No X – Sepia

Sepia has more relation of the female sex, yet is not to be overlooked in reference to the male. Menses scanty or suppressed, or else occurring too early. During the suppression of the menses mental depression and apathy….


Sepia is essentially a remedy affecting the vegetative sphere. Its other effects are only secondary.

1. It has a transforming action, altering the crases. Its action is slow, but deep and prolonged.

2. It diminishes the reproductive energy of the vegetable sphere. This is made manifest.

a. Through the sluggish performance of the functions.

b. Through the deficient general nutrition.

3. Pains and isolated symptoms are but feebly pronounced.

4. It has special relations to the portal system, and to the female sexual system.


A. Primary. 1. Digestion is impaired, acidity predominating; sour and foul eructations; tormina and meteorismus; chilliness after meals; neither copious diarrhoea nor obstinate constipation; frequent tenesmus. Haemorrhoidal tumors; excoriation between the nates (corresponding to the acrid character of the discharge).

2. On the Portal System and the Liver. a. Functions of the Liver. In degree these are not greatly disturbed. In kind the bile is altered; it acquires a sour or foul character (hence vomiting and diarrhoea) with too little alkali.

b. It induces also a change of texture in the liver, as is manifested by the disturbed state of the circulation (numerous states).

c. The complexion is altered. The skin becomes yellow and earthy-colored-like the wax of old church candles. Puffiness of the soft parts; there is no emaciation; this appears later first, an increase of the fatty tissue, then laxity and flaccidity, lastly, emaciation. Also, irritations of the skin, showing itself in red spots with yellow areolae.

d. Mental depression; sadness, inclination to anger.

3. Sexual System. a. Enfeebled condition, manifested by erethism (sexual instinct without energy), rapid emissions, followed by great exhaustion and apathy after coitus.

b. Profuse perspiration about the genital organs, especially of females; excoriation and itching.

c. Sepia has more relation of the female sex, yet is not to be overlooked in reference to the male. Menses scanty or suppressed, or else occurring too early.

During the suppression of the menses mental depression and apathy.

B. Secondary. 1. Nervous System. a. The nervous system, especially in the female sex, standing in the closest relation to the sexual system, shows a tendency to erethism, in consequences of which hysteric phenomena present themselves, which may increase even to spasms.

b. The sensations and pains of Sepia are indistinct in character, and are, generally, feelings of weakness, apathy and lassitude; sometimes, however, they are more distinct, occurring as burning, sticking or cutting pains especially in the loins (corresponding to the liver and sexual system).

2. Vascular System. a. Participates slightly in the effects of Sepia, except in the easily provoked orgasms of blood to the head and chest. The symptoms chiefly unimportant and secondary.

b. Vascular energy is diminished so, consequently, is the thermogenesis. Subjective and objective venosity; passive congestions, perspiration; palpitation, pulsations felt over the whole body. These occur, but may well be regarded as phenomena belonging to the nervous rather than to the vascular system.

3.Secretive System. Only in so far generally affected, as that the secretions and excretions present an abnormal character, having a tendency to become sour and foul. They are sometimes increased, sometimes diminished. The increase of perspiration is most marked.

4. Respiratory System. A tendency to furnish a counterpoise to the general condition; hence, not unfrequently, a condition of irritation, catarrh with even bloody expectoration, cough, sometimes dry, sometimes moist irritation of the pleura.

5. Sexual System. The physiological connection between uterus and mamma is here manifested by the emaciation and flaccidity of the mammae, and the swelling and ulceration of the nipples.


1. The pains are dull; pain like paralysis is predominant. Amelioration from warmth and violent motion. Aggravation by repose and at night.

2. A peculiar cachectic aspect; enfeebling of the vegetation. Predominant affections of the portal, hepatic and sexual system. Especially applicable to females. Generally menstruation scanty, suppressed, or precocious.


A General. 1. Age. Sepia is especially adapted to affections occurring at the climacteric period, in women who were formerly excitable; after long-continued depressing mental affections, or great bodily or mental labor.

2. Aspect. An unmistakable aspect; a peculiar yellowish puffy complexion, rather fat. The tissues are soft and flaccid; they easily and quickly collapse and soon recover.

3. Temperament. Good-natured, yet easily excitable.

4. The affections complained of are not violent, often disappearing altogether, and are concentrated in the digestive and sexual sphere. A special indication, in addition to the above, is a very slight acrid and excoriating discharge exgenitalibus.

5. Although especially adapted to females, Sepia is also applicable, variatis variandis, to the male sex, especially to woman-like, soft-tissued men, who were formerly of a fiery temperament, but have settled down into a secondary, meditative mode of life.

B. Special. 1. Affections of the Digestive apparatus and the Liver indicate Sepia. a. By sour and putrid formations, manifested by eructations and habitual flatulence, and disturbed digestion. Inveterate sub-acute pyrosis (in acute, not appropriate, compare Ipecacuanha, etc.). Pains in the stomach, and cramps of the stomach and intestines after eating.

b. Pains in the hepatic and iliac region, excited by touching those regions; hence, applicable in corresponding affections of the liver generally; in degeneration of the liver and intestines, Sepia is applicable, at most, only in the beginning; later, other remedies come into play. (Ascites as secondary to hepatic affection).

2. Sexual System. a. Uterus. Chronic infarctus; induration. Acrid discharge; laxity of the neighbouring parts; blennorrhoea, prolapsus. Amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea (menses being either too early or too late, and too weak). Sterility, abortion, displacement of the uterus. Mucous polypus.

b. Male Sex. Increase of sexual instinct, and at the same time loss of sexual power. Erethism (in both sexes); hence, frequent nocturnal pollutions, followed by great exhaustion. Chronic, very profuse, corrosive gonorrhoea.

3. Nervous Affections. Nervous affection of the abdominal organs and uterus; hence, melancholia and actual hysteria; megrim easily induced. Nervous toothache during pregnancy and at the climacteric period. Irritatio spinalis; and, in consequence, paralysis of the lower part of the trunk.

4. Cutaneous Affections. Herpes circinatus; stinking perspiration of the feet (not stinking, Bryonia). Psoriasis.

5. Affections of Eyes, Ears, and Nose. (As far as the vascular system is concerned). Chronic ophthalmia, with acrid secretion (abdominal ophthalmia, according to Professor Rosas, of Vienna), and yellow sclerotica. Deafness, in affections of the liver and abdominal organs. In Ozaena, a very important remedy. Ulceration and eruption about the mouth, with simultaneous disturbance of the digestion.

6. Excretions. Constipation, with much tenesmus. Mucous diarrhoea; stinking cold sweat of the extremities.

7. Thoracic Affections. Tuberculosis. Affections of the heart depending on abdominal disease. Palpitation. Intermittent fever, cold predominating. Ulceration of the feet. Varices.

Carroll Dunham
Dr. Carroll Dunham M.D. (1828-1877)
Dr. Dunham graduated from Columbia University with Honours in 1847. In 1850 he received M.D. degree at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York. While in Dublin, he received a dissecting wound that nearly killed him, but with the aid of homoeopathy he cured himself with Lachesis. He visited various homoeopathic hospitals in Europe and then went to Munster where he stayed with Dr. Boenninghausen and studied the methods of that great master. His works include 'Lectures on Materia Medica' and 'Homoeopathy - Science of Therapeutics'.