Corallium Rubrum

Corallium Rubrum symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms by Adolph von Lippe. What are the symptoms of Corallium Rubrum? Keynote indications and uses of Corallium Rubrum…


      RED CORAL.


      Is useful in a combination of syphilis and psora (F.).

Congestion of blood to the face and head (after dinner.).

Dry coryza; nose feels stopped up (Arsenicum, Nux vomica, Stict.) (Br.).

Painful ulcers in nostrils (Borax, Calcarea sulph., Hepar, Mercurius, Acid nitricum) (Br.).

INSPIRED AIR FEELS COLD: (Aesculus, Ant-C., Arsenicum, Bromium, Cist., Hydrastis, Kali bichromicum) (N.).

Profuse discharge of thick, yellow, and stringy mucus from nasal passages (Hydrastis, Kali bichromicum, Nat-S.) (A.).

Epistaxis, especially at night (Belladonna, Carbo vegetabilis, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Pulsatilla) (C.).

Profuse secretion of mucus through the posterior nares, obliging one to hawk frequently.

Is useful for cough like whooping cough. The night paroxysms are very severe (N.).


May be used in any kind of cough, when the attack comes on with a very rapid cough, and the attacks follow so closely as to almost run into each other (G.).

Feels suffocated and greatly exhausted after whooping cough (Br.).

Laryngismus stridulus (Bromium, Chlorum, Iodium, Phosphorus, Sambucus) (Bl.).

Paroxysms of violent, spasmodic cough, commencing with gasping for breath, and continuing with repeated crowing inspirations, until the patient grows purple or black in the face (Dn.).


Chancroids or soft chancres (Mercurius, Nux vomica,) may find a swift and sure cure in Cor-R. (N.).

Has also been found useful in chancre. The ulcer is red (coral red), flat and exceedingly sensitive. Sometimes painful (N.).

Chancres on any part of penis or scrotum (N.).

Sexual power weakened (Caladium, Nux vomica, Selenium, Sulphur).

Profuse perspiration on the genitals (Aurum, Caladium, Fluor-Ac., Hydrastis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Petroleum, Selenium, Sepia, Silicea, Thuja) (Br.).

Short, quick and ringing cough (D.).

Cough as soon as he eats (Ant-T., Arsenicum, Bryonia, Carbo vegetabilis, Coc-C., Ipecac., Kali bichromicum, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Rumx., Sepia) (B.).

Difficult and oppressed respirations (Bromium, Carbo vegetabilis, Lachesis, Phosphorus, Sulphur) (C.).

Psoriasis of palms and soles (Arsenicum, Ars-I., Graphites, Kali-Arsenicum, Mercurius, Petroleum, Sepia, (Br.).

Copper-coloured spots on the skin (Carb-An., Mercurius, Kali-I., Acid nitricum, Syphilinum, Thuja) (Br.).

Too hot if covered, but chilled by uncovering (B.).

There are smooth spots on the surface of the body mostly on the palms of the hands. At first they are of a coral-red hue, but they finally become darker, and assume the well-known copper colour, characteristic of syphilis (F.).

LONGING FOR ACIDS AND SALT FOOD (Argentum nitricum, Calcarea, Calcarea sulph., Carbo vegetabilis, Conium, Medorrhinum, Merc-I-F., Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus, Plb., Sulphur, Thuja, Veratrum).

Head feels too large (Argentum nitricum, Belladonna, Gloninum, Nux-M., Nux vomica, Ran-B.).

Very violent headache, as if the parietal bones were forced as under; aggravated by stooping (C.).


      From deep inspiration; at night; from stooping; after dinner; from touch; from uncovering; and in open air.


      From covering.


      Compare: Ant-T., Belladonna, Bromium, Chlorum, Coc-C., Cuprum, Hyoscyamus, Drosera, Kali bichromicum, Mercurius, Meph., Acid nitricum, Phosphorus, Rumx., Sepia, Silicea, and Sulph.

complementary: Sulph.

Adolph Lippe
Adolph Lippe (born near Goerlitz, Prussia, 11 May 1812; died in Philadelphia, 23 January 1888) was a homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. Adolph got a legal education at Berlin. After completing his legal studies, Lippe became interested in homeopathy, and emigrated to the United States in 1837 to further his study. In 1838, he enrolled in the North American Academy of Homeopathy at Allentown, Pennsylvania, from where he graduated in 1841. He settled in Philadelphia, where from 1863 until 1868 he was professor of materia medica in the Homeopathic College of Pennsylvania. Besides some essays and treatises from the French, German, and Italian which became standards, Lippe was the author of:
Comparative Materia Medica (Philadelphia, 1854)
Text-Book of Materia Medica (1866)