
Exploration, by means of the speculum, revealed the presence of a soft, violet- colored enlargement of the neck of the uterus; a large excoriation on its anterior aspect, which was caused to bleed by a slight touch, induced recourse to cauterization, after which the patient was enjoined to observe absolute repose and a light not very abundant diet. The menses subsequent to the operation were less abundant, without coagula and consequently less painful and of shorter duration; the secondary symptoms were also less marked. This improvement did not last longer than a few months, when the symptoms returned with increased violence. Walking, or standing for a long time became almost impossible; the pain at the appearance of the menses became again violent, for the expulsion of large coagula; during the periods of suffering, the pulse was small and frequent; emission of urine was impossible; a copious sweat covered the patient’s body. Sabina 3/30 in 120 grammes of water, given in spoonful doses, every half hour, moderated the severity of the symptoms without much abridging their duration. Eight days afterward the patient took Murex purpurea4, five centigrammes in 180 grammes of water (a spoonful morning and evening).

Under the influence of this remedy, the painful weariness of the loins, of the thighs, the weight upon the rectum, the leucorrhoea, the itching occasioned by it and the pains in the hypogastrium diminished and then disappeared.

The menstrual epoch, which was retarded several days, occurred as before the sickness, except that there was the weakness resulting from the antecedent sufferings. A second dose, like the first, was given, immediately after the cessation of the menses. From that time she was restored to perfect health. Eighteen months have elapsed, during which she has led an active and sometimes a fatiguing life, without her health being at all impaired.

No. 2. Madame F., 30 years of age, of a sanguine-lymphatic temperament, mother of two children, was subject, in infancy, to violent attacks of cough, caused by congestion of the lungs, the results of a psoric taint (retrocession of itch). These attacks ceased to appear about the time of her first pregnancy, another organ becoming then the center of the congestion and the seat of disorders of another character. The patient began by experiencing a sensation of pressure toward the genital organs; some months after her first confinement, a heavy weight pressing upon the rectum, swelling of the haemorrhoids, greenish yellow leucorrhoea, sometimes bloody, and discharge of pure blood by the vulva at stool.

Thrilling pains in the lower extremities. Painful weariness in the loins, in the nates; very great debility which rendered walking very difficult, often impossible, at the period of the menses. To these symptoms, which kept growing more intense, there was added a painful aching in the whole hypogastrium; it caused an inexpressible anguish and frequent syncope, which ceased when the menses began to appear; soon those became excessive, accompanied by spasms in the abdomen, together with sharp lancinations in the uterus.

Several cauterizations had been made, the operator having been induced to resort to them (as he is reported to have said) by the tumefaction of the cervix, in which there were several deep fissures. The body of the uterus, more voluminous that natural, was very much inclined forward, the cervix resting upon the posterior wall of the pelvis. This position must, no doubt, have aggravated the pains.

The cauterization, although often repeated, did but little good. It was given up, and for several months longer the sufferings were the same. Immediately after the menstrual period, five centigrammes of Murex4 were given in 120 grammes of water; the patient took a spoonful every morning. The symptoms perceptibly diminished before the ensuing menstrual period. The latter was attended with but little suffering, and the flow was less than usual. Above all, the leucorrhoea was decidedly diminished. A second dose, given in the same way, as soon as the flow had ceased, was sufficient to re-establish the health of the patient, who for the last year has continued to be well.

From these two observations and others analogous to them, one may deduce principles of a useful application. They will find their place hereafter.



1. Confusion of ideas, repugnance to conversation, deep sadness in the evening; first day.

2. Pain in the occiput toward midday; first day.

3. Headache on awaking, which disappears on rising; first day.

4. During the day, pain in the left temple, which goes and comes.

5. Heaviness of the head from time to time, which leaves at intervals great clearness in the ideas; second and third day.

6. At the end of the day, tightness behind the head, which causes her to raise the hand involuntarily to the seat of the pain; when the pain is on the left side she raises the right hand, and vice versa. Desire to bend the head backward; this motion relieves the head and neck; second day.

