
Pleasant, fantastic, amorous dreams—OPIUM.

Poor; wakes early—TUBERCULINUM.

Profound and long—SECALE CORNUTUM.

Profound coma—OPIUM.

Profound, like a log, with stertorous breathing, a typical reptilian state—NAJA TRIPUDIANS.

Profound, with shocks in body— CUPRUM METALLICUM.

Prolonged; sleepiness for several days— CARBONEUM OXYGENISATUM.

Pronounced sleeplessness; dreams of serious nature while asleep—BUTYRICUM ACIDUM.

Protracted sleeplessness—CADMIUM SULPHURATUM.

Protracted sleeplessness—CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Restless and sleepless—FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Restless and wakeful, resulting from  exhaustion—PASSIFLORA INCARNATA.

Restless and waking, as if hands and forearms were swollen and heavy—ARANEA DIADEMA.

Restless from violent itching and burning— AGARICUS MUSCARIUS.

Restless on account of voluptuous dreams—BISMUTHUM SUBNITRICUM.

Restless sleep—KALIUM BROMATUM.

Restless, cannot sleep for hours after retiring—COCAINUM HYDROCHLORICUM.

Restless, crying out, gritting of teeth—BELLADONNA.

Restless, dreams of quarrel—OXYTROPIS LAMBERTI.

Restless, with frightful dreams; nightmare, awakes languid and  unrefreshed—PTELEA TRIFOLIATA.

Restless, with twitching, choking, and starting up  frightened—TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM.

Restless; impossible to get to sleep—LACTUCA VIROSA.


Restlessness at night—EUPHORBIA LATHYRIS.

Restlessness, with horrible dreams—ADONIS VERNALIS.

Same disagreeable idea always arouses from light  slumberCALCAREA CARBONICA.

Screams and talks in sleep—CINA MARITIMA.

Screams and sudden starting during sleep—APIS MELLIFICA.

Screams out in sleep—BELLADONNA.

Seems to be in semi-sleep—PYROGENIUM.

Shaking chill; then heat, with sleep and sweat—OPIUM. Shocks in all limbs on going to sleep (Ign)— IPECACUANHA.

Short naps and frequent wakingsPHOSPHORUS.

Sleep disturbed, anxious dreams— EUPHORBIA LATHYRIS.

Sleep during day; restless at night on account of heat and shock: anxious dreams— MAGNESIUM MURIATICUM.

Sleep prevented by harsh cough—TARENTULA CUBENSIS.

Sleep prevented by pulsation in all vessels, worse abdomen—SELENIUM METALLICUM.


Sleepiness with lethargy—RADIUM BROMATUM.

Sleepiness during the day—AMMONIUM CARBONICUM.

Sleepiness, yet cannot sleep (Bell; Op)—LACHESIS MUTUS.


Sleepless and restless when over tired— ARNICA MONTANA.

Sleepless before midnight—RHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Sleepless from grief—NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Sleepless from intolerable itching—PSORINUM.

Sleepless from nervous irritation  (Coffea)—GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Sleepless on account of pulsation in different parts of body— CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS.

Sleepless until midnight, awakens early and always same hour— SELENIUM METALLICUM.

Sleepless, from fancies before his imagination; horrible dreams of snakes, and of sexual gratification— ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Sleepless, on account mental activity; flow of ideas, with nervous excitability— COFFEA CRUDA.

Sleepless, with nightly itching and muscular spasms—VALERIANA OFFICINALIS.

Sleepless, wakes very early in  morningKALMIA LATIFOLIA.



Sleeplessness due to nervous causes (Single dose of 5th or 6th potency)—CHININUM ARSENICOSUM.

Sleeplessness due to worry and grief and sexual excess—KALIUM BROMATUM.

Sleeplessness in neurasthenics— XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

Sleeplessness in old people—PHOSPHORUS.

Sleeplessness, with drowsiness—BELLADONNA.

Sleeplessness, with great orgasm of blood and heat in head—SILICEA TERRA.

Sleeplessness, with restless and tossing about (Use thirtieth potency)—ACONITUM NAPELLUS.


Sleeps in knee-chest position— MEDORRHINUM.

Sleeps till 3 am, after which only dozing—COFFEA CRUDA.

Sleeps with hands over head— ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Sleeps with hands under head (Ars; Plat)—BELLADONNA.

Sleeps with legs far apart (Chamom)—PLATINUM METALLICUM.

Sleeps with one leg drawn up, the other stretched out—STANNUM METALLICUM.

Sleepy during day—CANNABIS SATIVA.


Sleepy in daytime; sleepiness at night, with vascular excitement and restlessness, and dry skin— THEA CHINENSIS.

