Carbo veg. Varicose veins are very abundant in. the external genital organs, so as to cause dysuria.

Causticum. A good deal of burning in. the internal organs with varices in the anus, the sufferings from which e made intolerable by walking. Her upper eye-lids are so heavy the cannot keep them up, they seem analyzed.

Chamomilla this remedy is indicated by the mental and moral symptoms. See Leucorrhoea.

China. This medicine will be useful when a profuse and long continued hemorrhage has seemed to produce the sufferings. There is usually an ichorous leucorrhoea; and dysmenorrhoea. the patient is worse every other day. Flatulence, which is not relieved by discharges of flatus.

Clematis. For softened scirrhus, with corrosive leucorrhoea and lancinating pain, the other symptoms agreeing.

Conium. There are burnings stitches, sticking, nausea, vomiting and sadness. The breasts are relate, except at the menstrual periods, when they often sell and become soft and painful. The urine intermits in its flow. There is much vertigo,. particularly on turning her head when laying in a prostrate position.

Creosote. Shooting statuses in. vaginal burning and swelling of the external and internal labia. profuse discharge of dark coagulated blood,.or of a pungent bloods ichor, preceded by pain in the back. Aggravation of the pains at night; fainting on rising from he bed. She always feels chilly at the menstrual period. Complexion livid; disposition sad, irritable.

Graphites. In females inclining to obesity, and whose history reveals a disposition for the menses to delay; swelling of the feet; itching blotches in various parts of the body which discharge a glutinous, watery fluid. Now that she has symptoms of cancer he skin is better. the ovaries are also affected. she has violent, lancinating, stitching pains through the uterus down to the lower extremities. Heaviness in the abdomen with exacerbation of the pains when standing.

Iodium. Uterine hemorrhage after every stool, with cutting in the abdomen and pains in. the loins and small of the back. Great weakness during the menses, particularly on going up stairs. Long lasting uterine hemorrhage. More particularly indicated in scrofulous prisons. Dwindling and falling away of he mammae.

Lachesis. More particularly if the cancerous affection be developed at the critical period, or as a consequence of e change of life. The frequent hemorrhage at that period may indicate the approach of this disease.

Sometimes the pain increases more and more, until relieved by a profuse discharge of blood; and after the lapse of a few hours; or days, the same phenomena are pain exhibited and so on. At time the pain is as violent as f a knife were thrust through the abdomen, the pain itself resembling this sensation.

Lycopodium. Pressing through the vagina on stooping. DArting pain in the labia. Discharge of wind from the vagina. Much borborygmus and gurgling in the left hypochondrium. All her sufferings increase at about four P.M.; and abate at about eight or nine in the evening. the urine deposits a red sand; it is often very forty. Pain in. the back before the flow of urine, which is much delayed.

Mag.m. If the peculiar constipation of this remedy be present; large, hard, difficult stools, which crumble as the come or pass to the verge of the anus. Let the action of the remedy be continued a long while after he bowels become regular and comfortable, and the scirrhus will also disappear.

Mercurius. This remedy may be particularly indicated if there be prolapsed vagina. the inguinal glands sympathize with he cancerous affection. In case in. which there is syphilitic taint in the system, see the most characteristic indications for this remedy under leucorrhoea and prolapse of the vagina.

Murex pur. Has cured carcinoma uterus, where very great depression of spirits, a short of deep hypochondria prevails as the characteristic symptom.

Nitric acid. In cases where the syphilitic taint is the basis of the affection. The urine is very offensive. the inguinal glands are sympathetically affected. the patient is worse after twelve at night. Violent cramp-like pains, as if the abdomen would burst, with constant eructations. Violent pressings if everything were coming out at the vulva, with pain in the small of he back, through the hips down the thighs.

