A lot of mucus, with pain in rectum after stool — ALOE SOCOTRINA.
A musty, glutinous moisture exudes — CARBO VEGETABILIS.
Aches, as if full of broken glass — RATANHIA PERUVIANA.
Aching in anus and hypogastrium — COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS.
Acrid, corrosive moisture from rectum — CARBO VEGETABILIS.
After great straining only partially expelled; recedes, crumbles at verge of anus (Mag mur) — SANICULA AQUA.
After stool, long-lasting pain (Nit ac) — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.
Almost constant oozing from anus — SEPIA.
Alternate constipation and diarrhœa, and great flatulence — COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS.
Alternate diarrhœa and constipation — ABROTANUM.
Alternating constipation and loose movements — RADIUM BROMATUM.
Anal fissures — LEDUM PALUSTRE.
Anal itching and prolapsusani while urinating — MURIATICGALLICUM ACIDUM.
Anus aches and burns for hours after stool — RATANHIA PERUVIANA.
Anus contracted, torn, bleeding — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.
Anus drawn up with constriction — PLUMBUM METALLICUM.
Anus sore — JALAPA.
Anus fissured; painful to touch with warts — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.
Anus red and inflamed — ZINGIBER OFFICINALE.
Anus very sore and burning — EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREA.
Arms and legs feel as if asleep — ARANEA DIADEMA.
Aroused at night with horrible itching at anus — INDIGO TINCTORIA.
Ascarides, with nightly restlessness — TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM.
Atrocious pains with and after each stool — PAEONIA OFFICINALIS.
Bearing-down pain in rectum — XEROPHYLLUM.
Before stool, unsuccessful urging to urinate — RHEUM PALMATUM.
Biting, itching in anus; orifice swollen — PAEONIA OFFICINALIS.
Bleeding at stool and fullness of rectum — SEPIA.
Bleeding from rectum — LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS.
Black, offensive clots of blood from bowels — CADMIUM SULPHURATUM.
Bleeding from rectum — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.
Bleeding hæmorrhoids (Hamam) — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.
Bleeding piles — CARLSBAD AQUA.
Bluish, burning piles, pain after stool — CARBO VEGETABILIS.
Bright blood with stool — CASCARILLA.
Burning and itching of anus, caused by piles — COPAIVA OFFICINALIS.
Burning at anus, burning varices (Mur ac) — CARBO VEGETABILIS.
Burning in anus after slimy diarrhœa — PRUNUS SPINOSA.
Burning in anus after stool; then internal chilliness — PAEONIA OFFICINALIS.
Burning in anus and rectum — ALOE SOCOTRINA.
Burning in anus with chills up and down back — AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM.
Burning in rectum and anus — CARLSBAD AQUA.
Burning in rectum and anus — KALIUM CARBONICUM.
Burning pain and pressure in rectum and anus — ARSENICUM ALBUM.
Burning pains and stitching after stool — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.
Carcinoma affecting lower bowel — RUTA GRAVEOLENS.
Catarrhal dysentery, with rheumatic pains all over — ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA.
Child afraid on account of pain — SULPHUR.
Cholera infantum and morbus — PODOPHYLLINUM.
Cholera infantum, with tenesmus; green mucous discharges — ZINCUM METALLICUM.
Choleraic discharge with collapse, anxiety, and restlessness — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.
Chronic constipation, with hæmorrhoids and continual urging to stool, without result — PARAFFINUM.
Chronic diarrhœa; discharge bloody — TRILLIUM PENDULUM.
Chronic diarrhœa, stools brownish, liquid, undigested, offensive — GRAPHITES.
Chronic diarrhœa, worse after breakfast — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.
Chronic diarrhœa; stools greenish, watery, undigested, with irritable temper — IODOFORMIUM
Chronic mucous discharges — GALLICUM ACIDUM.
Colicky, even ineffectual urging to evacuate altered fecal stools — RHEUM PALMATUM.
Constant bearing down in rectum; bleeding, sore, and hot; relieved by cold water — ALOE SOCOTRINA.
Constant dropping of blood from the anus, no blood from the stools — COBALTUM METALLICUM.
Constipation — KALIUM SILICICUM.
Constipation in infants — CROCUS SATIVUS.
Constipation after confinement — MEZEREUM.
Constipation alternating with diarrhœa (Ant crud) — PODOPHYLLINUM.
Constipation always before and during menses; with irritable sphincter ani — SILICEA TERRA.
Constipation during pregnancy; with membranous dysmenorrhœa, following labor (Nux) — COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS.
Constipation from inactivity of rectum, with heat and headache — VERATRUM ALBUM.
Constipation of babies, and when produced by very cold weather — VERATRUM ALBUM.
Constipation of the most aggravated kind — ALUMEN.
Constipation, alternating with mucous, frothy stools; discharge of blood with stool — RUTA GRAVEOLENS.
Constipation, stools hard and knotty — AURUM METALLICUM.
