A nervous “gone” sensation at the pit of the stomach (Ign; Sep; Sulph) — KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM.
Abhorrence of liquids — BELLADONNA.
Abnormal cravings-chalk, charcoal, dry food, tea-grounds — ALUMINA.
Abnormal hunger, loss of taste — BRYONIA ALBA.
Abnormal hunger — GLONOINUM.
Accumulation of cold, watery saliva — ASARUM EUROPAEUM.
Aching in region of liver extending to spine, which feels chilly — LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA.
Achlorhydria and fermentation of food — MURIATICUM ACIDUM.
Acid dyspepsia with bloated abdomen, sour eructations — SEPIA.
Acid dyspepsia — CAUSTICUM.
Acid eructations, like heartburn — AMBRA GRISEA.
Acid rising; regurgitation of food — CHAMOMILLA.
Acid risings, ravenous hunger, nausea, weight and aching in stomach — GENTIANA LUTEA.
Acidity (Calc; Robinia) — ZINGIBER OFFICINALE.
Acidity after every mouthful — ELAPS CORALLINUS.
Acidity, flatulence, shortness of breath after eating — LOBELIA INFLATA.
Acidity, nausea, gnawing, relieved by eating (Anacard) — LITHIUM CARBONICUM.
Acrid vomiting, thirstless and tolerates only warm drinks — CALCAREA CARBONICA.
Acrid, burning taste; acidity, with contractive feeling in pit of stomach — LOBELIA INFLATA.
Acts as a tonic, increasing appetite — GENTIANA LUTEA.
Acute gastritis, severe pain in epigastrium; prolonged vomiting — GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS.
Acute gastralgia with pains extending to shoulder — NICCOLUM METALLICUM.
Acute indigestion from fatigue and brain-fag; much flatulence — CALCAREA FLUORICA.
Affection of the antrum of Highmore — MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM
After cold water or ice-cream, sharp pain in forehead, extending to nose — DIGITALIS PURPUREA.
After eating, cough — TAXUS BACCATA.
After eating, flatulence, pulsation in rectum and sexual irritation — ALOE SOCOTRINA.
After eating, pressure in stomach, with bitter taste in mouth — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.
After eating, pulsation all over, especially abdomen — SELENIUM METALLICUM.
After eating, weakness in all limbs and pulsation in arteries — CLEMATIS ERECTA.
After irritating food — HYOSCYAMUS NIGER.
After nursing, the child vomits its milk in curds, and refuses to nurse afterwards, and is very cross–ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM.
After wine and liquor — COFFEA CRUDA.
Aggravation from drinking coffee; drinking the smallest quantity increases pain in bladder, and is vomited — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.
Aggravation while eating — CALCAREA CARBONICA.
Agonizing feeling in chest and stomach, staring from pylorus with flatus that rolls in balls from one side to the other, loss of appetite, phlegmy retchings and loss of flesh — ORNITHOGALUM UMBELLATUM.
All symptoms worse from beer (Kali bich) — BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM.
All-gone feeling in stomach; much flatulence; hiccough — IGNATIA AMARA.
All-gone sensation, especially in tea drinkers — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.
All-gone, hungry sensation (Sulph) — TUBERCULINUM.
Alternation of hyperacidity and decrease of acid — CHININUM ARSENICOSUM.
Amelioration from eating and aggravation a few hours after meals; acidity and burning; painful spot the level of the sternum — CONIUM MACULATUM.
Anguish in pit of stomach — VERATRUM ALBUM.
Anorexia with great thirst, burning in stomach, pyrosis, nausea profuse vomiting, pit of stomach sensitive — RICINUS COMMUNIS.
Anorexia, with uneasy feeling at scrobiculum at time of menses — GOSSYPIUM HERBACEUM.
Anxiety felt in stomach — KALIUM CARBONICUM. Anxiety in pit of stomach — ARSENICUM ALBUM.
Anxious and worried if he does not eat (Cina; Sulph) — IODIUM.
Any food causes distress — LACHESIS MUTUS.
Appetite and thirst increased, with qualmishness — AURUM METALLICUM.
Appetite impaired, but chiefly increased even to bulimia — ALFALFA.
Appetite increased — SKATOLUM.
Appetite lost — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.
Appetite poor, had taste in mouth — MAGNESIUM MURIATICUM.
Appetite small; tongue furred; nausea; retching; vomiting of green, acid fluid — CARDUUS MARIANUS.
Apt to choke when eating or drinking–ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE.
As a rule, the Gelsemium patient has no thirst — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.
At times, ravenous appetite and constant desire to drink — MURIATICUM ACIDUM.
Atonic dyspepsia with much eructation and flatulent distention — JUGLANS CINEREA.
Atonic dyspepsia, feeling as if stomach were collapsed — ZINCUM METALLICUM.
Atonic dyspepsia, with gas and acidity — QUASSIA AMARA.
Atonic dyspepsia — CAPSICUM ANNUUM.
Atonic dyspepsia — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.
Atonic dyspepsia — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.
