Belladonna. Face flushed, or very pale, eyes red; throbbing of the carotids; dead of light and of noise. A putrid taste arisen from the fauces, also white eating and drinking, although the food tastes natural. Nausea in the throat.

Berberis. She dreads all downward motions. Bitter taste of every thing, even of the saliva; distension with flatulence after very meal.

Bryonia. Nausea on waking in the morning. Her nausea in usually relieved by keeping quite. Dry parched lips;l dry mouth and tongue. Splitting headache. Vomiting of food immediately after eating. She desires to keep still. The gastric derangement is ameliorated by keeping quite. constipation of hard dry feces as if burnt.

Calcarea carb. She cannot sleep after three in the morning. Heart- burn and food eructations. Vertigo on running up stairs. Cold, damp feet. Leucophlegmatic temperament. Soreness of the tongue, either on the tip, sides or dorsum, so that she can scarcely talk or eat. She cannot bear tight clothing around the hypochondria. Stitches in the liver during or after stooping.

Cantharis. Gastric difficulties accompanied with very frequent micturition, with cutting and burning pains, only a few drops being emitted at a time, and sometimes with blood. Sensation of fulness extending into the chest and abdomen, after taking coffee. Burning in the region of the pylorus. Vomiting with violent retching and severe colic.

Carbo veget. She has to eructate frequently which affords only temporary relief of her many sufferings. Sensation as if the oesophagus were contracted or entirely closed. Even the most innocent kind of nourishment disagrees with her. Sensation as if the stomach and abdomen would burst, when eating or drinking.

Causticum Phlegm in the throat, which she is unable to hawk up, and which sickens her. She sits down to the table with some appetite, but can eat scarcely a morsel. Constant sensation as of lime being burned in the stomach with rising of air. Stitches in the liver for hours in the afternoon. Hemorrhoids, which cause great suffering on walking. Her upper eyelids are nearly paralyzed, she can hardly keep them open.

Chamomilla The existing pain is increased by eructations. Nausea as if she would faint. Great irascibility of temper, she can hardly return a civil answer. Burning all across the stomach into each hypochondria. The epigastrium is painfully bloated in the morning, with a sensation as if the contents were passing into the chest. The belching of wind is now painful. She cannot compose herself to sleep; she imagines she hears the voices of absent persons.

Chelidonium There is a constant pain under the lower inner angle of the right shoulder-blade. Her nausea causes great heat of the body. Great desire for milk, the drinking of which ameliorates all her symptoms.

China The abdomen feels full and tight as if stuffed, eructations afford no relief. There may be diarrhoea and dejection of much flatus, but no relief is obtained. In connection with the tightness about the abdomen, she often feels as if her garters were too tight and loosens them, and as if her waist were too tight; she must loosen that, &c. Bitter taste in the back part of the throat, bitter taste, of everything. She craves dainties, but hardly knows what.

Cina Grinding of her teeth, tumbling and tossing during her sleep. DIarrhoea always after drinking; (or else Arsenic). Inclination to vomit, with a weak, hollow, empty feeling in the head. Constant pressure in the stomach at night, causing restlessness.

Cocculus Burning in the oesophagus extending into the fauces, with a taste of Sulphur in the mouth. She is scarcely able to raise herself in the morning from nausea and inclination to vomit; it makes her so faint. Metallic taste in the mouth. Sensation in the abdomen as if sharp stones rubbed together on every movement, and the lower extremities seem almost paralyzed.

Conium Much vertigo develops itself, particularly on turning over in bed. The urine intermits at every emission. Stinging in the neck of the uterus; scirrhus of any part. Terrible nausea and vomiting in women having scirrhosities during pregnancy. Where the history of the case of nausea and vomiting reveals the fact of swelling and soreness of the breasts with some menstrual periods.

Crocus Sensation of fermentation in the stomach, or of motion upwards and downwards, hither and thither. Feeling of nausea in the chest and throat as if she would vomit.

Cuprum Violet vomiting of frothy mucus. When drinking the fluid descends with a gurgling noise. Sensation in the stomach as if she had something bitter in it. The violent nausea and vomiting are relieved by drinking cold water.

