join; cracks; rhagades, fissures.

Pricking pains as of a splinter in the parts.

Urine strong smelling;like horse urine.

Haemorrhages from all outlets of the body;blood bright red.

Pricking ulcers; excrescences; condylomata; fig-warts (sycosis).

Nervous, irritable, dark complexioned persons.

Modalities : better riding in carriage.

NITRIC ACID is one of our most effective antidotes to the effects of allopathic medicines with mercury in syphilis. For the other bad effects of the abuse of mercury other remedies are better, notably, hEPAR.,CALC., NIT-AC., has a particular affinity for the outlets of mucous surfaces, where the skin and membrane join, such as the mouth (corners), nose and anus. In the mouth we find the corners cracked, ulcerated and scabby;also aphthae, stomatitis with ptyalism, swelling of the gums, foetor oris, etc.

If MERC has already been used without avail NIT-AC., follows well and will often cure.

This ulcerated, swollen and spongy condition of the gums will extend into the throat, and if it is the result of combined syphilis and mercurialization of the old school NIT-AC., is the first remedy. The action of this remedy is just as positive upon the other outlet of the alimentary canal.

The anus is cracked and fissured similarly (RATANHIA), and haemorrhoids protrude, crack, bleed and are very sore. No remedy has more decided action upon the anus, and one very characteristic symptom is, “great pain after passage of stool, EVEN SOFT STOOL.” He walks the floor in agony of pain for an hour or two after a stool (RATANHIA).In dysentery this symptom distinguishes this remedy from NUX-V., which is RELIEVED after stool and MERC., which is RELIEVED after stool and MERCURIUS which, has tenesmus ALL THE TIME, or before, during and after stool.

Another very strong characteristic of this remedy in all these affections is, “PRICKING PAIN AS OF A SPLINTER IN THE PART.” NIT-AC., has haemorrhages from all outlets of the body, and the blood is generally bright red. It is especially so in typhoid and haemorrhoids. NIT-AC is one of our best remedies in chronic diarrhoea. It is one of the celebrated trio, viz., THUJA, STAPHISAGRIA and NIT-AC., for condylomata. It is one of three remedies having very offensive odor to the urine, viz.,


BENZ-AC., urine is very dark with very intense urinous odor.

NIT-AC., dark, smelling like horse urine.

SEPIA, offensive and SOURISH.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.