
2.- Mercury.

The most common mercurial poison is the bichloride-Corrosive Sublimate. In its action it differs from arsenious acid by being a chemical corrosive, combing with the albumen of the tissues; but it has also, like with the albumen of the tissues; but it has also, like Arsenic, a remote specific poisonous effect.

SYMPTOMS.- A horribly nauseous metallic taste, detected at the time of swallowing, and great constriction of the fauces and oesophagus, rendering even the swallowing of the antidote most difficult; the epithelium of the mouth ad throat becomes white, as if from nitrate of silver, shrivelled, and detached; vomiting of white, stringy mucus; copious diarrhoea. The pain in the stomach, and vomiting, come on earlier than from Arsenic, and blood is more likely to be brought up; the countenance becomes sometimes turgid and congested, at others pale and anxious, whereas from Arsenic it is always pale, contracted, and ghastly. Strangury, too, is a more marked symptom, because the Corrosive Sublimate, being more soluble, enters the circulation freely, and reaches the kidneys; whereas Arsenic remaining in the alimentary canal, causes its chief sufferings there; and, passing down to the rectum, renders tenesmus a more prominent symptom. if recovery take place from mercurial poisoning, salivation first occurs. There is but little difference in the fatality of Corrosive Sublimate and Arsenic-three grains of either may destroy life.

TESTS FOR CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE.- Powder.- If a small quantity be dropped into a white saucer containing a solution of Iodide at Potassium, it becomes scarlet; of Hydro-Sulphuret of Ammonia, it becomes black; of Potash, it becomes yellow. Solution.- A small quantity should be gently evaporated, then allowed to crystallize. Opaque silky prisms will thus be formed, intersecting each other. If Iodide of Potassium be dropped on them, they become scarlet.

TREATMENT.- This differs radically from that of Arsenic. as we have an effectual antidote, which should, therefore, be administered immediately; this is the whites and yolks of eggs, beaten up together. They convert the bichloride of Mercury into a double chloride of Mercury and albumen. If eggs cannot be had, a thin paste of flour and water may be substituted-the gluten acting in the same manner as albumen. Milk may also be given as substitute. Afterwards, bland fluids, emetics, the use of the stomach-pump, and other treatment according to the requirements of the case.

For the Salivation which follows, we have several remedies; Ac.- Nit. (two drops of the dilute acid in a little water, two or three times daily; also gargles of lukewarm water acidulated with the acid); Ac.- Sulph. (also internally and as a gargle); Alum in solution (3ij) of the power to z3iv of water, sweetened with a little honey) for a gargle. The patient should be warmly covered, and have all the nourishment he can take in the way of bread and milk, broths and soups. K. Chlorum is also recommended for its beneficial influence in salivation and is used both internally and as a gargle. Hepar sulph. is an efficient remedy for chronic mercurial eruptions and ulcers; and for the latter, Hydras.; Nux V. for mercurial tremor and Paralysis; Arsenicum-Iodium, etc., for the affections of the bowels; Aurum for mercurial cachexia, bone disease, etc.

The latter symptoms are those of chronic mercurial poisoning, such as are experienced by looking-glass markers, or by others who are constantly exposed to mercurial vapours.

3.- Lead.

The most common form of Lead poisoning is the chronic, as seen in house-painters, glaziers, and others who use lead in their trades, or work in lead mines, or who habitually drink water, cider, or other liquids contaminated with it. In the case of painters, that variety of paint which gives a dead or non- glistening surface is the most poisonous, from the large admixture of turpentine, which passing off by evaporation, carries with it a portion of the lead; this is inhaled, or mixed with the saliva, and received into the stomach, or settles on the skin and is absorbed. In such cases the source of the lead may be little suspected.

