The most useful homeopathy remedies for Disorders of Locomotive Apparatus, of Nervous System, And of Intellectual And Moral Faculties symptoms from the book The diseases peculiar to women and young children by H.N.Guernsey. …

) (++)Maladies Des Yeux, Paris, 1847, p.715) Exactly opposite to this is the case quoted by Cazeaux, & & Traite Theorique et Pratique, p.312.) of a young woman whose imperfect vision had compelled her to use spectacles, from childhood, – but whose sight has so much improved immediately after the beginning of her pregnancy that she had no longer need of magnifying glasses. In affections of the eyes, study the following remedies:- Aurum. Objects appear as if divided horizontally. Belladonna. Dim appearance of objects; they appear inverted or double. Calcarea c. All objects appear as if seen through a mist. Causticum. Sudden and frequent loss of sight, with sensation of a film before the eyes. The dimness of vision is greater after every headache. Paralysis of the upper eyelids, so that they hang down. China. She can only distinguish the outlines of distant objects. When reading, the letters appear pale, For other remedies, see Hysteria, Gastric Derangements, &c.

INFLAMMATION OF THE ARTICULATIONS OF THE PELVIS. – This not very common form of inflammation is sometimes seen during pregnancy; but less rarely after parturition. The affection appears spontaneously, with severe, acute and sometimes lancinating pains, in one or several of the pelvic articulations. These pains are necessarily aggravated by pressure; by standing, and by attempts at walking, – which the inflammation may render impossible. In some cases, probably those which were strongly predisposed to suppuration, the inflammation has taken this course, the articular surfaces becoming denuded of cartilage; in two instances, referred to by M. Cazeaux, this affection terminated fatally.

Perfect quiet must of course be observed in such inflammation of parts which are not only immediately engaged in locomotion, but which have to sustain also all the superincumbent weight of the body. The character of the pains themselves, as lancinating or otherwise, together with their conditions of aggravation as to time and circumstances, will readily suggest to the Homoeopathic practitioner the remedy applicable to each particular case, – by the timely exhibition of which not only will much suffering be saved to the unfortunate patient, but the serious and even fatal consequences just referred to as occurring in the Allopathic practice, will undoubtedly be avoided.

RELAXATION OF THE ARTICULATIONS OF THE PELVIS. – In certain constitutions there appears during pregnancy a considerable amount of relaxation of the ligaments which unite the bones of the pelvis, and a consequent mobility of the pelvic articulations. This change occurs in different degrees in different persons; being scarcely perceptible in some, and rendering walking impossible in others.

The precise cause of this affection it may not be easy to designate; although those who suffer in this manner usually appear to possess what is termed a scrofulous constitution. And indeed this temporary relaxation and displacement is in no small degree analogous to the chronic scrofulous disease which goes by the name of Rachitis. The immediate cause of the relaxation is found to consist in a softening of the ligaments, by which the pelvic articulations are usually so firmly bound together. And in this respect this affection differs from the rachitic softening of the bones which so often produces distortion during the period of childhood, – and also from the corresponding softening of the bones in adult years, malacosteon, which occasions so many varieties of pelvic deformity. A certain enlargement of the synovial bursae and corresponding hypersecretion of the synovial fluid, have been noticed in the more aggravated cases of pelvic relaxation.

This spontaneous relaxation and dislocation, from the very first occasions such an amount of instability in standing and insecurity in attempting to walk, as to indicate at once the nature of the difficulty. The pains which accompany the affection, being felt principally from motion, or pressure, – such as standing or walking, – might be incapable of being distinguished form those of inflammation of the articulations, but for this remarkable sense of instability which appears in the incipient stages, and which is subsequently aggravated to exceeding difficulty of standing and impossibility of walking. In such cases the sensation experienced on attempting to stand, is that which so strongly characterizes Belladonna, – as if her whole body would sink down between her thighs.

This relaxation of the pelvic articulations may, – when not too much developed, render delivery less easy and speedy, by destroying the firmness and stability of the point d’appui which the abdominal muscles derive from the bones of the pelvis. But when farther advanced, this relaxation, by somewhat enlarging the pelvic cavities, may facilitate the expulsion of the child’s head, – rendering spontaneous a delivery, which would otherwise have been very difficult on account of the disproportion between the size of the head and the dimensions of the pelvis. After delivery, the relaxation has been known to continue for several months, or even for years or the whole lifetime.

In all cases of relaxation of the pelvic articulations in pregnancy, the most perfect quiet, and even absolute rest should be enjoined, in order to prevent the increase of the difficulty which must result from moving about, and in order to obviate the danger of inflammation arising form undue irritation of tissues already morbidly affected. A careful study should be made of all the indications and symptoms in order to reach the real constitutional dyscrasia which lies at the bottom of the difficulty, and thus at the same times arrest the progress of the present mischief, prevent future trouble, and radically and permanently improve the patient’s health.

A disposition to fall sometimes greatly troubles the pregnant female. That which arises from sudden attacks of syncope is not referred to here; but rather that want of firm balance in walking, that danger of stumbling, and that general sense of instability, which often prove a constant source of annoyance. The equilibrium of the body in motion, in the natural state, is only preserved by the incessant, although entirely unconscious effort of the muscular apparatus, which as instinctively regulates the movement and position of the body in accordance with the law of gravity, as the muscles of the eye adapt the size of the pupil to the various degrees of light. In persons afflicted with hereditary muscular weakness, – which is but the particular manifestation of some general and constitutional dyscrasia, the constant task of maintaining the proper centre of gravity, – aggravated by the awkward disproportion in size and large addition of weight in front which characterize the advanced stages of pregnancy, – is entirely beyond their strength. Hence the severe myalgic and neuralgic pains, already described, as affecting the abdomen, breasts, back and lower limbs; hence too the difficulty of walking, the unsteadiness of gait, and the danger of falling, with which such persons are afflicted.

A careful collection of all the symptoms of such cases, and an equally careful comparison of them with those belonging to the following remedies, and to others which may occasionally be indicated in the rarer forms of lesion of the locomotive apparatus in pregnancy, will enable the Homoeopathic physician to prescribe the confident hope of affording to these sufferers, both presently and permanently, a hitherto unexpected relief.

AEsculus h. Where the sacro-iliac symphysis is the point of the trouble. She cannot walk, because that part of her back gives out; and it fatigues her so that she must sit down; and she feels better still to lie down.

Aloes. Where a sense of weight and pressure into the pelvis seems to cause the lameness.

Arnica. Where a sensation of soreness as of a bruise prevails. She can hardly move about at all, from the soreness in the symphysis pubis, or in the sacro-iliac symphysis.

Calcarea carb. Will be indicated in leucophlegmatic constitutions; great fatigue on walking even but a short distance, from a general feeling of lameness in the pelvis. Cold, damp feet. Vertigo on ascending. Does not sleep after three A.M. She is clumsy. She stumbles and falls very easily.

Calcarea phosph. She is very much worse after taking a little cold. She is liable to rheumatic pains in all her joints after taking cold.

Magnum. The limbs are affected, and are very tender and sensitive to the touch.

Pulsatilla. She cannot walk so well towards evening. She feels worse when warm in bed. She can hardly find an easy position through the night, owing to the pain in the pelvic articulations.

Rhus tox. A sense of stiffness in the pelvic articulations on first attempting to walk; better after getting warm in walking. At night she must change her position frequently, feeling quite easy for a while after every change, then she must change again.

Silicea. In cases where ulcerations take place with fistulous openings, which are very tender to the touch. If pimples make their appearance around the ulcerations, Hepar may be indicated.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.