Kali carb. Very like Bry. but the terrifying stitches come whether he moves or not. Worse rest: lying on affected side. (Bry. lies on affected side, to keep parts still).

Squilla. A great rattling-cough medicine-with sneezing, watery eyes, and stitches in chest.

“PULSATION or throbbing.

Belladonna, Glonoine, Melilotus”.

Bell. Throbbing in head: violent in going, in teeth, at pit of stomach; in ovaries, in carotids; in spine; in nodules in breast. Carotids throb violently. Face red and hot, pupils large: excitement: worst jar.

Glonoine. Violent pulsations. Throbbing headache. Blood rushes to head in waves. Cannot lie down, “the pillow would beat”. Violent palpitation, with throbbing in carotids. (Bell.) Worse heat to head: sun. Sunstroke. (Bell).

Melilotus. Intense redness of face, with throbbing carotids (Bell., Glon.). Violent throbbing headache: congestion to brain. Relieved by nose-bleed.

“HAEMORRHAGES (passive).

Hamamelis, Secale, Crotalus hor., Elaps”.

Ham. Venous haemorrhages from every orifice of the body, nose, lungs, uterus, bowels, bladder. “Is the Aconite of the venous capillary system”.

Secale. Passive haemorrhages: everything loose and open: vessels flabby. Passive haemorrhages of thin, black, watery blood. “The slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks”.

Crot. hor. Blood flows from every orifice of body-even to bloody sweat. Haemorrhagic diathesis. The great remedy of black water fever. Blood dark, fluid, non-coagulable.

Elaps. Black, haemorrhagic discharges. Black, fluid blood. Internal coldness. Drinks feel like ice in stomach.


Ferrum phos., Ipecacuanha, Phosphorus”.

Ferr. phos. Bright-red bleeding from any orifice of body. Blood red easily coagulating into a gelatinous mass. Hyperaemia from relaxation of muscular fibres of blood vessels”.

Ipec. Haemorrhages bright-red from all orifices of body: come in gushes: do not coagulate: generally with nausea. Postpartum haemorrhages with above features.

Phos. Haemorrhages profuse, pour out freely. Blood very fluid and difficult to coagulate. Purpura; ecchymoses. Slight wounds bleed much. Epistaxis: but bright-red: (Elaps, dark.). Vipera. Perhaps our greatest remedy for epistaxis.


Iodine, Natrum mur. Lycopodium Sarsaparilla etc”.

Iod. Profound debility and great emaciation. Ravenous hunger, yet loses flesh all the time. Worse from heat.

Nat. mur. Great emaciation especially about neck, while living well. Apt to crave salt. Ailments after malaria and much quinine.

Lyc. Emaciation and debility from loss of fluids (China). “Children weak, emaciated: well-developed heads, but puny, sickly bodies.” Emaciation above, while lower extremities are fairly well nourished. Persons intellectually keen, but physically weak.

Sarsa. Great emaciation: skin shrivelled, or lies in folds. Thin, shrivelled, old-looking; even children. Characteristics: painful urination, extorts screams: passes better standing.


Calcarea, Graphites, Capsicum”.

Calc. Inclined to obesity. Torpid disposition; sluggish and slow. “Fat, fair, flabby, obese.” Coldness: sweats. Head sweats at night (Sil.).

Graph. Persons inclined to obesity. What would be Calc. in a child, is generally Graph. in elderly, over-fat, solid women. “Peculiar tendency to obesity.” Graph, is lumpy, thick and hard: has gluey, moist eruptions: is chilly.

Caps. “Lax, lazy, fat, red, clumsy, unclean persons, who reach badly and dread the cold.” Nose and face red, but cold. “Chilly, but violent thirst: shivers from every drink”.


Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Tarentula cub.”.

Lach. Inflamed parts very tender, bluish, dark. Lach is sensitive to heat, to TOUCH, worse after sleep.

Puls. Inflamed parts bluish. Purple swelling, with violent itching of feet: puts them out (Sulph., Cham., Med.). “A peculiarity of puls. that symptoms in different parts of the body cause dyspnoea”.

Tarent. cub. Bluish abscesses. Alarming prostration, atrocious burning-stinging pain : board-like hardness of the part, and copious sweat. Purple discoloration : pungent heat of surface.

Anthracinum. Sepsis. Septic inflammations, carbuncle. Black or blue blisters. Horrible, burning pains.


ONE is continually coming upon points, one marked as being important or interesting, but forgotten. Here is one. Phosphorus is, as we all know, thirst : thirsty for cold drinks, for cold water. Yet, during pregnancy, Phos. may be to drink water : the sight of it causes vomiting; must close her eyes while bathing (Lyss).

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.