Cyclamen After eating the least quantity, disgust and nausea in the palate and throat. Much dimness of vision with fiery specks and sparks before the eyes. Intermittent thirst.

Digitalis Nausea as if she would die. Very slow pulse and light-colored stools. Intermittent pulse. Very persistent nausea and vomiting nausea even after vomiting. Burning in the stomach extending up the oesophagus. Want of appetite, with clean tongue and empty stomach. Very much nausea in the morning.

Drosera Nausea after eating fat. The nausea is worse after midnight till morning. The mouth seems in a bitter state when eating.

Dulcamara The sufferings are made worse by every cold change in the weather. Empty eructations with throbbing, as from disgust. Frequent eructations while eating. Sensation of retraction in the pit of the stomach with burning.

Ferrum Vomiting of food with a fiery red face. Renewed vomiting after eating. Vomiting at midnight. Every thing she vomits tastes sour and acrid.

Graphites Itching blotches here and there over the body. Vesicular eruptions from which oozes a glutinous watery fluid. Sore varices. Constipation or diarrhoea. Nausea with vertigo, so that she is afraid to walk. Rancid heartburn, particularly after eating. Taste in the mouth as of rotten eggs every morning, which nauseates her.

Helleborus Urine scanty, dark and depositing a coffee-ground sediment. Nausea, yet hungry; still the food is repulsive, although the taste is natural. Intensely painful burning in the stomach, extending into the oesophagus.

Hepar Itching rash in the bend of the arms; under the knee; in the popliteal space. Frequent and momentary attacks of nausea. Vomiting every morning. Inclination to vomit with flow of saliva from the mouth. Constant sensation of water rising in the oesophagus as if she had eaten sour things.

Ignatia Great sense of emptiness at the pit of the stomach, with sighing and great depression of spirits. Full of suppressed grief, as it were. Sensation as if she had been fasting a long time with flat taste and languor in the limbs.

Ipecac One continual sense of nausea all the time, not a moment’s relief. Vomiting of large quantities of mucus.

Jodium Continual empty eructations, from morning till evening, as if every particle of nourishment were turned into air. Nausea and vomiting of saltish-tasting substances. A continual taste of salt in the mouth.

Kali bichromicum

Discharge from the stomach, throat or mouth, or from any of the mucous membranes, of a tough, stringy mucus, inclining to stick to the parts and drawing out in long strings.

Kali carb.

Very sleepy during a meal, with strong desire to sleep. Nausea as if she would faint, relieved by lying down. Vomiting with a swoon-like failing of strength. With much colicky pain in the abdomen of a stitching character.

Laurocerasus Attacks of suffocation with palpitation and a sort of gasping for breath, a feeling as if she was not going to breathe again, yet she does, she must sometimes lie down to find relief. Eructations tasting as if of bitter almonds or Prussic acid. Violent pain in the stomach, with loss of speech.

Lycopodium Much rumbling and working in the abdomen; gurgling in the left hypochondrium. Sensation of satiety, on account of which she cannot eat. Red sand in the urine. Great pain before urinating, and relief as soon as the urine begins to flow. Immediately after a meal sensation as of fasting, but no hunger. Much heat in the face after eating, particularly in the left cheek. Heartburn from the stomach, the acidity rising into the stomach.

Magnesia c. Much sour taste and sour vomiting. All her symptoms are aggravated every third week. Much roughness, or stinging or burning in the throat, with desire to vomit. Much loathing with- out desire to vomit.

Magnesia mur.

Constipation of large, difficult stools, which crumble as they leave the verge of the anus. A continual rising of white froth into the mouth. Eructations tasting like onions. Fainting nausea succeeded by coldness and weakness in the stomach and gulping up of water.

Mercurius Much salivation, ulcerated gums, sore and elongated teeth. Mucous stools, followed by tenesmus. Rancid heartburn after a simple supper. Heartburn all night. Ptyalism with nausea, waking her from sleep, particularly after twelve at night. The pit of the stomach is very tender to the touch.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.