Cannot protrude tongue in straight line.

REstless sleep: wakes with fear of apoplexy.

Congestions; blood tends upwards: vessels pulsate; veins, jugular, temporal, enlarged.

Rapid deviations in distribution of blood. Useful as substitute for bleeding.

Bad effects from mental excitement, fright, fear, mechanical contusions and their later consequences, from having hair cut, and from exposure of rays of sun.

Antidoted by ACON., Camph., Coffea, Nux.

Compare AMYL NITR., Bell., Ferr., Gels., NAtrum carb., Potas. nitr., Sod. nitr. Stram.

As seen from above, the action of Glonoine, so local, so sudden, so definite, so alarming and torturing, and therefore so remedial is, once grasped, impossible to forget. In fact, it seems hardly worth writing about!.

However we will run through what some of our great prescribers and writers have to say about it. This one emphasizes one point coinciding with his experience, that one another; and so one learns.

HUGHES writes: “The name Glonoin was formed by its introducer into medical practice, Dr. C. Hering, out of the chemical formula (G1 O NO5) denoting its composition. Dr. Hering proved it on himself and others in 1948…”.

Hughes says, “the action of Glonoin lies within a very small compass. If any one will touch his tongue with 5 per cent. solution, he will pretty certainly find in a few minutes that his pulse had increased b twenty, forty or even sixty beats. He may feel a throbbing all over his body, but will almost always experience it in his head, which will go on beating until a pretty violent bursting headache had developed itself.

With this, there will be probably some giddiness, a sense of fullness in the head and at the heart, and one of constriction about the throat.. All this remands us of Amyl nitrite:.. but the effects of the two drugs are not identical. Amyl causes a general flushing without marked sense of throbbing.. not is the pulse much affected by it. It seems to have been demonstrated that Amyl produces its dilating effects on the arteries by directly paralysing their muscular coats.. while Glonoin affects the nervous centres of the circulation, and is limited to this sphere”.

The he distinguishes between the action of Glon. and Belladonna. “With Bell., the circulation within the cranium is excited because the brain is irritated; with Glon., the brain is irritated because the circulation is excited. It would be indicated in such hyperaemiae as can be produced by excessive heat or cold, by strong emotions, by mechanical jarring, by suppression of the menses or other haemorrhages and excretions”.

He evidence not only sunstroke, but the striking benefit he has obtained from the drug in the distressing after-effects of sunstroke.

He says, “perhaps the greatest boon which DR. Hering has conferred upon patients in introducing Glon. to medicine is the relief it fives to menstrual disturbances of the cerebral circulation.. as the intense congestion of brain induced in plethoric constitutions by sudden suppression of the menses. Glonoin is an exquisite similimum here: for in one of Dr. Dudgeons provers, who took it while the catamenia were present, these immediately ceased, and the headache went on increasing these immediately cease, and the headache went on increasing in violence till night… It does not, like Lachesis of Amyl nitrite, act on the flushing of the climacteric; but is most valuable when these are localized in the head”.

He says, “it was the statement of its discoverer, Sobrero, that even a very small quantity placed on the tongue cause a violent headache of several hours duration, which led Dr. Hering to investigate its action”.

The kind of headache-fullness, tension, throbbing, bursting- these are the phrases used by the provers to describe it.. It acts as rapidly in disease as in health.

He discusses its striking power of relieving paroxysms of neuralgia, even in some cases, permanently curing.

GUERNSEY epitomizes Glonoine, and its uses. “Troubles from heat of the head in type-setters, in men who work under a gas-light steadily, so that heat falls on the head: bad results from sunstroke; cant bear any heat about the head; cant walk in the sun, must walk in shade or carry an umbrella; cant bear heat from a stove; great vertigo from assuming an upright posture from rising up in bed, rising from a seat. Heat in head; throbbing headache.

Patient feels lost, or strange even in familiar street or surroundings. Things look strange and unfamiliar.