Sleepy in forenoon—NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Sleepy in morning, a few hours after eating—BISMUTHUM SUBNITRICUM.

Sleepy in morning— ALUMINA.

Sleepy very early in evening—MANGANUM ACETICUM.

Sleepy, but cannot sleep (Bell)—STRAMONIUM.

Sleepy, but cannot sleep— MORPHINUM.

Slept better than usual, especially in early morning; it induces quiet, reposeful and refreshing sleep—ALFALFA

Smothering sensation when awaking—CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Snoring, especially with children—CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Sobs aloud in sleep— AURUM METALLICUM.

Somnambulism (Kali phos)—ZINCUM METALLICUM.




Sopor, with convulsions—HYOCYAMUS NIGER.

Soporous sleep—HELLEBORUS NIGER.

Spasmodic yawning—COCCULUS INDICUS.

Spells of deep sleep, with snoring and stertorous  breathing—LAUROCERASUS.

Spells of sleeplessness lasting for several  nights– ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE.

Starting in sleep—CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Starting in sleep—LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Starting on falling to sleep with chilliness and clamminess—DAPHNE INDICA.

Starting when closing the eyes or during sleepBELLADONNA.

Starts at every noise; fears that she will go crazy—CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Starts from sleep in alarm that he is falling from a height— DIGITALIS PURPUREA.

Starts from sleep strangling—AMMONIUM CARBONICUM.

Starts up frightened—HYOCYAMUS NIGER.

Starts up in sleep— ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Stops breathing on going to sleep—CADMIUM SULPHURATUM.

Subsultus and extreme restlessness— CAMPHORA.

Sudden screams in sleep—HELLEBORUS NIGER.

Sudden starting when falling asleep—LACHESIS MUTUS.

Suffocative fits during sleep— ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Talking in sleep; awakens frequently; feels too hot— BARYTA CARBONICA.

Talks, jerks, and twitches during sleep—SULPHUR.

Terrifying dreams, nightmare—PAEONIA OFFICINALIS.

Thirst only during heat—OPIUM.

Thoughts of events of whole past life keep him awake— YOHIMBINUM.

Twitching during sleep—BARYTA CARBONICA.

Unable to sleep, with wild feeling in head— LILIUM TIGRINUM.

Uncontrollable sleepiness and heaviness of head, with flushed face after eating— GUARANA.

Unrefreshed; sleepless– APIUM GRAVEOLENS.

Unrefreshing or constant stupor—CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Unrefreshing sleep—CALCAREA FLUORICA.

Unrefreshing, with disagreeable dreams—LILIUM TIGRINUM.

Unrefreshing; more tired on rising than on retiring—MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM.

Unrefreshing; disturbed by lewd  dreamsCOBALTUM METALLICUM.

Very drowsy; can hardly keep awake— CAUSTICUM.


Very sleepy, but cannot go to sleep—OPIUM.

Very sleepy, but unable to do so—CANNABIS INDICA.


Vivid dream of water, fire, etc.Vivid dreams of fire; of hæmorrhage—PHOSPHORUS.

Vivid dreams, with sense of impending danger— CALCAREA FLUORICA.



Vivid dreams—SULPHUR.

Vivid, incoherent dreams—HYDROCYANICUM ACIDUM.

Voluptuous dreams—BORAX VENETA.

Wakeful; on a constant move—COFFEA CRUDA.

Wakefulness and morbid vigilance with inordinately active, but weak circulation— LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS.


Wakes about two o’clock and cannot sleep again— KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Wakes at 2 am— ALLIUM CEPA.

Wakes early in morning and cannot get to sleep again—BELLIS PERENNIS.

Wakes frequently, and becomes wide awake suddenly—  SULPHUR.

Wakes from 1 to 3 am– APIUM GRAVEOLENS.

Wakes languid, unrefreshed—PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Wakes too early in morning—NATRIUM CARBONICUM.

Wakes up singing—SULPHUR.

Wakes up suffocating—CADMIUM SULPHURATUM.

Wakes with a start, sleep disturbed by dreams—COFFEA CRUDA.

Wide awake in the evening; first sleep restless—PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Wide-awake in evening—LACHESIS MUTUS.

With eyes half open—IPECACUANHA.


Yawning when walking in open air—EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS.

Yawning with headache and drowsiness—ALLIUM CEPA.

Yawning with shivering—HYDROCYANICUM ACIDUM.

Yawning, followed by involuntary laughter— AGARICUS MUSCARIUS.

Yawning, drowsy; prolonged, deep sleep, Sleepless; restless sleep, with frequent startings—MORPHINUM.


Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.