Phosphorus. In tall slim female, s with sense of emptiness in the abdomen; much heat up the back; and a narrow, tough, dry school like a dog’s. Cutting pains through the abdomen sometimes with vomiting. Very sleepy, particularly after dinner. Belching up of an immense quantity of wind after eating. FRequent and profuse hemorrhage pouring out freely an then ceasing for some hours or days.

Rhus t. Is particularly indicated where repeated drenching in the rain has deranged the uterine functions. The menstrual discharge causes a violent biting pain in the vulva. Vitiated discharge with shooting upward in the vagina. Rheumatic pain and stiffness, relieved by motion.

Sepia. Lancinating pains from the uterus to the umbilicus. A putrid excoriating discharge from the vagina. A sense of weight and pressing down which causes her to cross her thighs least the organ should escape. Sensation of weight in the anus, not relieved by an evacuation. Very cold feet and hands,-icy cold. Great sense of weakness and emptiness at the pit of the stomach. Yellowness of the face, particularly across the bridge of the nose like a saddle. Shooting stitches with burning in the neck of the uterus.

Silica. Discharges of blood between the regular periods. Increase menses with repeated paroxysms of icy coldness over the whole body. Attacks of melancholy, anguish in. the pit of the stomach. She wishes to drown herself. Foetid, brownish, purulent, ichorous leucorrhoea. Always great costiveness immediately before and during the menses. Momentary attacks of sudden blindness.

Staphysagria. Particularly indicated where syphilis or mercurialization, acts as an exciting cause. Flow of blood from the genital in the vulva and vagina. The teeth turn black, or show dark streaks running through them.

Sulphur. This great polychrest will be found suitable in a large majority of case, if we are called early; and if we find a few of the following symptoms prominently developed.-Offensive, corrosive, ichorous leucorrhoea. Sensation of heat in the crown of he head; coldness of the feet; or burning in the soles of the feet at night; flushes of heat which pass off in a perspiration with faintness. The patient feels remarkably weak and hunger at the pit of the stomach from eleven in the morning till noon; she cannot wait for the dinner. She sleeps lightly at night, and awakens very frequently. Violent burning in the vagina, with painful soreness during sexual intercourse.

Thuya. This remedy will be particularly indicated, if syphilis acts as an exciting cause of the disease. Cauliflower excrescences, bleeding easily, having an offensive pungent odor. To be especially studied, and given in cauliflower excrescences, if he other symptoms correspond. Warts, condylomata, and 9their excrescences about the vulva or anus. Ulcers on the internal surface of he vulva. The vulva has a sore and smarting feeling. pressing and contractive pain in. the vulva when sitting. Cramp-like pain in the vulva and perineum when rising from a seat. Cramp pain in the vulva, extending as far as the abdomen.

For other remedies sand indications see leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, inflammation of the various organs, and compare and study the various remedies s there recommended.


These forms of degeneration of the womb arise on in consequence of other primary disorders,-and require no particular description in this place. The following medicines should be carefully studied, and the remedy selected according to the individual characteristics of each case.

Aconite. When the congestion and inflammation of the part are extreme. Great anguish, a nd fear of death. Dry heat of the skin and intense thirst for cold water. When the pain has suddenly ceased; the characteristic discharges have taken place; and the febrile and mental symptoms continue, Aconite is unquestionably the remedy to be administered first and in repeated doses.

Apis. Absence of thirst and scanty secretion of urine.

Arsenicum. Rapid sinking; cold precipitation; extreme restlessness; great fear of death. Aggravation after twelve at night. thirst for little water at a time and very often. Undigested food passes the bowels with great distress and increase of prostration. Repeat the medicine frequently till better.

Belladonna. The eyes are more contested with blood. She rather desires death than fears it. There is a strong sense of heat about the vagina; involuntary discharge of feces and urine.

Carbo veg. The patient wants more air; wants to be fanned all the time in the face. Eructates eructates frequently, with momentary relief.

Chief. Sensation of great distention in the abdomen, which distresses her much. Frequent eructation, which affords no relief. ringing in. the ears. the characteristic discharge of China.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.