One of our great head medicines. He says he used to carry Glon. 1 in his case, for those inclined to sneer at the young doctor and his sweet medicine. He seldom failed to convince, in five to ten minutes, that there was power her: for a drop on the tongue produced the characteristic throbbing headache. No one ever asked for more p[roof of the power of homoeopathic medicine.

(One remembers a young woman doctor at the “New” as the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital was then called, who described the terrible headache from touching her tongue with some preparation of nitro-glycerine).

The pains of Belladonna are sudden in onset, and suddenly gone: those of Glonoine are even more so.

Nash says that “Glonoine is better adapted to he first, congestive stage of inflammatory disease of the brain: Belladonna goes further, and may still be the remedy after the inflammatory stage is fully initiated.” Neither can stand the least jar. But pain “waves” upsurging, are absolutely characteristic of Glon.

FARRINGTON emphasizes that the keynote to the whole symptomatology of the drug is expressed in this one sentence: “a tendency to sudden and violent irregularities of the circulation.” With that, he says, we can easily work out the other symptoms.

“Glon. is a drug that acts very quickly and very violently; the throbbing (head) is not a mere sensation, it is an actual fact. It really seems that the blood vessels would burst, so violent is the action of the drug..The blood seems to surge in one great current up the spine and into the head. The external hagglers look like tortuous cords, the carotids throb violently and are hard, tense and unyielding to pressure. The face is deep red. This throbbing is either associated with dull, distressing aching, or with sharp, violent pains”.

“Sunstroke.. also we find Glon. to be our best remedy for the effects of heat, whether the trouble arises form the direct rays of the sun, from hot weather, or from working in the intense heat of a furnace, as in the case of foundrymen and machinists. These effects are not confined to the head, but involve the whole body, and we note oppression of breathing, with palpitation of the heart and nausea and vomiting.. the nausea not gastric, but cerebral.. a horrible… Eyes too large and protrude as though bursting out of the head. . eye diseases from exposure to very bright light.. blood vessels of retina… Admirable remedy for puerperal conclusions: full, hard pulse, and albuminuria”.

“Well-known streets seem strange to the patient (Petroleum). Suppose a person, subject to apoplectic congestions, is suddenly seized in the streets with one of these, and does not know where he is, then Glonoin is the remedy for him”.

“Bad effects of fear (Opium,). Horrible apprehension, and sometimes the fear of being poisoned”.

“Then, trauma. An excellent remedy for pains and other abnormal sensations, following late after local injuries: the part pains, or feels sore; or an old scar breaks out again”.

He, also, contrasts Bell. and Glon. “because they meet in the congestions and inflammations of the brain with children and old persons. They divide the honours here”.


Cri encephalique. Less marked,

Worse bending head backwards. Better bending head backwards.

Head feels enormously large. ……..

Better for uncovering head. Better from covering head.

Better open air.

We will end by extracting some of KENTs most graphic little flashes; even where there is repetition, that merely serves to emphasize and drive the facts in.

“Surging of blood to heart and head. As if all the blood in the body were rushing round the heart: a surging in head; a warm, glowing sensation in head; or intense glowing from stomach or chest up to head, at times with loss of consciousness… Wave- like sensations, as if skull were lifted and lowered; expanded and contracted. Intense pain, therewith, as if head would burst. Great throbbing: beating of hammers; every pulsation painful. Even fingers and toes pulsate….”.

“Head is relieved in open air: worse in warmth, often relieved by cold. Worse lying. Worse head low. Extremities cold, pale and perspiring, head hot, face flushed and purple or bright red. Mouth dry; eyelids dry, stick to eyeballs. All degrees of confusion to unconsciousness”.

“sunstroke…. sudden congestions of head… Cold feels good to head; heat feels good to extremities. When lower limbs are covered with clothing in a cool room, and windows open, convulsions are relieved, and patient breathes more easily”.

“In apoplexy, such medicines as Opium and Glonoine relieve the blood pressure when the the symptoms agree.. They equalize the circulation, and the patient may not die”.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.