Feels double; mind and body separated; that there is no reality in anything; suspects everyone; someone behind him; desire to curse and swear. Objects too far away. Then the characteristic plug sensation: in intestines; in right chest; in gluteal muscles. Rectum feels plugged up. Also a hoop sensation, round head, chest, abdomen or anus. Chelidonium . . Feeling of anguish in pit of stomach.

With their mental and Characteristic Symptoms.


Graphites . .

Gnawing in stomach, relieved by eating.

Pain in stomach when empty, forces him to eat.

Canine hunger with acidity of stomach.

Is obliged to eat account of burning in stomach.

The stomach pains of Graph. are relieved by eating: relieved by warm foods and drink: relieved by lying down. Yet hot things disagree. Characteristic: aversion to animal food; to fish. Great aversion to salt. Sweet things are disgusting and nauseous.

Qualmishness, as from abdomen.

Rancid heartburn. Sour vomiting.

Sadness: thoughts of nothing but death.

Must weep. Music makes her weep.

Miserable: unhappy.


Irritable; fretful; fidgety.

Extreme hesitation: timidity.

Anacardium . .

All-gone sensation when stomach is empty; relieved by eating (Chel., Iod.).

Every step shakes the stomach.

Spasmodic stomach pain with belching.

Gastric pain, > eating, but recurs in two to three hours.

A drug of very definite mentalities.

“Few remedies have “impaired memory as so marked a characteristic.”

Dual personality: “devil and angel” sensation; impelled to evil, and to good.

Feels double; mind and body separated; that there is no reality in anything; suspects everyone; someone behind him; desire to curse and swear. Objects too far away. Then the characteristic plug sensation: in intestines; in right chest; in gluteal muscles. Rectum feels plugged up.

Also a hoop sensation, round head, chest, abdomen or anus. Chelidonium . . Feeling of anguish in pit of stomach.

Persistent pain in stomach; worse motion.

Better eructations; better eating.

Ameliorated by hot milk (Phos. cold milk).

Gnawing, grinding pain, stomach, relieved by eating, by warm drinks.

Loss of appetite with disgust and nausea.

Longing for very hot drinks; for wine; vinegar; for milk, coffee; for beer which disagrees.

Milk improves; wine relieves abdominal pain; hot drinks agree; coffee agrees; worse cold drinks.

Gall stones: gall stone colic. Great liver medicine

Characteristic: pain under lower, inner angle, of right scapula.

Tooth-notched tongue.

Anxiety: allows no rest at any employment.

As if had committed a crime. Fear of getting crazy.

Vexed at every trifle: violent attacks of passionate outbursts of temper.

Man (27). Report (from a London Hospital where he had been in- patient): “X-ray; large gastric ulcer, lesser curvature: with diet, nearly healed.” Now, 7 months later, recurrence. He was > eating, > hot food, > lying; and Graph. at long intervals and varying potencies, kept him at him at heavy work and “fine”. A couple of years later, Chel., from 6 upwards, took up the case and improved on it. He is very well.

Lachesis . .

Gnawing pressure in stomach, better by eating. Returns when stomach is empty.

Characteristic: excessive tenderness to touch, stomach and abdomen, throat. (Comp. Lyc.)

Lach. craves oysters; wine and spirits; coffee.

Typical Lachesis, where ideas crown on the mind with excessive loquacity.

Religious monomania: fear of being damned.

Jealously. Suspicion.

Extremely sad and distressed on waking in the morning.

All ailments worse after long-lasting grief.

Raphanus. Violent pressure in epigastric region.

Pain in stomach, must eat all the time.

Thirst excessive, violent, constant.

Accumulation and retention of flatus, no relief upwards or downwards.

Carbo animalis . .

Empty feeling pit of stomach: not better by eating.

Soreness; cramps; griping; burning in stomach; load or weight there.

Heartburn; saltish water rises from stomach; cold feet.

Ravenous hunger; or no appetite.

Aversion to food: to fatty food.

Or raw feeling, like heartburn, better eating.

So weak she cannot eat.

“Old, stubborn, cancerous ulcers; they burn and ooze an acrid, ichorous fluid.”

With Carbo an. there is slow onset; slow progress; not tendency to repair.

“Increasingly sensitive to cold; increasingly chilly; increasingly waxy.”-KENT.

Carbo veg . .

KENT says “Carbo veg. has burning in stomach, distension, constant eructations; flatulence, passing of offensive flatus.

Longing for coffee, acids, sweet and salt things; aversion to meat; to milk, which causes flatulence.”

“If I were going to manufacture a Carbo veg. constitution, I would commence with his stomach.

I would being to stuff him: feed him with fats, sweets, puddings and pies, and sauce, and all such indigestible trash; and give him plenty of wine; then I would have the Carbo veg. patient. They are mince-pie fiends. He is really in a fetid, a putrid condition.

