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Introduction to Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer

Dr. Fortier Bernoville wrote about the cancer which is considered the most terrible scourge, fatal, pitiless, irremediable as soon as it fixes its signature on the human being. He also advocated the role of homoeopathic treatment ,be it to retard the progression of the cancer, be it to palliate against the pains….

Homeopathic Treatment

Several practical indications of the value of the homeopathic remedies which are habitually employed in high potency in the homeopathy treatment of the precancerous or even cancerous state….


For successful treatment of cancer with homeopathy one should understand the concept of drainage and canalization with remedy. According to Dr. Fortier Bernoville, medicine should act in a centripetal sense in order to retain the mineral salts and prevent malnutrition along with eliminate in a centrifugal sense, the toxins elaborated in the body. …

Isopathy in Cancer

Starting from philosophical and metaphysical ideas, Rudolf Steiner noted that the mistletoe (Viscum album) ought to be a real specific remedy in cancer. That is why the Anthroposophists, including Kaelin, use different kinds of mistletoe for the cancerous….

Conclusion – Homeopathy Cancer Treatment

Cautiously, without too much repetition, the constitutional homeopathic remedies and nosodes should be prescribed as the specified remedies for cancer according to the methods of Nebel, Rubens-Duval, etc….

Homeopathic Remedies for Cancer

The great difficult in advanced cases of cancer is the inability to obtain therapeutic individualization of symptoms. They have the pathology and all the common symptoms that go with it, but they are not sufficient to make a good homoeopathic prescription….