Constriction, respiration, during deep : agar., aspar., caust., cham., cic., coc-c., dulc., euon., ferr., ham., kali-bi., kali-n., lact., lyc., mag-m., mosch., nat-c., nux-v., puls., sang., seneg., stry., sulph., tab., tarax., thuj.
Constriction, respiration, during deep, amel. : sulph.
Constriction, sitting, while : agar., ars., mez., nit-ac.
Constriction, sitting, amel. : nux-v.
Constriction, sitting, bent : alum.
Constriction, sitting, bent, amel. : lach.
Constriction, spasmodic : am-c., asaf., aur., calc., carb-s., carb-v., caust., cupr., glon., hep., ign., ip., kali-c., kali-p., lact., led., nat-m., op., phos., sars., sec., sep., spong., sulph., verat.
Constriction, standing, while : verat.
Constriction, standing, amel. : mez.
Constriction, stool, during : coloc.
Constriction, stooping : alum., laur., merc., mez., seneg.
Constriction, straightening up : sars.
Constriction, straightening up, amel. : mez.
Constriction, stretching : nat-m.
Constriction, sulphur, as from : kali-chl.
Constriction, supper, after, agg. : mez.
Constriction, suppressed foot-sweat, after : sil.
Constriction, swallowing : kali-c.
Constriction, talking, after : hep.
Constriction, talking, preventing : cact.
Constriction, touch agg. : arn., cupr.
Constriction, vomiting, before : cupr.
Constriction, vomiting, after : verat-v.
Constriction, waking, on : alum., dig., graph., lach., lact., seneg., sep.
Constriction, waking, after : dig., psor.
Constriction, walking, while : am-c., anac., ang., ars., dig., ferr., jug-c., kali-c., led., lyc., nux-v., puls., sulph., verat.
Constriction, walking, amel. : ferr.
Constriction, walking, rapid : puls.
Constriction, walking, in open air : am-c., calc., lith.
Constriction, walking, in open air, amel. : alum., chel., dros., puls.
Constriction, warmth of bed amel. : phos.
Constriction, weeping amel. : anac.
Constriction, lower part : aesc., agar., am-m., bry., cact., chlor., dros., gels., ham., lact., lil-t., lycps., nux-v., puls., ran-b., spig., sulph., thuj.
Constriction, lower part , lying on the right side agg. : lycps.
Constriction, lungs, as with a wire : asar.
Constriction, mammæ, sensation of : lil-t., sang., stram., verat.
Constriction, mammæ, left, when child nurses from right : bor.
Constriction, mammæ, deep inspiration : sang.
Constriction, middle : lob., ol-an.
Constriction, middle, evening, 6 p.m. : mag-c.
Constriction, middle, string, as from a : led.
Constriction, sides : acon., aeth., aloe., alum., asar., bell., colch., kali-n., lil-t., mez., myric., nit-ac., plat., puls., thuj.
Constriction, sides, right : cocc., zinc.
Constriction, sides, lying down agg. : lil-t., plat.
Constriction, sides, one-sided : cocc., zinc.
Constriction, sides, sitting, while : nit-ac.
Constriction, sternum : acon., cann-s., lob., mur-ac., nux-m., phos., rhus-t., sabin., sulph., zinc.
Constriction, sternum, coughing, on : phos.
Constriction, sternum, eating, while : led.
Constriction, sternum, motion, on : cact., op.
Constriction, upper part : cham., phos., rhus-t.
Constriction, heart : aeth., agar., ail., alum., aml-n., ang., anth., apis., arn., ars-i., ars., asaf., asc-t., aur., berb., bufo., cact., cadm., calc-ar., calc., cann-i., cann-s., chlor., cocc., cund., dig., ferr-ar., ferr-i., ferr-p., ferr., graph., hydr., ign., iod., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-chl., kali-p., lach., lact-ac., laur., lil-t., lyc., lycps., lyss., merl., mur-ac., naja., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., phos., phyt., plb., rhus-t., samb., spig., spong., tarent., verat., zinc.
Constriction, heart, night : lil-t.
Constriction, heart, bending chest forward amel. : lact-ac., lil-t.
Constriction, heart, drinking water amel. : phos.
Constriction, heart, eating agg. : alum.
Constriction, heart, epilepsy, before : calc-ar., lach.
Constriction, heart, exertion : asaf., bry.
Constriction, heart, grasping sensation : arn., cact., iod., lach., laur., lil-t., nux-m., rhus-t., spig., tarent.
Constriction, heart, grasping sensation, and on right side : bor.
Constriction, heart, grief, after : ign.
Constriction, heart, urging to stool, with : calc-ar.
Constriction, heart, walk erect, inability to : lil-t.
Constriction, heart, extending to back : lil-t.
Convulsions : acon., ang., ars., bell., calc., cic., cupr., hydr-ac., hyos., ip., merc-n., nat-s., op., phos., sep., stram., stry., sul-ac., verat.
Convulsions, night : phos., sep.
Convulsions, night, on waking : ars.
Cracks of nipples : arn., cast-eq., caust., cur., fl-ac., graph., hydr., lyc., merc-c., mill., phyt., rat., sep., sil., sulph.
Cracks, painful : graph., phyt.
Cracking in sternum on bending chest backwards : am-c.
Cracking, on motion : nat-m., sulph.
Cracking, heart, in region of : nat-c.
