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Faintness during or after stoolNUX MOSCHATA.

Fatty degeneration (Carbon tetrachloride; Ars Chlorof) — PHOSPHORUS.

Feeling as if hernia would protrude, especially left side — SULPHURICUM ACIDUM.

Feeling as if something rolling about — BRACHYGLOTTIS REPENS.

Feeling of relaxation and bearing – down in abdomen — SEPIA.

Feels as if abdomen was sinking in — ACETICUM ACIDUM.

Feels cold (Caps) — PHOSPHORUS.


Fermentation and sluggish bowels — CHELIDONIUM MAJUS.


First stage of cholera infantum; vomiting and purging — GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM.

First stage of dysentery, with much blood in discharges — FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM.

First stage of peritonitis — FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Flatulence and distension; protruding here and thereTHUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Flatulence and nausea — JALAPA.

Flatulence and rumbling — OLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM.

Flatulence colic; tympanites (Tereb) — CAJUPUTUM.

Flatulence pain at pubic region — ARUNDO MAURITANICA.

Flatulence with anxiety and crossness — CICUTA VIROSA.

Flatulence with distention — ALFALFA.


Flatulency; wind colic in ascending colon; worse, before breakfast — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.


Flatulent colic, after anger, with red cheeks and hot  perspirationCHAMOMILLA.

Flatulent colic, forcing patient to bend double; relieved by rubbing, warmth, pressure; accompanied with belching of gas, which gives no  relief — MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Flatulent colic, with retraction of abdomen (Plumb) — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Flatulent colic, with shivering and difficult respiration — MEZEREUM.


Flatulent colic — IRIS VERSICOLOR.


Flatulent distension, with spasmodic colic — NUX VOMICA.

Flatulent distention, with pain — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Flatulent   hernia — AMMONIUM CARBONICUM.

Flatulent, with headache — SEPIA.

Flatus and eructations — FLUORICUM ACIDUM.

Flatus and eructations — FLUORICUM ACIDUM. Flatus and pain — EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREA.

Fluttering in region of ovary — BRACHYGLOTTIS REPENS.

Forcing in lower abdomen towards genitals — NUX VOMICA.

Frequent watery stools, worse in morning — ACETICUM ACIDUM.

Frequent, loose, yellow, painful stools, with burning of flatulence — ALFALFA.

Fullness and continuous rumbling — COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE.

Fullness and hardness in abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence; must loosen clothing; presses painfully at abdominal ring — GRAPHITES.

Fullness and soreness, with moist skin — CARDUUS MARIANUS.

Fullness in region of liver, pain under right ribs — ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Fullness in the stomach and abdomen — MYRICA CERIFERA.

Fullness, even after a little food; stuffed feeling, as if she could not lean forward — FERRUM IODATUM.


Gall – stone colic (Triumfetta semitriloba) — CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Gall – stone colicCALCAREA CARBONICA.

Gallstones (Berberis) — CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Gallstones — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.

Gas, fullness and distention, colicky pain and uneasiness — SCUTELLARIA LATERIFOLIA.

Gastro – duodenal catarrh — CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Gastro – duodenal catarrh — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. Gastro – enteritis — CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM.

Gastric and intestinal irritation when the tongue is elongated and pointed, tip and edges red–AMYGDALUS PERSICA.

Gastric irritation of children; no form of food tolerated–AMYGDALUS PERSICA. Gastro-intestinal catarrh, with marked  acidity — MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM.

Gastro-intestinal irritation — BORAX VENETA.

Gone, empty feeling in epigastrium, without desire for  foodNICCOLUM METALLICUM.

Gnawing around navel — OLEANDER.

Gnawing, burning pains like coals of fire; relieved by heat — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Gnawing – pain; worse eating sweets — FILIX MAS.

Great accumulation of flatus, pressing downwards, causing distress in lower bowels — ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Great size of the fecal massNATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Great straining, but little passes, Rectum feels torn — NITRICUM ACIDUM.

Green, watery stools with intense thirst, vomiting, eyes sunken — KALIUM BROMATUM.

Green, watery stools — KALIUM BROMATUM.

Greenish, papescent, bloody stool — VALERIANA OFFICINALIS.

Griping about navel — RAPHANUS SATIVUS.

Griping after eatingZINCUM METALLICUM.

Griping and diarrhœa — XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

Griping in hypochondrium in morning — TROMBIDIUM MUSCAE DOMESTICAE.

Griping in region of navel, and pain in small of back — CHAMOMILLA.

Griping in umbilical and left hypogastric region — ICHTHYOLUM.

Griping pain, with great rumbling, nausea, and liquid  feces — POLYGONUM HYDROPIPEROIDES.

Griping, cutting in hypogastric region, with intermittent cutting in stomach and small intestines — DIOSCOREA VILLOSA.

