
What aggravates or ameliorates? The time and circumstances that affect the symptoms are vital to individualize a case….


What aggravates or ameliorates?

First, as to time. Are all the symptoms worse in the morning? Remember especially such remedies as Nux vomica, Natrum muriaticum, Podophyllum, etc.

Forenoon? The same.

Afternoon? Belladonna; Lycopodium; Apis mellifica. Evening? Aconite; Pulsatilla, etc.

Night? Arsenicum; Mercury; Rhus toxicodendron.

After midnight? Arsenicum (1 to 3 A.M.); Kali carbonicum (3 A.M.) Rhus toxicodendron.

As to circumstances.

Aggravation on movement calls for such remedies as Bryonia; Nux vomica and Arsenicum.

Amelioration on movement, Rhus toxicodendron; Pulsatilla; Ferrum; Lycopodium.

Aggravation on ascending, Arsenicum and Calcarea ostrearum.

Aggravation in wet weather, Dulcamara; Rhus toxicodendron; Natrum sulphuricum; Nux moschata; Rhododendron.

Aggravation in dry weather, Hepar sulphuris; Causticum; Nux vomica.

Ameliorated by hot applications, Arsenicum; Magnesium phosphoricum.

By cold applications, Apis mellifica; Pulsatilla.

Aggravation in warm air or weather, Antimonium crudum; Bryonia : Pulsatilla.

Aggravation after eating, Nux vomica; Bryonia; Pulsatilla; Arsenicum.

Ameliorated, Iodine, Chelidonium; Anacardium; Petroleum.

Aggravated after fat food, Pulsatilla; Carbo vegetabilis.

Fat food agrees and is desired, Nux vomica and Nitric acid.

All these and many more might be classed under the head of what are by some called Generals. Another class is termed Particulars, because referring to regions or particular organs, such as Diarrhoea aggravation in the morning, Sulphur; Bryonia, Podophyllum; Natrum sulphuricum and Rumex.

At night, Arsenicum; China; Mercury; Psorinum.

Chest affections aggravation worse when lying, Psorinum; Laurocerasus. Ameliorated when sitting, Arsenicum; Kali carbonicum.

Anal trouble, worse after stool, Aesculus; Aloe; Muriatic acid; Nitric acid; Sulphur.

Many more there are both general and particular just as important that go to show the equal importance of Modalities with Location and Sensation. To try to produce them all here would be to incorporate a large part of Boenninghausen’s Pocket Book, and all the repertoires extant.

We cannot use space to mention any of the many possible concomitants (another of Boenninghausen’s divisions), which are no less important than the preceding in the necessary “make up” of a case, but will come to the apparent.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.