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Grades of Drug Symptoms

Kent uses three grades, Boenninghausen had four, but this fourth grade is included in those of the third under Kent’s classification. …

The grades of the drug symptoms are designated in the repertory by the use of different sized type. Kent uses three grades, Boenninghausen had four, but this fourth grade is included in those of the third under Kent’s classification.

Distinction in the drug symptoms by placing one in the first grade by using capitals and heavy faced type; under the second grade by using italics and under the third grade by using small letters.

Under the first grade are included all those symptoms which were brought out in every prover and that have since been verified.

Under the second grade those symptoms which were brought out in the majority of provers and have since been verified, and under the third grade those symptoms which only a few of the provers developed, those symptoms which are clinical and which have since been verified.

Glen Irving Bidwell