SYMPTOMS.- Vomiting, thirst, habitual constipation, and occasional severe colic; Paralysis of the extensor muscles of the forearm, so that the hands hand down by their won weight (wrist- drop), the patient having no power to raise them; general chilliness, pallor, and emaciation; contracted blood-vessels, and blood deficient in red corpuscles. The Palsy is at first local, but if the cause be not avoided, the patients fall into a state a general cachexia, become miserable cripples, and eventually sink under disease of some vital organ. A striking diagnostic sign of lead-poisoning is the existence of a dark-blue line round the edges of the gums, most marked in the lower jaw. This line is probably caused by a deposit of sulphide of lead in the gum tissue, the sulphide being produced by the sulphur, which is evolved from decomposing fragments of food in the clefts of the teeth, and which combines with the salts of lead in the blood; the breath is offensive and the gums red and sore.

TREATMENT.- For recent cases, Sulphur water and the Sulphates of Sodium and Magnesium. Iodide of Potassium (* “In Lead- poisoning,” the late Dr. Newton wrote us: “I greatly prefer the following treatment to the Iodide of Potassium : Mercurius-S. I. gr. ij. morning and night, and Nux vomica I, trit gr.ij twice daily. By this method we avoid the depression of spirits and loss of appetite which the Iodide brings on.”) is useful to remove the lead from the system in the form of the iodide tin the urine; for although iodide of Lead is insoluble in water it is soluble in urine and other fluids of the body. The Bromide has even greater solvent power than the Iodide, and it is preferable when there is sleeplessness. Another method of cure is to give frequent doses of Magn.-Sulph. (Epsom Salts), with excess of Ac.-Sulph. For lead-colic-Opi., Alumina, Platina, Belladonna, or Ac.-Sulph., with the warm bath, is the best treatment.

PREVENTIVE MEASURES are, chiefly, great cleanliness, using soap and water at frequent intervals, especially for the face, hand, s and nails; and avoidance of taking food in the workrooms or mines, or food which has been allowed to remain therein. The habitual use of a drink resembling lemonade, but acidulated with dilute Sulphuric Acid, as provided for the artizans in some lead works, is probably the best means of correcting the morbid influence on the stomach, while the entrance of the poison into the air-passages should be guarded against by working with the mouth closed, or by wearing a fine respirator.

The same antidote may also be used against Sugar-of-lead-a salt not infrequently use for poisoning-the Magn.-Sulph. in this instance forming an insoluble and probably inert Sulphate of Lead. ( Plus It is important to remember tat all substances which are insoluble are not also inert; for although insoluble in water, they may be dissolved in the fluids of the mouth, stomach, or other parts of the body. Of this, Calomel maybe cited as an illustration.

Owing to the facility with which soft water absorbs lead, pipes of this metal should not be employed for conveying water to houses. Much colic and lead poisoning at one time prevailed in Glasgow and Edinburgh from this source. Pipes made of block-tin, or lead lined with tin, should be substituted for leaden ones, particularly where the water is soft.

4.- Copper.

Poisoning from this metal usually occurs from food cooked in imperfectly cleaned copper or brass vessels; the metal becomes oxidized, and them, not only the vegetable acids, such as vinegar and pickles, but also oils and fats of greasy foods, as hashes and stews, from the fatty acids they contain, dissolve the metal, and from acrid, irritant, poisonous compounds, such as Verdigris (the acetate of copper), Blue Vitriol (sulphate of copper), etc.

These are the most common salts of copper; but though slightly poisonous, they seldom prove fatal, owing to their emetic properties.

SYMPTOM.- They resemble those caused by Arsenic and Corrosive Sublimate, with some that are peculiar to the metal itself, especially violent headache, then vomiting of blue and green matters, and cutting pains in the bowels, and afterwards cramps in the legs, pains in the thighs, etc. Jaundice very frequently occurs, and the symptom is the more important from being seldom met with in other cases of poisoning. Death is generally preceded by convulsions and insensibility. A chronic from of poisoning has occurred from the water on shipboard being contaminated by copper, in such cases the perspiration of the affected person has stained the linen of a greenish hue.

TREATMENT.- The best antidote in acute poisoning is albumen-the white and yolks of eggs beaten up-which when administered forms an insoluble compound with the copper salt; it should be followed by milk, arrowroot or mucilaginous drinks. In the absence of eggs, a thin paste of flour and water may be used. Emetics and the stomach-pump are less serviceable than in other irritant poisonings.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."