7. The head is heavy for short periods of time; third day.

8. The right cheek burns toward evening; third day.

9. Tightness of the head behind the ears; third day.

10. The left cheek burns in the morning; sixth day.

11. Headache (heaviness) lasting one hour; sixth day.

12. Pressive frontal headache; seventh day.

13. Confusion in the sleepiness; labor is irksome; eighth day.

14. Pressive pain in the right temple; ninth day.

15. Pain in the occiput, very acute, but of short duration; first day.

16. Head confused, heavy; indisposition to work; second day.

17. Buzzing in the ears and increased heaviness in the head; second day.

18. Diminution of memory, difficulty in finding words.

19. Heaviness of the head as when the atmosphere is close.

20. The nose is cold all day so that she is much incommoded thereby; third day. Thorax.

21. Palpitation of the heart, throbbing of the arteries of the neck; first day.

22. Pain in the thorax as if broken.

23. Incisive burning pain under the false ribs (left side), and toward the spine; second day.

24. Dry infrequent cough, oppression; second day.

25. The voice is changed, hoarseness; second day.

26. Pain in the mammae; third and fourth days.

27. Cough in the morning before breakfast; first day.

28. Wheezing in the chest in the evening when breathing; seventh day.

29. Severe pains in the mammae; eighth day.

30. Sharp lancinations in the mammae.


31. Hunger during the day, in the morning; none at dinner.

32. Hunger the sixth day.


33. Evacuation difficult; second day.

34. Painful tension in the right hypochondrium; second day.

35. Colic; fourth day. Colic in the evening; seventh day. Constipation which lasts five days and more. Uneasiness in the abdomen like that which is caused by the approach of the menses; their appearance is retarded fifteen days; eighth day.

36. Acute pain like a sharp point in the left side of the abdomen extends and is felt in different isolated spots; the left side of the abdomen remained painful the whole evening; second day.

37. The same symptoms less severe; third day.

38. Pressure upon the anus like painful points; first day. Genital Organs.

39. Acute pain in the right side of the uterus which crosses the body and ascends to the left mamma; first day.

40. Sensation of dryness and of constriction in the uterus; second day.

41. Sensation of weight and of dilation in the labia majora; seventh day.

42. Pain as if wounded by a cutting instrument in the uterus; seventh day.

43. In the evening (third day), two violent lancinations, lasting one minute, in the left side of the abdomen in an upward direction.

44. Excitement of the genital organs; desire so violent as to fatigue the reason.

45. Greenish thick leucorrhoea; seventh day. The same (third day) diminished but thicker; eighth day.

46. The leucorrhoea becomes bloody; ninth day.

47. Return of bloody discharge from the vulva on going to stool (fourth day) a part of the day; it ceases and re-appears.

48. Venereal desire renewed by the slightest touch; second day.

49. Heaviness in the vagina during the existence of the pain in the abdomen.

50. Throbbings in the uterus; fifth day.

51. Watery leucorrhoea lasting only a half day; second day. Urinary Organs.

52. Urine with white sediment. Discharge of a small quantity of bloody mucus after the passage of urine; fifth day.

53. Frequent call to urinate during the day; second day.

54. When urinating slight bloody discharge; eighth day.

55. Frequent need to urinate during the night, urine colorless; third day.

56. Urine foetid; the odor much resembling that of Valerian; this odor soon diminishes and disappears; third day.


57. Pain in the loins. Sensation of burning, of excoriation; first day.

58. Pain in the loins; eighth day.

59. Pain in the loins when lying down, pain in the hips (second to third day) especially in bed.

60. Pain around the pelvis; third day.


61. Extreme feebleness in the voluntary movements. The limbs give way and there is irresistible desire to remain seated; first day.

Carroll Dunham
Dr. Carroll Dunham M.D. (1828-1877)
Dr. Dunham graduated from Columbia University with Honours in 1847. In 1850 he received M.D. degree at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York. While in Dublin, he received a dissecting wound that nearly killed him, but with the aid of homoeopathy he cured himself with Lachesis. He visited various homoeopathic hospitals in Europe and then went to Munster where he stayed with Dr. Boenninghausen and studied the methods of that great master. His works include 'Lectures on Materia Medica' and 'Homoeopathy - Science of Therapeutics'.