These acute manifestations are better not treated Homoeopathically, for they represent Natures effort to throw off externally the inward toxins-usually a couple of day on a diet of fruit juice is quite sufficient to tide over such acute crises. After the acute crisis is over we may find it necessary to retake the case; perhaps repeat the original remedy in a higher potency, or give another.

THERE are signs; in spite of individual, national and international tension, that mankind is passing through a transitionary phase of his evolution. He is at long last beginning to pay less attention to quantity, and more to quality. In financial matters he no longer thinks in terms of economic security three generations ahead, but rather in terms of education (leading to-does it ?), physical and moral fitness. In food; it is no. longer “the roast beef of Old England”, but calories, essential salts and vitamins.

In chemistry, and physics the proton, electron and neutron are all important; catalysis, spectrum analysis and delicate biochemic tests. In astronomy (or is it physics ?) the cosmic rays. In conventional medicine, colloids, synthetic vitamins, vaccines, ray therapy and psychotherapy. But still people are overwhelmed by quantity; the accumulation of much muscles by prize fighters, the accumulation of stocks and shares by financiers, the accumulation of armaments by nations and the accumulation of metabolic end-products by everyone.

We are so to think that if a little is good then more is better, or conversely, that if much is bad then even a little is harmful.

Mankind does not make laws; he only discovers them. But taking Nature as our guide, perhaps the most important function of life is to discover Natures laws; and then having discovered them, wisely abide thereby.

Man is not something distinct and apart from Nature; he is rather part of her, a cell amongst a myriad other cells. Just as the human body is composed of countless cells, each with its own peculiar duty and function to perform, so is man as an individual, one link in a chin of countless other humans.

Analysed a little further we have the central solar protons of his atoms, around which gyrate the planetary electrons with vastly more intervening space than actual particle of “matter”, or would vibrations be the more correct term !.

Of course, ten to twelve stone of solid Englishman, German Spaniard or Japanese, may seem a very tangible entity to another ten to twelve stone Englishman, German, Spaniard or Japanese. But is this actually so; or only what the eyes or sense of touch of the other individual register on that complicated telegraphic system, the human brain ?

Perhaps man, as modern scientists tend to prove and philosophers of all ages have taught, is not what he appears to be, but rather a collection of vibrations-a galaxy of thought and feeling ! Like vibrations attracting like and repelling unlike.

Hahnemann discovered one of Natures laws, proved that law to be true, and passed on his knowledge to a reluctant world in which a few may appreciate and elucidate. The law that the least possible stimulus-of like note-is sufficient to energize the patient to cure himself.

Here is something of value. It is said that “he who conquers himself is greater than he who conquers a city”. It it not true also that to cure but one individual (by the gentle Hahnemannian stimulus) is better than to amass a fortune or to suppress by anodynes (but not cure) the symptoms of many !.

Have we ever stopped to consider how Nature works in attempting to throw off the accumulated toxins of generations !She eliminates, not only through the bowels and kidneys, but also through the lungs and skin ! Why is it that the acute illnesses of childhood are so often characterized by skin eruptions; later on by inflammatory reactions of the lungs; and later still-when all physical avenues of elimination have failed, by mental states !.

Homoeopathy dose just this: by realizing the intangible nature of man, she gives the intangible to that which is intangible, and thereby stimulates by ever so little the delicate vital economy man to cure himself.

The soul of man is tired by the winter of a materialistic world of quantity; yet Homoeopathy is capable of adding that vital spark of quality-that breath of Spring which vitalizes all life.

At present, our method of practice is laborious, by matching the symptoms of the patient with those that children of Nature (rocks, plants and animal products) can produce if given inn gross from. But in the future, who knows, a hundred, two hundred, a thousand years hence, perhaps we may strike the right note by- intuition !.

Be it as it may, whether we ultimately devise some apparatus for detecting the vibratory note of our patient, or ourselves become so sensitive that we may detect the discord; the means whereby does not so mush matter, except where time is an element of importance; our essential desire is to find the simillimum- “similia similibus curentur”. And here the “mentals” of our patient take first rank. Harmonize the mentality of our patient and his body will invariably take care of itself.

To quote but just one example: our patient has been bruised mentally, perhaps many years ago-he is restless at night, supersensitive to touch, he shuns duties, contact with things of the external world, the society of other people. We give him one does of Arnica high (“mentals” call for high potencies, 200, 1m or 10m); he comes back in a weeks time “much better in himself”; he comes back again still “much better in himself” but with an acute cold, a gastro-enteritis or perhaps a physical bruise.

These acute manifestations are better not treated Homoeopathically, for they represent Natures effort to throw off externally the inward toxins-usually a couple of day on a diet of fruit juice is quite sufficient to tide over such acute crises. After the acute crisis is over we may find it necessary to retake the case; perhaps repeat the original remedy in a higher potency, or give another. Hahnemann taught us the value of the single remedy, given in potency and repeated but rarely-allowing the simillimum to act as long as it will.

The beauty of Life is that it is constantly trying to throw outward that which is unwholesome, ugly and toxic:-these skin rashes, acute catarrhs, exanthemata of all kinds, are but Natures efforts to cure the patient and should be looked upon as promises of cure rather than bemoaned illnesses. The Homoeopathic remedy stimulates the patient to cure himself-hence the aggravation and-THE VALUE.

One sometimes comes across a patient who “has never had an illness in his life”. Such patients, in this day and generation, are the most difficult to cure; they are usually born chronics and in reality-have never had a days health.

Where snow and ice once reigned and no flowers bloomed. Arnica descends from its arid haunts and touches lightly a bruised and dormant life, like the roseate hues of early Spring. And flowers bloom once more. Such is Arnica, and a thousand other remedies. . We are but on the threshold of Homoeopathic VALUE.

W S Patrick