No XIII – China

China has much in common with Arsenic and Carbo vegetabilis. It develops its effects on the vitality of the blood; debility ensues, like that induced by venesection, in which the quantity and quality of the blood are altered, and, in consequence various functional disturbances manifest themselves. …

China has much in common with Arsenic and Carbo vegetabilis. It develops its effects on the vitality of the blood; debility ensues, like that induced by venesection, in which the quantity and quality of the blood are altered, and, in consequence various functional disturbances manifest themselves. The entire vegetation suffers, the tone of the organism becomes enfeebled, the blood becomes thin and watery, and the circulation lacks energy; hence ensue stases, haemorrhage, watery diarrhoea, abundant sweat and urine.

Circulation. The energy of the circulation is diminished; the pulse becomes small and weak in consequence of the anaemia; hence, erethism and debility. (Carbo induces debility, with torpor; Arsenic, debility, with excitation, presenting, therefore, a closer analogy to China.) The veins become varicose; the arteries, however, retain their tone.

Nervous System. Erethistically affected. Greatly increased sensibility to all external influences. (China induces greater sensitiveness of the scalp to external touch than any other remedy does). The affection of the nervous system exercises a reflex action on the blood; hence, also, excitation alternating with depression. (Belladonna induces a continuous, enduring excitation).

Vegetation. The whole vegetation appears depressed, the vital turgor diminished. The skin is pale and earthy, the vessels being visible through it. The digestive function is modified. For the liver, China has a special affinity, as well as for the spleen, in enlargement of which a small dose of China effects a speedy diminution of volume. China induces hyperaemia of both of these organs; the diminution is therefore a secondary effect. (Piorry’s experiments.)

To the Stomach, China bears important relations (especially to the solar plexus), enfeebling its activity, inducing loss of appetite, without vitiating the taste. Nausea, and disinclination for certain articles of ordinary diet, result from the altered digestive activity and the altered secretions; in particular, water-brash, in consequence of the water secretions. The rest of the digestive cannal is but little affected; watery stools, however, occur, in consequence of intestinal paralysis; hence, also Lienteria.

To the Lungs and Genital Organs, China has no special relations. The secretions of the mucous membranes are watery and thin (oedema pulmonum). It is not specifically indicated a general debility. To the uterus, no especial affinity. The menstrual flow is increased in quantity and in fluidity, with general weakness and anaemia.

Characteristic Symptoms. 1. Pains. Sticking, tearing drawing, in particular lassitude, with a peculiar restlessness, impelling to constant motion. Pain, as if after a journey on foot.

2. Aggravation. By touch, motion, and by every kind of physical or mental effort.

3. Very great sensitiveness to external influences, especially of the skin and the head, to the external touch.

4. Yellow, earthy hue of the skin.

5. Fever, chill predominating; great and cold but partially distributed. Thirst during the cold, and between it and the heat.

6. Pulse generally quick, small, and soft.

7. Thirst during the cold stage.

8. Gastric affection; water-brash.

9. Swelling and pain of liver and spleen.

10. Diarrhoea, watery and soft: slowly expelled.

11. Menses generally increased, but thin and watery.

12. Symptoms periodic in character.

13. Feeble condition after loss of vital juices, after haemorrhages, sweat, pollutions, onanism, etc.


1. After all enfeebling maladies (intermittent and nervous fever, etc.).

2. After great loss of fluids.

3. After mental exertions, night watchings, etc.

(1). In atrophia infantilis and senilis. (2). In haemorrhages, only when they depend on debility, on torpor of the vessels, and fluidity of the blood.

4. In chlorosis, China compares with Pulsatilla and Ferrum.

(1). Pulsatilla is indicated when paleness predominates, where emaciation is not yet marked, and where the turgor vitalis is still present. Flour Albus.

(2). China, where there is a yellowish hue, gastric symptoms are conjoined, and the turgor vitalis is going or quite gone.

(3). Ferrum, where there are vascular erethism, fugitive flashes of heat, diminished menstrual flow, but the blood of a bright red color.

5. Hydrops from atony and anaemia.

6. Sequelae of liver disease. Ascites.

7. Sequelae of cutaneous disease. Oedema, cyanosis.

8. Typhus seldom, and only when accompanied by their bilious diarrhoea.

9. Sequelae of cholera.

10. Intermittent fever. The experience of allopaths shows that in this disease we should not neglect China. Dr. Kaspar says he gives China in all cases of intermittent fever, in which no other remedy is clearly indicated, even though the indication be not very clear for China. The enlarged spleen diminishes in a short time and permanently.

11. Gastric bilious, according to their form. Gastralgia.

12. Affections of liver and spleen. Enlargement of the liver.

13. Lienteria, a cardinal remedy. (Weakness of the intestinal canal a too thin gastric secretion).

14. Nocturnal pollutions too frequent. Amenorrhoea; abortion; delayed parturition; chlorotic palpitation of the heart. With reference to general sensibility; compare China with Cocculus and Ignatia.

Carroll Dunham
Dr. Carroll Dunham M.D. (1828-1877)
Dr. Dunham graduated from Columbia University with Honours in 1847. In 1850 he received M.D. degree at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York. While in Dublin, he received a dissecting wound that nearly killed him, but with the aid of homoeopathy he cured himself with Lachesis. He visited various homoeopathic hospitals in Europe and then went to Munster where he stayed with Dr. Boenninghausen and studied the methods of that great master. His works include 'Lectures on Materia Medica' and 'Homoeopathy - Science of Therapeutics'.