Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The urine neutralize the gas, and saved them. But one is told that they paid the penalty of unsterilized socks with Sycosis barbae. Those air raid warnings ! late in the day, when one was just going home to dinner we did not have too much to eat ! and were hungry! One would suddenly feel a little chilly; glad to get into a coat, and eat a bit of chocolate: which put matters right till the “All Clear!” sounded, joyfully, and one could go home.


A desperate case of anaemia. Frequent blood transfusions did no more than hold her alive. “She was not making blood;” supplied blood just kept her going. At last, after a dose of Sulph. in homoeopathic potency, given because she was a typical Sulph. patient, the picture suddenly changed; she rapidly regained strength and started making her own healthy blood.


Urine betters puffiness under eyes. Amelioration by vomiting. Amelioration by epistaxis of the headache, the cardiac palpitation, and the shoulder pain. Sleep is prevented by frontal, sharp, intermittent headache, by sneezing and by mental activity. For the last year or so, Drs. Donald and Douglas Macfarlan (Philadelphia) have made a re-proving of Lachesis, in the 30th potency, on a host of male and female provers.


Skin feels hot and burning. Chest feels as if a weight on it. Cyanosed. Thirsty for cold drinks. No sputum: too hard to get it up. Feels sick. Alae nasi flapping. Tongue dirty: brown. Became ill morning of the 12th. C/o headache and backache. Temp. 101. Continued more or less the same till this morning, the 14th, when definite signs of pneumonia (left base) were present.


Diarrhoea with vomiting; continued vomiting. Straining to vomit predominates: child resists tightening of anything round abdomen which increases restlessness and pain. Wets bed at night: during first sleep. “Dreams he is urinating in a decent manner.”. Mammae; stitches; dwindling away; small, hard, painful lumps in them; hard, bluish-red, covered with little scurfy protuberances, from which blood oozes when scruff is removed.


Having only a very limited knowledge of homoeopathic treatment, she wonders if it would have been any better to have used a higher potency, in cases where the patient had been ill for ten or fourteen days before she saw her. Several of such cases died, but that was not the fault of the treatment, as they were too far gone before she saw them. The forty-seven cases were cases in which she had a fair opportunity.