Atonic dyspepsia–ANGUSTURA VERA.
Attempts to eat bring on diarrhœa — FERRUM METALLICUM.
Averse to coffee, wants fancy dishes — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.
Averse to coffee, wants fancy dishes — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.
Averse to fat food, warm food, and drink — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.
Averse to meat and milk — BELLADONNA.
Averse to meat — TUBERCULINUM.
Averse to milk — NATRIUM CARBONICUM.
Averse to ordinary diet; longs for great variety of indigestible articles — IGNATIA AMARA.
Averse to smell of coffee — SULPHURICUM ACIDUM.
Averse to warm food — VERATRUM ALBUM.
Aversion to and bad effects from acids — DULCAMARA.
Aversion to bread, etc — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.
Aversion to bread, to anything slimy, like oysters, fats — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.
Aversion to butter — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.
Aversion to fat food — HEPAR SULPHUR.
Aversion to food, drink, tobacco — COCCULUS INDICUS.
Aversion to food — DULCAMARA.
Aversion to food — MOSCHUS.
Aversion to food — MYGALE LASIODORA.
Aversion to food — PICRICUM ACIDUM.
Aversion to meat (Graph; Arn; Puls) — ALUMINA.
Aversion to meat and milk — FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM.
Aversion to meat, boiled things; craving for indigestible things-chalk, coal, pencils; also for eggs, salt and sweets — CALCAREA CARBONICA.
Aversion to meat — ALOE SOCOTRINA.
Aversion to meat — GRAPHITES.
Aversion to milk, meat, and fat things — CARBO VEGETABILIS.
Aversion to milk — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.
Aversion to salt meat — CARDUUS MARIANUS.
Aversion to sweets, ice-cream — RADIUM BROMATUM.
Aversion to sweets — CAUSTICUM.
Aversion to warm drinks — CHAMOMILLA.
Aversions to coffee — NATRIUM NITRICUM.
Avoids tight clothing — EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM.
Bad effects of eating too much salt — PHOSPHORUS.
Bad odor from mouth — CHELIDONIUM MAJUS.
Bad taste in the morning — FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM.
Band of pain about four inches wide encircling hypochondria — SEPIA.
Beating and goneness with pulsation in epigastric arteries — EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS.
Belching — SKATOLUM.
Belching accompanies most gastric ailments — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.
Belching and acidity — SABAL SERRULATA.
Belching and cramps — COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA.
Belching and passing gas — ARGEMONE MEXICANA.
Belching large quantities of wind, after eating — PHOSPHORUS.
Belching of gas in stomach and abdomen — TORULA CEREVISIAE.
Belching of large quantities of offensive gas — DIOSCOREA VILLOSA.
Belching of wind alternating with hiccough — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.
Belching with saliva and beating of heart — CALCAREA ARSENICOSA.
Belching, with cough (Ambra)–ANGUSTURA VERA.
Belching — ALLIUM CEPA.
Better, cold drinks, but vomiting when stomach becomes full — BISMUTHUM SUBNITRICUM.
Bilious attacks, with nausea, vertigo, and headache — KALMIA LATIFOLIA.
Bilious vomiting, acid dyspepsia, with heartburn and flatulence — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.
Bilious vomiting — CHAMOMILLA.
Bitter taste, much thirst, sour regurgitation; dull burning behind the ensiform; nausea, vomiting, constipation followed by diarrhœa with cramps — TRINITROTOLUENUM.
Bitter and sour eructation, worse at night — OXALICUM ACIDUM.
Bitter risings and taste — HERACLEUM SPHONDYLIUM.
Bitter taste (Cupr) — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.
Bitter taste (Rhus) — SABINA.
Bitter taste after a swallow of water — KREOSOTUM.
Bitter taste, diminished taste of all food — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.
Bitter taste, especially at night; coated tongue with very scanty brown and sour urine — SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA.
Bitter taste–ANGUSTURA VERA.
Bitter taste — PICRICUM ACIDUM.
Bitter, bilious vomiting — CHAMOMILLA.
Black or coffee-grounds vomiting — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.
Blisters on side — HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA.
Bloated feeling — INDOLUM.
Bloatedness better by movement — CHINA OFFICINALIS.
Bloating after eating–ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM.
Borborygmi and diarrhœa — HAEMATOXYLON CAMPECHIANUM.
Boring pain in pyloric region — URANIUM NITRICUM.
Bowels irregular — BUTYRICUM ACIDUM.
Breath and taste foul — PULEX IRRITANS.
Brown, bitter coating on tongue — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.
Bulimia, with much bloating — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.
Bulimia; hunger disappears by drinking water — KALIUM MURIATICUM.
Burning and cutting pains in stomach — CADMIUM SULPHURATUM.
Burning and griping — CARBO ANIMALIS.
Burning at stomach and hot eructations — AURUM METALLICUM.
Burning eructations — ALLIUM SATIVUM.
Burning in epigastrium, followed by hot eructation — RAPHANUS SATIVUS.
Burning in liver region — THERIDION CURASSAVICUM.