That nitrogen and glycerine should combine to produce such a wildly intemperate blasting agent is incalculable- absolutely unforeseen till “discovered”. But, as a great chemist once said, “no cone could tell, a priori, how even a lump of sugar would behave when dropped into a cup of tea”. Science is the plodding daughter of Experiment: and, as such, Homoeopathy is scientific.


GLONOINE- Nitro-glycerine-that highly explosive liquid, which admixed with some porus earth forms the “deadly dynamite”, to he shaking of earth and the blasting of rocks, lives up to its reputation, even when potentized and used in medicine; retaining its alarming characters: its suddenness, its bursting sensations and pains, its upward-surgings which threaten to lift and shatter the cranium.

Chemistry is fascinating, if only for its psychology, if one may (mis) use term. Of two deadly elements, in combination, she may form something quite harmless, even essential of life: whereas from such mild and kindly creatures as the glycerine of the toilet table so inert that it never even “goes bad”, and nitrogen,, that colourless, tasteless, odourless gas, which, four-parts to one in mixture with the life-supporter, oxygen, modifies the properties of the latter in such sort that, instead of burning us out rapidly we just get, with every breath, that happy admixture that supports life without hastening its destruction.

That nitrogen and glycerine should combine to produce such a wildly intemperate blasting agent is incalculable- absolutely unforeseen till “discovered”. But, as a great chemist once said, “no cone could tell, a priori, how even a lump of sugar would behave when dropped into a cup of tea”. Science is the plodding daughter of Experiment: and, as such, Homoeopathy is scientific.

Dr. Hughes (Pharmacodynamics) points out that, though Old School uses Glonoine, having even adopted that name for it, yet medicine owes its introduction to Constantine Hering, Hahnemanns great disciple. But we notice that, as always, when using those violent medicinal substance, so often the most splendidly curative agents of Homoeopathy, Old School has, perforce, to follow into the fantastic region of infinitesimals.

“Nitro-glycerine was discovered by Sobrero in 1947, but none could be obtained for physiological experiment until Morris Davis, a Philadelphia chemist, in the same year, after long and laborious trials, under direction of Hering, succeeded to produce the substance in sufficient quantity for proving. It was extensively proven here and abroad (see Allens Encyclopaedia”) and the symptoms have received abundant clinical verification.” HERINGS “Guiding Symptoms”.

A quaint little verification of the care and exactness with which the provings of homoeopathic drugs have been observed and recorded comes to hand, most opportunely, even as we write.

A certain physician, busy with rather urgent mental work, and worried by a sensation of fullness at the back of head and neck, a miserable, incapacitating fullness-took a dose of Glonoine- a drug that, as we know, produces such fullness-took a dose of Glonoine- a drug that, as we know, produces such fullness, and there. It was Glonoine 3,. merely a couple of pilules, of the only preparation available, probably inert, discovered among a number of homoeopathic medicines that had belonged to some one long since dead- (certainly 25 to 30 years)-and sent on years ago “in case they should prove useful”.

Well, the headache soon went (post or propter hoc?)- but a couple of days later, while busy with out-patient work, the doctor became suddenly conscious of an unpleasant numbness of the left had, never felt before, and rather disconcerting. Presently this disappeared, but only to be succeeded by numbness of the lower lip, the exact sensation felt when cocaine has been injected for tooth extraction. This also went: but only to return again and again, and yet again, first to left hand and then to lower lip: nowhere else: always absolutely limited. Before night these rather alarming sensations sent him to Kents Repertory to find the remedy-should it be needed. And there he discovered, under “Numbness, lower lip”, two drugs only “(Calc.), and Glon.” Then he turned to “Numbness of left hand,” to find several remedies: Glon. among them! The sensation was satisfactorily accounted for: and was the more interesting because Glon. is not down as producing numbness of right hand, or of upper lip.


Well-known streets seem strange: way home too long.

Disinclined to speak; would hardly answer.

A distinct feeling of pulse in HEAD.

Throbbing in front of head.

Immediately a sensation as if head were too large.

Head felt enormously large.

Pressure and throbbing in temples.

Pressure and pain from within out in both temples.

Fullness in head, and throbbing without pain.