Cramp (see spasms) : alumn., arg-n., ars., bell., bov., calc., cocc., coff., con., cupr., dig., ferr., graph., ham., iod., kali-c., kali-i., lact., lyc., mez., nit-ac., petr., plat., plb., puls., sang., sars., sec., sulph., tarent., zinc.
Cramp, evening, while riding : phos.
Cramp, evening, in a warm room : sulph.
Cramp, night, 1-30 a.m. : nat-a.
Cramp, air, open : iod.
Cramp, coughing, on : kali-c., laur.
Cramp, eating, after : nat-m.
Cramp, eating, pork : ham.
Cramp, eructations : dig.
Cramp, exertion, after : plb.
Cramp, lying down amel. : sulph.
Cramp, menses, during : cocc.
Cramp, motion agg. : ferr., sulph.
Cramp, walking : ferr.
Cramp, warm room, in : sulph.
Cramp, axilla : com., hura., iod.
Cramp, heart : anan., ars., bry., cupr., kali-bi., kali-c., lach., mez., myric., sep., tarent., thuj., zinc.
Cramp, heart, from soft music : thuj.
Cramp, lungs, in : mosch., zinc.
Cramp, lungs, drinking cold water : thuj.
Cramp, lungs, waking, after : arum-t.
Cramp, mammæ, gradually increasing and decreasing in : plat.
Crawling (see formication)
Croup, cardiac : spong.
Cyanosis : ant-t., bor., carb-an., dig., ip., lach., laur.
Cyanosis, region of clavicle : thuj.
Deformed nipples : merc.
Dilatation of heart : alum., am-c., ant-t., apis., cact., coff., cupr., hydr-ac., iod., kali-i., lach., laur., lil-t., lyc., lycps., naja., nat-m., nux-v., ph-ac., phos., plb., psor., puls., tab.
Discharge from nipple : phel., phos., phyt.
Discharge, bloody water : lyc., phyt.
Discoloration, blueness clavicle, near : ars., cupr., lach., thuj.
Discoloration, copper colored : stram.
Discoloration, livid : ars.
Discoloration, redness : aster., aur., bar-c., bell., chin-s., graph., iod., kali-ar., lac-c., rhus-t., rhus-v., sulph., tarax., vesp.
Discoloration, redness, blotches : apis., chlol., cinnb.
Discoloration, redness, coppery : stram.
Discoloration, redness, erythematous : apis.
Discoloration, redness, spots : ant-c., arn., bell., cinnb., cocc., led., mag-c., manc., merc., mez., puls., raph., sabad., sil., tab.
Discoloration, spots : am-c., am-m., ars., bell., carb-v., cinnb., cocc., crot-c., crot-h., ery-a., ip., lach., led., lyc., mag-c., mez., nit-ac., phos., phyt., sabad., sep., squil., sulph., vip.
Discoloration, spots, black, mottled : vip.
Discoloration, spots, brown : cadm., carb-v., lyc., mez., petr., phos., sep., thuj.
Discoloration, spots, brown, itching : hydr., lyc., sulph.
Discoloration, spots, brown, on mammæ : cadm., carb-v., lyc., phos., sep.
Discoloration, spots, dark : phos.
Discoloration, spots, ecchymoses : lach., phos., sul-ac.
Discoloration, spots, freckles : nit-ac.
Discoloration, spots, liver : lyc.
Discoloration, spots, yellow : ars., phos.
Discoloration, spots, yellow, become dark : mez.
Discoloration, spots, yellow, itching in the evening : sulph.
Discoloration, spots, mottled : crot-h., lach., naja., vip.
Discoloration, mammæ, bluish red : kreos., lach.
Discoloration, mammæ, blueness of ulcerated : lach., phos.
Discoloration, mammæ, livid : plb.
Discoloration, mammæ, redness : am-c., cocc., led., sabad.
Discoloration, mammæ, streaks : bell., phos., rhus-t., sulph.
Discoloration, mammæ, nipples : agar., cast-eq., colch., fl-ac., psor.
Discoloration, mammæ, yellow : chel., thuj.
Discoloration, mammæ, yellow, spots : ars., carb-v., chlor., lyc., manc., phos., sep., sulph., tab.
Distension : bell., benz-ac., cadm., lach., lil-t., petr., rhus-t., vip.
Distension, convulsions, during : ars.
Distension, mammæ : aster., zinc.
Distension, sensation, of : ars., brom., cadm., caps., chin., coca., olnd., sil., stann., thuj., zinc.
Distension, sensation, breathing, on : bry.
Distension, sensation, cough, from : tarent.
Drawn toward back, feels : ind., syph.
Drawn, downwards, the heart : thuj.
Drops (see falling)
Dropsy : acet-ac., am-c., ant-t., apis., apoc., ars., asaf., aspar., aur-m., bry., calc., canth., carb-s., carb-v., chin-a., chin., colch., crot-h., dig., dulc., ferr-m., fl-ac., hell., iod., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-i., lach., lact., lyc., merc-sul., merc., mez., mur-ac., nat-m., op., psor., ran-b., rat., sang., seneg., sil., spig., squil., stann., sulph., ter., uran., zinc.
Dropsy, asthma, with : psor.
Dropsy, disease, with organic : apoc., spig.
Dropsy, side, can lie only on affected : ars.
Dropsy, can lie only on right side with head low : spig.
Dropsy,pericardium : apis., apoc., ars., colch., dig., lach., lyc., sulph., zinc.
Dryness : ferr., kali-chl., lach., merc., osm., puls., stram., zinc.