All food seems to turn to flatulence; he is always belching. Full of colic and cramps; burning pain; anxiety; distension. Internal heat and burning, with external coldness, is a feature of Carbo veg”.

Phosphorus . .

Perforating ulcer of stomach (Kali bic.); vomiting of food as soon as swallowed.

Violent pain, stomach, with vomiting, first green, then blackish: or like coffee grounds.

Pressure as form a hard substance, as from a weight in stomach: with coldness.

Coldness, as if freezing, in stomach: or burning.

Yet, pain relieved by cold food; ice cream (rev. of Chel., Ars.). Thirst for very cold drinks.

“As soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is vomited.” Desire for wine; for salt. Bad effects of too much salt. (Comp. Nat. mur.)

Aversion to sweet, to meat, to boiled milk (rev. of Chel.), to beer (rev. of Kali bi.), to coffee and tea.

Tall, delicate; easy bleeders; bruise easily.

Chilly, except for head and stomach affection which need cold.

Sensitive; tremulous.

Prostration from mental or physical effort.

Fear thunderstorms, darkness, being alone.

Indifference to loved ones (Sep.), better for touch, for rubbing, for sleep.

Kreosotum . .

Cold internally, epigastrium, as if cold water or ice were there (Phos.).

Painful, hart spot, at or to left of stomach.

Malignant induration, fungus and ulcers of stomach; pressive, gnawing, ulcerative pain in stomach with haematemesis.

Frequent and sudden vomiting of food; remarkably rapid emaciation of whole body, especially neck and face.

Vomiting of sweetish water; of undigested food; of large quantities of sour, acrid fluid, or white, foamy mucus.

Hungry for or aversion to meat.

Great thirst; greedy drinking followed by vomiting. Desire for spirituous drinks.

Stomach aches from acid food.

Better warm diet. Dares not remain fasting.

Kreosote is acrid, offensive, putrid.

Alumina . .

Constriction and twisting in stomach, extending up oesophagus, to throat (Plumb.).

Eructations sour, bitter. Vomits mucus and water.

Worse from eating potatoes; from weakest spirituous drinks; from soups.

Affects oesophagus, especially lower end.

Aversion to meat, to beer.

Depraved appetite for starch, chalk, charcoal, acids, coffee or tea-grounds.

Longing for fruit and vegetables.

Eructations sour, acrid; pyrosis.

Plumbum . .

Feeling of a ball ascending from epigastrium to throat, where it causes suffocation; then can neither speak nor swallow.

Contraction in oesophagus and stomach (Alum., which it antidotes). Fluids can be swallowed, but solids return.

Violent pressure, stomach and pain in back; better hard pressure. Great hunger, or complete loss of appetite.

Violent thirst, especially for cold water (Phos., Pod., Cham.).

Desire for cakes; tobacco.

Gulps up sweetish water.

Most distressing vomiting; of everything taken; spasmodic; of brownish liquid streaked with blood; of greenish and blackish substance; stercoraceous. Of fecal odour.

Plumbum is cold and emaciated. Slow.

Curious sensation, as of a sting at navel pulling it back to spine (Plat.).

KENT give Curare as an antidote in chronic cases.

Uranium nit. . .

Boring pains in pyloric region.

Attacks of pain, with sinking and acid eructations, flatulency; copious urination.

Dyspeptic feeling just before dinner, with gnawing sinking, but without hunger or faintness.

Gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Cramp, pit of stomach.

Craves raw ham and tea.

Despondency; ill-tempered; disagreeable.

Pulsatilla . .

Pain; pressure; pit of stomach, after meals. Griping pain; throbbing; sensation as if had eaten too much. Food rises to mouth, as if one would vomit.

Gnawing distress like ravenous hunger when stomach is empty; pressure and pinching after eating. (Comp. Arg. nit.)

Scraping in stomach and oesophagus like heartburn. Rawness, as from ulceration.

Pain stomach wakes him from 2-3 a.m., must rise and walk about. < lying.

Cramping pains stomach with shaking chill; at night; rolls about on floor as if mad.

Cease towards morning with retching of bitter watery fluid. Heartburn; waterbrash.

Thirst for little at a time; for beer; for alcoholic drinks.

Desire for sour, refreshing things, herrings; lemonade.

Aversion to meat, better, fat food, pork, bread, milk, smoking.

Worse for rich foods, cakes, pastry, especially fat pork.

Puls. is the mild, tearful, changeable patient; can be irritable.

Weeps easily.

Craves things which make him sick.

Sulphur . .

Heaviness, weight in stomach. Burning like violent heartburn, in morning.

Weak, empty gone feeling about 11 a.m.

Bloating with oppression of breathing.

Regurgitations; sour; of food and drink.

“Drinks much and eats little.”

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.