Head very full: pulse full and quick.

As if the blood were mounting to head.

As if he were hanging with head downwards, and as if there were a great rush of blood into head in consequence.

As if skull were too small; and brain attempting to burst it.

Afraid to shake his head lest it drop to pieces.

Holds head with both hands; presses sinciput.

Shocks in brain, synchronous with every pulsation of arteries.

Undulating sensation in head.

Throbbing in head: in temples: in temporal arteries which were raised and felt like whipcords.

Sensation of fullness, vertex and forehead.

Shaking the head increases the headache.

Headache on damp, rainy day; after taking cold; after much sitting, and mental exertion.

Red injected hot EYES during headache, with wild expression.

Throbbing in whole BODY.

Intense congestion of brain induced in plethoric constitutions by sudden SUPPRESSION OF MENSES, or a appearing instead of menses.

Headaches occurring after profuse uterine haemorrhage.

Rush of blood to head in pregnant women, with pale face and loss of consciousness.

Violent palpitation of HEART, with throbbing carotids, pulsating headache in forehead and between temples.

Blood seems to rush to heart and mount rapidly into head.

Epileptic CONVULSION, with congestion to head and heart.

Bad effects from being exposed immediately to SUNS rays. (In fever) flushes of heat: waves of heat upwards.


Recognized no one. Raved; screamed; wishes to rush from house. Jumped out of bed, but legs gave way.

Fears: throat swollen: chest as if screwed together; of approaching death: of having been poisoned.

Bad effects of fear, fright, mechanical contusions and their later consequences.

Could not allow head to be level with body.

Confusion of ideas: could not tell where he was.

Loss of location: (a cured case), began ten years ago; loses himself in streets he has travelled in for years. All right in regard to everything else.

In familiar street everything strange. Had to look about him every few minutes to convince himself he was in right street.

House not in their right places, on the route he had traversed at least four times a day for four years.

Conclusions, falls down frothing at mouth, after alternations of palpitation of heart and congestions to the head.

Congestion to head, causes sensation of coldness every time.

Tight and choky feeling throat, like strangulation.

Skull too small; as if brain attempting to burst skull.

As if head and neck laced in: clothing too tight.

Pain in wens on scalp, as of a thimble pressed firmly on them.

Every motion, side, increased the pain (in head), but motions backward and forward did not.

Headache cease in sleep: better in open air: lessened by drinking coffee, after a few hours: tea lessens it better.

Feels as if ice-cold sweat were on forehead, which is not there.

Rays of sun on head were not be borne, and head would not allow hat to touch it.

Frightful headache: runs about room with head pressed between hands. As if head would burst: knocks it against wall.

Hyperaemia of brain caused by excessive cold or head.

Bad consequences of cutting hair.


Said her eyes were falling out: felt as if someone were pulling them from within outwards.

Letter seem smaller: flashes of lighting, sparks, mist or black spots, whirling and confused vision.

Wild, staring look: protrusion of eyes.

Supra-orbital neuralgia, from 6 a.m. to 11 or 12.

Cold sweat on face during congestion to head.

Lower lip feels swollen. Numbness lower lip.

Chin feel elongated to knees: obliged to put hand to chin repeatedly to be sure this was not the case. (Prover had injured chin by a fall twenty years before). Tongue numb as if burnt; prickling, stinging.

Constriction in throat as if throttled.

Wine aggravates all symptoms: alcoholic stimulations cause delirium, congestion, stupor.


Faint, warm sickening sensation in chest and stomach, like threatening seasickness. Giddiness.

Disturbances in intercranial circulation at menopause.

Flushes, etc., during climacteric.

Violent palpitation: feeling she would die: numbness whole of left arm. Pressure at heart as if it were being contracted.

Alternate congestion to heart and to head.

“As an intercurrent in angina pectoris, to prevent organism from getting accustomed to influence of Aur. mur.”.

Hot sensation down back; burning between scapulae.

Old contusions and jars (to head and spine).

Knees give way in knock together during headache.

Conclusions, with clenching and jerking upwards of fists and legs. During spasms spread fingers and toes apart. Convulsions, with especially left fingers spread apart.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.