Constipation, stools hard, small lumps — XEROPHYLLUM.
Constipation, with hard, knotty stools — BARYTA CARBONICA.
Constipation, with heavy pressure in lower part of abdomen — ALOE SOCOTRINA.
Constipation, with hepatic and uterine inertia — MEZEREUM.
Constipation, with sinking feeling in stomach, and dull headache — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.
Constipation; clay-colored, hard, dry, difficult — PODOPHYLLINUM.
Constipation; large, hard stools; feeling of a ball in rectum, cannot strain; with great tenesmus and pains shooting upward — SEPIA.
Constipation; rectum paralyzed, prolapsed — TABACUM.
Constipation; stool dry, crumbling (Am m; Mag m) — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.
Constipation; stools hard, covered with mucus (Graph) — CASCARILLA.
Constipation; stools hard, lumpy, black with urging and spasm of anus — PLUMBUM METALLICUM.
Constipation; stools large, dry knotty, with tendency to bruise and fissure — MORPHINUM.
Constipation — SABINA.
Construction of anus during stool — KALIUM SILICICUM.
Constriction of anus; stitches and prolapse of rectum — MEZEREUM.
Contraction and spasm — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.
Copious stool; anus feels constricted — GALLICUM ACIDUM.
Crawling in rectum after stool — TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM.
Crawling in rectum — BARYTA CARBONICA.
Dark-brown, round balls glued together with mucus — SEPIA.
Diarrhœa (worse in morning), yellowish, followed by exhaustion, as if flatus and feces were hot — DIOSCOREA VILLOSA.
Diarrhœa alternating with hard, lumpy stool, with backache and lassitude, preceded by griping — CASCARILLA.
Diarrhœa from beer — ALOE SOCOTRINA.
Diarrhœa from fright — IGNATIA AMARA.
Diarrhœa and tenesmus after milk — NICCOLUM METALLICUM.
Diarrhœa in morning, with irresistible desire to urinate — CICUTA VIROSA.
Diarrhœa of blood, slime, and reddish mucus — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.
Diarrhœa of cadaverous odor — SILICEA TERRA.
Diarrhœa of long standing; early in morning; during teething, with hot, glowing cheeks while being bathed or washed; in hot weather after acid fruits — PODOPHYLLINUM.
Diarrhœa of tough mucus — ASARUM EUROPAEUM.
Diarrhœa watery, brown, or black with horrible tenesmus — MORPHINUM.
Diarrhœa with very offensive flatus — ALLIUM CEPA.
Diarrhœa, extremely offensive, with meteorism, and regurgitation of food — ASAFOETIDA.
Diarrhœa, fetid, black, with sour odor of body, and empty faint feeling in abdomen — SULPHURICUM ACIDUM.
Diarrhœa, with sudden and forcible ejection of bilious stools — GAMBOGIA
Diarrhœa, sudden, watery, with nausea and vomiting, prostration, and cold sweat; discharges look like sour milk, thick, curdled, watery — TABACUM.
Diarrhœa, very painful, watery, copious, and forcibly evacuated, followed by great prostration — VERATRUM ALBUM.
Diarrhœa, with small, white particles — MEZEREUM.
Diarrhœa; bearing down in abdomen and rectum — CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS.
Diarrhœa; changeable in character and color; after eating — SANICULA AQUA.
Difficult feces, evacuated only with straining — RUTA GRAVEOLENS.
Difficult, soft stools, with much straining — XEROPHYLLUM.
Discharge of blood from rectum — CARBO VEGETABILIS.
Discharge of fetid liquid with gangrenous odor — MERCURIUS CYANATUS.
Distended, griping, with hunger — ASAFOETIDA.
Dry heat at anus, with sudden knife-like stitches — RATANHIA PERUVIANA.
During and after stool, burning and smarting in rectum — AMMONIUM MURIATICUM.
During stool, smarting pain in rectum — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.
Dysentery, with retained scybala, with pain in sacral region — GAMBOGIA.
Dysentery, with tearing pains down thighs — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.
Dysentery, with tenesmus — COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS.
Dysentery,; passage almost pure blood — TRILLIUM PENDULUM.
Easy prolapsus (Graph; Pod) — KALIUM CARBONICUM.
Enemas very painful — SYPHILINUM.
Evacuations of cholera morbus and true cholera when vomiting accompanies the purging — VERATRUM ALBUM.
Excoriation of skin about anus, perineum, and genitals — SANICULA AQUA.
Faint feeling after stool — GALLICUM ACIDUM.
Falling of rectum — INDIGO TINCTORIA.
Feces discharged involuntarily during spasms — STRYCHNINUM PURUM.
Feces held back — CARLSBAD AQUA.
Feces remain a long time in rectum — SILICEA TERRA.
Feeling of weakness and loss of power of sphincter ani — ALOE SOCOTRINA.
Feels constricted — RATANHIA PERUVIANA.
Feels full of small sticks — AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM.
Feels paralyzed — SILICEA TERRA.