A felon may develop over night and Sil. may cure it over night. Kent contradicts himself on this point by citing the case of a physician-probably himself – who contracted asthma by over- heating and sudden cooling off and Sil. cured him as quickly as he was taken ill. Many beautiful cures of acute diseases could be made, if this distinction between acute and chronic remedies would be forgotten and Sil. given when indicated without regard to the acuteness or chronicity of the patient.

I CANNOT agree with Kent in maintaining that Sil. has a slow action. Our remedies cannot be divided into slow and quick, long and short acting, chronic and acute. It is not the remedy that acts, it is the body that acts the remedy only pulls the trigger and it is up to the organism to fight the disease. In acute diseases this action will be always quick, no matter which remedy. A stone hard tumor can only be formed by slow apposition of the morbid material and Sil. can cure only by slow absorption.

A felon may develop over night and Sil. may cure it over night. Kent contradicts himself on this point by citing the case of a physician-probably himself – who contracted asthma by over- heating and sudden cooling off and Sil. cured him as quickly as he was taken ill. Many beautiful cures of acute diseases could be made, if this distinction between acute and chronic remedies would be forgotten and Sil. given when indicated without regard to the acuteness or chronicity of the patient.

P. Kavcic Bellokossy