Sil. is chilly: worse cold damp weather.

Sensitive to noise, pain, cold. Every hurt festers.

Silica headaches need heat, and wrapping up.

Foot-sweats; especially foul: ailments from suppressed foot- sweat.

Hippozaeninum (Glanders).

tubercles and abscesses in kidneys.

Albuminuria; also leucine and tyrosine.

“Used in a large number of cases involving low forms of suppuration and catarrh, malignant ulcerations and swellings, abscesses and enlarged glands.” CLARKE.


Nephritis with stitches in renal region; on breathing or sneezing.

Abscess of kidney. (Merc., Hipp., Hep., Sil., Crot.).

Uraemia, with vomiting, colic.

Urine, dark-brown; dark yellow; turbid; mixed with blood and pus; greenish.

Urine like thick beer; rotten smell. (Benz. acid, etc.).

Suppression of urine.

Albuminuria; fatty degeneration. (Merc. cor., Phos.).

Extreme restlessness, anxiety, prostration.

Crotalus horridus.

Nephritis albuminosa, in toxaemia, or pregnancy.

Urine dark, smoky from admixture of fluid blood. Haematuria.

Urine extremely scanty, dark red with blood; jelly-like; green- yellow from much bile.

One of our greatest remedies for sepsis.

Black water fever, urine like dark bloody jelly.

Skin may be yellow to green: yellow colour of eyes.

May have haemorrhage from any and every part of body. (Tereb.) dark thin blood.


Even the most rapid and desperate cases.


Stitches in kidneys, extending through ureters.

Urine almost black: frequent, foamy, dark (Kali ars.).

Like coffee grounds: black, scanty after scarlatina. Loaded with albumen.

Suppressed. No urine: no stool.

Lach. is cyanosed: extremely sensitive to heat and TOUCH: especially about neck and abdomen.

Sleeps into an aggravation.

Typically, loquacious, suspicious and jealous.

Kali ars.

Tensive pain in left kidney: oedema left foot, extending to right and over whole body.

Blackish urine, foams on shaking (Lach.) on standing leaves a thick, reddish, slime.

Stitches, dull, or sharp in both renal regions.

Urine: the more one presses the less the flow.

Kali chlor.

Nephritis. Frequent urging. could only pass a few drops of bloody urine. (Canth., etc.).

Urine black and albuminous, greenish black.

Prostration, coldness and easy haemorrhage.

A cold day had “cooled off her blood”.

Argentum nit.

Touching the kidney region increases the pain to the highest degree (Hep., Chel., etc.).

Acute pain, kidneys, extends down ureters to bladder (Lach.); worse slightest touch or motion, even deep inspiration.

Typical Arg. nit. has apprehension. Gets diarrhoea from anticipation (Gels.).

Craves sweets, which disagree: salt.

Is nervous: hurried: walks fast. (Lil. tigr).

Cannabis indica.

Constant pain right kidney: sharp stitches both kidneys.

Aching, burning, in kidneys keep him awake at night.

Pain in kidneys when laughing.

Cann. ind. (Hashish) has the most extravagant mental symptoms; with exaggerations of time and space.

Cannabis sativa.

Ulcerative pain in Kidney regions.

Sensation of soreness kidneys and bladder.

Gonorrhoeal cases (Thuja).

Aurum met.

Kidneys, hyperaemic, with pressure round waist, and increase of urine. (Cardiac hypertrophy).

Suppression or retention of urine. Haematuria.

In Aur. all the natural healthy affections are perverted: he loathes life: is weary of life: longs to die; is suicidal.

Absolute loss of enjoyment in everything.

Eupatorium purpureum.

Chronic nephritis. Dull, deep pain in kidneys; cutting pain. Suppression of urine.

Senecio aur.

Recurrent attacks nephritis, especially right kidney.

With intense pain, fever. Every time he passed water, cried out in anguish. CLARKE.


Neuralgia; attacks of most excruciating pain from right kidney downwards.

Chronic nephritis.

Renal colic and passage of gravel.

Much pain at conclusion of passing water, almost unbearable.

“Lyc. has red sand with clear urine; Sars. white sand with scanty, slimy or flaky urine.”! NASH.

Urine dribbles while sitting.


Nephritis with characteristic Lyc. symptoms.

One of the suppression of urine drugs.

4 to 8 p.m. aggravation of symptoms.

Desire for hot drinks: sweets.

Characteristics, Red sand in (? clear) urine.

Urine reddens and causes eruptions if allowed to remain in contact with parts (esp. babies).

A (Lyc.) symptom: polyuria at night only.


Inflammation and pain kidneys.

“Pinkish urinary deposits: uric acid crystals.”.

Whenever he strains himself, lifting, or unusual motion, pain in kidneys; a rousing up of congestion and long-lasting pain.

“After overheating or over exertion, he gets pain in back.” KENT.


Violent pain kidney region after long stooping.

Chronic nephritis, especially.

Secretions burn and redden orifices: eyelids anus etc.

11 a.m. emptiness and hunger.

Burning soles at night: puts them out.

Theorizing: “the ragged philosopher”.


Nephritis from stagnation of portal circulation.

bloating of abdomen.

Pressure, heat, burning in loins and kidneys.

Pains in small of back, as if bruised, so violent, he cannot move.

Haematuria, after abuse of alcoholic stimulants, or drugs; suppression of haemorrhoidal or menstrual discharges. Pressure and distension in abdomen, loins, and kidneys.

Spasmodic retention of urine: discharge drop by drop.

Strangury after beer.

Nux is irritable: and chilly with hyperaesthesia mental and physical. (Hep.).


Tearing pain in kidneys: oedema: after exposure to wet.

After exposure to much dampness, oedema of face, feet, developing into general anasarca: urine full of abdomen.

Tearing pains small of back; urine contains blood and albumen.

Urine voided slowly, paralytic weakness of bladder.

Rhus is worse for COLD: WET (Dulc.): washing; chill and draught.

Worse for first moving: but better for continued motion.

Natrum mur.

Must be considered where there has been much malaria, and quinine.

Tension and heat in renal regions.

Polyuria with violent desire to urinate, inability to retain urine.

Curious symptom, unable to urinate unless alone.


Kidneys inflamed: feet swollen.

Urine: profuse, light yellow: contains sugar: foams, scanty, exceedingly dark: deposits brown mucus.

Pain left kidney to epigastrium.

Especially useful in gonorrhoeal, or “Vaccinosis” (Burnett) cases.

Scarlatinum .

As an intercurrent remedy in cases that have followed an attack of scarlet fever.


After scarlet fever, or acute tonsillitis.

“Scarlet fever is a well-known cause” (of nephritis) “but acute tonsillitis is eight times as common as scarlet fever as the predisposing cause.” (TAYLORS Practice of Medicine).

Urtica urens.

Burnetts great remedy for suppression of urine:.

(5 or 10 drops of the O in hot water) .

(Dramatically verified in the case of a child dying of T.B. meningitis).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.