Fears & Fright

Homeopathy treatment of Fears & Fright from the book Homoeopathy for Mother and infant by Dr. Douglas M. Borland (1950), a useful guide for treating Fears & Fright homeopathically. …

Fears and Fright

ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Kent says; “The woman is a natural ACONITUM patient; with her sympathetic nature, her natural state of sensitiveness. She takes on complaints from shock, fear, and causes other than those which affect men. With women, fear is a common cause of inflammation of uterus, ovaries, in bleiflorio, vigorous, excitable women. Fear will often cause on threaten abortion; but ACONITUM, given early, will check this (OPIUM).

Sometimes the burning, stitching, tearing pains of ACONITUM follow fear, or sudden emotion. Or a pregnant woman will say; “Doctor, it is no use your planning for my confinement. I know I am going to die in that confinement.’ If there is any one thing that is really a strong symptoms to prescribe on it is that. A dose of ACONITUM and change the subject, and a few days after you ask about the fear, and she says, oh, never mind that!”

ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Fear, with hurry. Fears of anticipation; of high places. Curious unreasoning fears, that she will not be able to pass that corner without disaster; that walls are closing in; that houses will fall on her. Tormented by ideas and fears, and must walk, and walk. (The nearest here is LILIUM TIG.) Feels the heat; craves sweets and salt. But the mental picture, so definite and peculiar, determines the remedy.

ARSENICUM ALBUM. Not unlike those of ACONITUM but less acute. ACONITUM is a big storm, soon over. ARSENICUM an enduring and recurrent torment. ARSENICUM is described as “the gentleman with gold-headed cane”, so particular, so fastidious. But restless. Anxious. Chilly (usually). Thirst for frequent, small, cold drinks. Fears alone; that things will injure her if alone. Fear of death. Fear of suffocation. Fear of robbers. Fear at night, (ACON.) Fear of knives; of killing; of suicidal; fear for of others. Marked periodicity; worse at 1 a.m. and 1 p.m.

IGNATIA AMARA. Anxiety, sleeplessness, despair. Unusual tendency to be frightened. Fear that she will never sleep again. Wakes at midnight with fear of robbers.

OPIUM. Complaints from fear, and the fear remains (Aconite) A pregnant woman is frightened, and abortion threatens (ACON.), and the object of the fright looms up before her eyes. Opium is hot; has not sweats; may be comatose, to complete insensibility. A typical OPIUM picture is, flushed, perspiring, hot face; cheeks blown out with every expiration; or, sleeplessness with acuteness of hearing. Kept awake by distant noises, or the ticking of clocks. Excessive wakefulness.

PHOSPHORUS. Indifferent; or loves sympathy – touch – massage. Fear in the twilight – alone – in the dark. Fear of thunder; of disease; of misfortune; of death. Fear for others (ARSEN). Fear of something creeping out of every corner. A horrible face looking out of every corner. much vertigo. As if chair rising; as if blood rushed to head; or empty sensations in head. Earthy- coloured, or waxy face. Eyes with blue rings round them. Easy haemorrhages, of bright blood. Bruises easily.

PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. Suspicious; disturbed; very easily frightened. Diarrhoea from fright; hot inside, yet chilly. Fear alone; in the dark (PHOS.), of meeting people. Forebodings of impending disaster. PULSATILLA is tearful; changeable; irritable; suspicious; but craves sympathy. Is jealous. Weeps telling symptoms; when nursing. IGNATIA sighs; PULSATILLA weeps. Not hungry, thirsty or constipated. Malposition; to correct, and ensure easy labour.

Douglas Borland
Douglas Borland M.D. was a leading British homeopath in the early 1900s. In 1908, he studied with Kent in Chicago, and was known to be one of those from England who brought Kentian homeopathy back to his motherland.
He wrote a number of books: Children's Types, Digestive Drugs, Pneumonias
Douglas Borland died November 29, 1960.