Gurgling and griping; distended — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Gurgling and pain on taking deep breath — CONVALLARIA MAJALIS.

Gurgling, as if bowels were full of  water — HELLEBORUS NIGER.

Habitual colic, with hunger, but food is refused — BARYTA CARBONICA.

Hard and tense, distendedBARYTA CARBONICA.

Hard lumps in abdomen — ABROTANUM.

Hard, bloated, tympanitic — OPIUM.

Hard, bloated — SILICEA TERRA.

Heat and irritation in lower bowels — ALSTONIA SCHOLARIS.

Heaviness in lower abdomen, as of a stone — ARANEA DIADEMA.

Hepatic abscess — SILICEA TERRA.

Hepatic colic — CHAMOMILLA.

Hepatic torpor — STELLARIA MEDIA.

Hepatitis, atrophic from of nutmeg liver — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Hepatitis, hepatic abscess; abdomen distended, tense; chronic abdominal  affections


Hernia, right side — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Hot flatus — STAPHYSAGRIA.

Hot, sore, painful anus during pregnancy — ZINGIBER OFFICINALE.

Hot, tense, tympanitic — ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Hurried desire for stool — DIOSCOREA VILLOSA.

Hyperæmia of liver, with jaundice — CARDUUS MARIANUS.

Hysterical cramps — VALERIANA OFFICINALIS.

Ileo-cæcal region sensitive to pressure — GAMBOGIA.

Intense neuralgic pains — MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM.

Immediately after a light meal, abdomen is bloated, fullLYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

In morning rumbling in bowels, with desire for  stool — XEROPHYLLUM.

Incarcerated flatulence — CALCAREA CARBONICA. Incarcerated flatus — STAPHYSAGRIA.

Incarcerated flatus — AURUM METALLICUM.

Incarcerated hernia — TABACUM.

Increase of fat in  abdomen — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Ineffectual urging stool, with burning in anus — OLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM.

Ineffectual urging — OLEANDER.

Infantile colic — MENTHA PIPERITA.

Inflation and tension in  abdomen — ICTODES FOETIDA.

Inguinal and mesenteric glands swollen and painful — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Inguinal glands swollen and  painful — SILICEA TERRA.

Inguinal glands swollen — BARYTA MURIATICA.

Inguinal region sensitive, swollen — GRAPHITES.

Intense urging to stool, watery  stools — FORMALINUM.

Internal coldness of stomach and abdomen — CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Internal coldness of abdomen — KALIUM BROMATUM.

Intestinal dyspepsia — SKATOLUM.

Intestinal fermentation — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Intestinal fermentation — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE. Intestinal flatulence — XEROPHYLLUM.

Intestines feel as if bruised — COLOCYNTHIS.

Intestines feel strangulated — PALLADIUM METALLICUM.

Intolerable tenesmus o both bladder and rectum — PYROGENIUM. Intussusception; strangulated hernia — PLUMBUM METALLICUM.

Intussusception — CUPRUM METALLICUM. Irritated prostate — GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM.

It lessens the nausea and vomiting — TABACUM.

Jaundice and dropsy — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Jaundice due to hepatic and gall – bladder obstruction — CHELIDONIUM MAJUS.

Jaundice, aching in liver — NITRICUM ACIDUM.

Jaundice; throbbing in hypogastrium and pelvis — AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM.



Jelly – like stools — COLOCYNTHIS.

Large,  yellow  spots on abdomen — PHOSPHORUS.

Lead colic during colic, urging to stool and discharge of hard feces — OPIUM.

Left lobe very sensitive — CARDUUS MARIANUS.

Left – sided abdominal complaintsALUMINA.


Liver and spleen enlarged and painfulARSENICUM ALBUM.

Liver and spleen sore and  enlarged — IODIUM.

Liver and spleen swollen and enlarged — CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Liver congested — PHOSPHORUS.

Liver engorged, swollen, with stitching pain and sensitive to pressureSTELLARIA MEDIA.

Liver engorged, with stitches and  soreness — NUX VOMICA.

Liver enlarged and indurated — TARAXACUM OFFICINALE.

Liver enlarged with bloating of abdomen; yellow  tongue — MAGNESIUM MURIATICUM.

Liver enlarged; sore to touch, indurated — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Liver enlarged — CHELIDONIUM MAJUS.

Liver region painful when stooping — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Liver region painful, better rubbing part — PODOPHYLLINUM.

Liver region sensitive, cannot bear anything around waistLACHESIS MUTUS.

Liver region swollen, sore, tensive — BRYONIA ALBA.

Liver sensitive — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Liver sore and painful; relieved by lying on right sideSEPIA.

Liver sore, swollen, sensitive to pressure — PTELEA TRIFOLIATA.


Liver torpid, tender — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.

Loose evacuations with much flatulency, especially left side with pulling in legs — FERRUM MAGNETICUM.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.