Arnica. Where the prolapsus has been caused by a concussion, and a bruised sore feeling remains. She cannot walk erect on account of a bruised, sore feeling in the uterine region.

Asterias rubens. Sensation of pressure on the lower abdominal organs, impeding locomotion. General feeling of distress in the womb, as though something were pushing out.

Aurum. Heaviness in the abdomen, with icy coldness of the hand and feet. Drawing pain at the pubes. Quarrelsome disposition. Melancholy; and thoughts continually running on self-destruction.

Belladonna. Pressure as though all the contents of the abdomen would issue through the genital organs. This is particularly felt early in the morning. Sensation of heat and dryness in the vagina. Drawing pain in the whole circumference of the pelvis. Pains in the pelvic region which come on suddenly and cease as suddenly. Or feeling in the back as if it would break, hindering motion. Suppression of stools and of urine.

Bryonia. Pinching and uneasiness in the distended abdomen, as if the means would appear. Frequent bleeding from the nose, when the menses should appear. Constipation of hard, dry stools, as if burnt. Lips parched and cracked, and thirst. She desires to keep still, she feels so much better.

Calcarea carb. This remedy is very much indicated in pale, leuco- phlegmatic temperaments. She feels a sort of inward coldness. The least exposure to cold air chills her through and through. She feels as if she had no cold, damp stockings, continually. She has vertigo on going up stairs; and she is often all out of breath also, she has to sit down even before she reaches the top. The menses are too frequent and too profuse; the least excitement will often cause their return. Heaviness and painful weight in the limbs and great fatigue on walking. Constant aching in the vagina.

Calcarea phos. When every cold causes rheumatic pains, in the joints and in various parts of the body. This is a positive indication; and when this occurs, the exhibition of Calcarea phos. will at once remove the rheumatic affection and prevent the reappearance of the uterine displacement.

Cantharis. Burning in the vulva and violent itching in the vagina. Almost desire to urinate, with cutting, burning and passing of a few drops of urine sometimes bloody; sometimes followed by a discharge of bloody mucus.

Carbo animal. Great languor in the thighs, particularly before and during the menses. The menstrual function seems to exhaust her remarkably, so that she is hardly able to speak during its continuance.

Chamomilla. Frequent pressure towards the uterus, like labor pains, with frequent desire to urinate, often passing large quantities of colorless urine. Frequent discharge of coagulated blood, with tearing pain in the veins of the legs and violent, labor-like pains in the uterus. Contrary to her condition in health, she is always out of humor, particularly at her menstrual periods, when she is headstrong even unto quarreling. She can hardly speak a pleasant word, she has to restrain herself in order to do so.

China. In cases where the prolapsus and attended symptoms were superinduced by losses of fluids, particularly of blood. She has much ringing in the ears; painless lienteria and leucorrhoea. A sense of distention in the abdomen which is not relieved by eructations.

Cocculus. Much paralytic pain in the small of the back, rendering walking quite difficulty and sometimes impossible. Irregularity of the menses, and at their appearance, nausea and faintness.

Colocynth. A constant heat and dragging pain in the vagina. Chronic and repeated attacks of colic, and drawing her double, with great restlessness and lamentation.

Conium. Induration and prolapsus, at the same time. Much nausea with vomiting. Vertigo, particularly when in a recumbent position and turning over. Intermittent flow at every emission of urine. The breasts become sore, enlarged and painful at every menstrual period. Principally with Conium, fifteen years ago, I cured permanently a case of prolapsus of six years’ standing, in which all pessaries and abdominal supporters, even that of the celebrated Mrs. Betts, had failed to keep the uterus within the vulva. The prolapsus was complicate with induration, ulceration and profuse leucorrhoea. This lady has since borne several children, and has never experienced a return of the malady. All cases of prolapsus can be cured by the use of the use of the indicated Homoeopathic remedy.

Dulcamara. The patient has always, as a forerunner of the menses, a rash upon the skin. All her symptoms are aggravated when the weather suddenly becomes colder, especially if the weather is damp.

Ferrum. The patient is weakly and complaining, yet her face is fiery red. The menses intermit two or three days and then return. Previous to the menses she has stinging headache, ringing in the ears and discharge of long pieces of mucus from the uterus.

Graphites. The menses a always delay. They are too pale and scanty. Before and during the menses, cough throughout the day, fatiguing the chest; no cough at night. Constipation of large, difficult, knotty feces, and itching blotches on various parts of the body, from which oozes out a watery, sticky fluid. Morning sickness during the menses. Pain in the epigastrium during the menses, as if every thing would be torn in pieces.

Ignatia. Menses scanty, black and of a putrid odor. Cramp pains in the uterus, with lancinations. A very weak, empty feeling at the pit of the stomach, with sighing respiration. She is full of suppressed grief, with which she seems to be weighed down.

Kali carb. Very much heavy, aching pain in the small of the back. Pain like a weight in the small of the back, during the menses. Violent itching of the whole body during the menses. Stitching pains i and about an hour or two previous to an evacuations of the bowels.

Kali bichromicum More particularly indicated in fat, light-haired persons. Often where the prolapsus seems to have been produced by hot weather. Especially suitable if there be also leucorrhoea so tough as to be drawn out in long, ropy strings.

Lachesis. Pain in the uterine region, as if swollen. The uterus does not bear contact, and has to be relieved of all pressure. The patient feels, constantly, as if she must lift her dress from the abdomen. Suitable where the displacement occurs in connection with (or in consequence of) change of life. Violent pain of long standing in the right groin, extending either towards the genital organs or upwards towards the liver or chest. Painful oblong swelling and induration in the right ovarian region. aggravated by moral emotions, rapid movements, prolonged walks and over- exertion.

Ledum. Abundant leucorrhoea; pale place; abundant urination, even at night. Ledum is especially indicated where the sufferings are greatly aggravated by warmth.- as in bed or over the register. Great sensation of coldness all through her; she cannot keep warm; she appears deficient in vital heat.

Lycopodium. Sensation of pressure through the vagina, on stooping. Sensation of great dryness sin the vagina. Much borborygmus especially in the left hypochondrium. Much red sand in the urine. Terrific pain in the back, previous to every urination, with relief as soon as the urine begins to flow.

Magnesia mur. Hysterical complaints and spasmodic turns. Much weakness in the limbs. Constipation of large difficult stools, which crumble as they pass the verge of the anus. Poor sleep.

Mercurius. During every menstrual period, anxiety, red tongue with dark spots and burning, slate taste in the mouth, sickly color of the gums and teeth are set on edge. This remedy is indicated in prolapsus of the vagina, which see. It is a very valuable remedy for all displacements, where it is indicated. Cold and clammy sweat upon the thighs every night.

Nat. mur. Pressing and pushing the genital organs every morning, she had to sit down to prevent prolapsus uteri; she awakens every morning with violent headache, which lasts a long time. Constipation with sensation of contraction of the anus. Difficult expulsion of stool, fissuring the anus, with flow of blood leaving a sensation of much soreness in the anus.

Nitric acid. Violent pressing as if everything were coming out of the vulva, with pain in the small of the back, through the hips and down the thighs. Very painful stools, with profuse discharge of blood, the pain lasting a long time and exhausting her.

Nux mosch. Enormous distention of the abdomen after every meal. Greatly troubled with dryness in the mouth and throat while sleeping. Great pressure in the back from within outwards, during the menses.

Nux vomica Prolapsus uteri from straining by lifting. Pressure towards the genital organs early in the morning, in bed or during a walk, with a sensation of contraction of the abdomen. Constipation of large, hard, difficult stools, or small stools with frequent urging. Dyspepsia from high living. Cannot sleep after three A.M. Pain in the small of her back preventing her from turning over in bed. Frequent urination; she passes little and often, with much burning pain. The prolapsus of long standing is often accompanied with dry cough and a sense of constriction around the hypochondria.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.