
Digitalis [Dig]

Severe case of vertigo, with a very slow pulse; weak action of the heart, so that it is unable to stimulate sufficiently the brain, which feels fatigued and weak; motion produces vomiting and great faintness.

Dioscorea-vil [Dios]

Great weariness and loss of strength; vertigo., with great faintness at the stomach; vertigo from onanism.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Momentary vertigo, vertigo when walking, with darkness before the eyes; vertigo early in the morning, when rising from bed, with trembling of the whole body and general weakness; vertigo at noon, previous to a meal, as if everything in front of him stood still.

Duboisin [Dubin]

Sudden giddiness on rising up or walking; great tendency to fall backward, especially on ascending stairs; intense vertigo, which does not cause nausea; dull feeling in head, as after interrupted sleep; unsteady gait.

Eupatorium-purp [Eup-pur]

Persistent sensation as if falling to the left; dizzy feeling all over.

Euonymus-europ [Euon]

Violent vertigo, dizziness in forepart of head, (<) sitting; mistiness, with vertigo, dim sight.

Ferrum-met [Ferr]

Staggering in walking as if intoxicated; reeling sensation and vertigo on seeing flowing water; vertigo, with sickness at the stomach in walking; momentary shock, with giddiness in the brain; hammering and throbbing headache, great palpitation of the heart and dyspnoea; bellows’ sound of the heart and anaemic murmur of the arteries and veins; vertigo, (<) when rising suddenly from a lying to a sitting position, wain walking over a bridge, or when riding in a car or carriage.

Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]

Great dizziness, everything swimming around him; his muscles feel so weak he can hardly move about; constant feeling as if the head were being suddenly pushed forward; with danger of falling, congestion to parts of brain.

Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]

Whilst sitting, often a feeling of general wavering of the head, with dull pressure and confusion in occiput, especially on right side; constant numb feeling in left forearm, with sharp pricking in it when stretching it out, worse on any quick motion, standing up, turning round, whilst walking, vertigo with nausea; suits old people; anaemia of brain.

Formica [Form]

Inclined to be dizzy while eating; giddiness after dressing in the morning or on attempting to rise; pain in the left supraorbital region when going to bed, with dizziness; blackness before the eyes, relieved by siting down.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Nervous excitement of hysteric patients; heaviness of the head, with dulness of mind; dimness of sight and vertigo; intoxicated feeling and tendency to stagger, with dizziness and imperfection of vision, aggravated by smoking; vertigo unto falling; mistiness within the brain; confused perception; swimming sensation in the head, which felt very light, with vertigo; sleepy in daytime; lack of muscular coordination;staggering as if drunk when trying to move.

Ginseng [Gins]

Reeling sensation in occiput, gray spots before eyes; sudden blow on occiput (Searle’s disease), followed by severe bruised pain, as if head were swaying to one side; pressure, with sense of body weakest; dull rumbling in abdomen.

Glonoinum [Glon]

Vertigo in the occiput, followed by pain in vertex; vertigo with shaking the head or throwing it back; intoxicated feeling and vertigo when stooping;vertigo in thee fresh air; as if were on a vessel or riding backward in a carriage; vertigo, fainting, with violent throbbing of the temporal arteries.

Gnaphalium [Gnaph]

Vertigo, especially felt immediately after rising from a recumbent position; dull, continuous occipital headache, dull, heavy expression of countenance, with an appearance of bloatedness.

Graphites [Graph]

Great vertigo in the morning after a good sleep, especially on looking upward; weakness of the head down to neck;attacks of dizziness with inclination to fall forward; desolate, empty feeling in head.

Gratiola [Grat]

VERTIGO DURING AND AFTER MEAL, while reading, on riding from a seat, (>) in fresh air.

Guano [Guano]

Giddiness; objects seem to turn from below upward, 9 A.M.

Hepar [Hep]

Vertigo during dinner after belching, with blackness before eyes; vertigo while during in a carriage so severe that on dismounting she could not stand alone; vertigo with nausea, stupefaction;fainting turn and obscuration of sight; headache every morning; brought on by the least concussion.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

Headache of a nervous, gastric character, increasing towards evening, with violent giddiness; great sinking at the epigastrium, with violent and a long-continued palpitation; vertigo from suppression of suppuration.

Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]

Insufficiency of arterial contraction, with frequent headaches, stupefaction and falling down, vertigo, with reeling; cloudiness of the senses, the objects seems to move; he sees through a gauze; is scarcely able to keep on his feet after raising the head when stooping, on rising from one’s seat, worse in the open air; no reactive power, face pale, blue and cold.

Hypericum [Hyper]

Violent vertigo, with loathing on walking; with pain in the temples, also, in the afternoon, feeling of weakness and trembling of all the limbs; sensation as if the head became suddenly elongated; vertigo during urging to pass water.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Vertigo, with obscuration of sight; reeling sensation; loss of sight and hearing; diplopia.

Iodum [Iod]

Vertigo only on left side, with tremor of heart and fainting; worse immediately after rising from a seat or bed, or by lying down after slight exercise, red face and anxiety; great dread of people.

Ind. [Indg]

Vertigo, with headache, fulness of abdomen, great discharge of flatus and nausea; going off in the evening after remaining some time in the open air.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Burning headache, with vertigo, during which the objects seemed to be enveloped in a yellow veil; every two hours fits of vertigo, followed by nausea, frontal headache and excessive prostration; vertigo, followed by most violent vomiting of a whitish, slimy, sourish fluid, with most fearful nausea, pressure and burning in stomach; sudden transient attacks of vertigo when rising from a seat.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Vertigo as if the ground under him gave way; staggering gait; confusion and heat of head; drowsiness, stupor; fainting, nausea followed by sound sleep; scalp feels tight; brain numb, confused; difficult walking; especially for business men who worked hard and exhausted themselves.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Vertigo, as if proceeding from the stomach; loss of consciousness; frequent dulness of the head as after intoxication, and as if the ears were stopped up, with nausea almost unto vomiting; vertigo when walking;vertigo as if her head were too light; must take hold of something.

Kali-nitr [Kali-n]

Fainting fits, with vertigo in the morning when standing, relieved when sitting down; afterwards obscuration of sight, with great weakness and drowsiness; pain in the small of the back and constriction in the abdomen, staggering gait; with vertigo.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

Vertigo on rising from lying, on standing up when sitting, when looking upward, with constant fear of falling;nervous dread without any special cause; brain-fag; cerebral anaemia; pain and weight in occiput, with feeling of weariness and exhaustion, and empty gone feeling at stomach.

Kalmia [Kalm]

Vertigo and headache, with some nausea, attended with pains in the head and limbs; dizziness while stooping and looking downward. Meniere’s disease.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Vertigo early in the morning in the street, with staggering to and from as if from intoxication, obliging him to stand still; the vertigo vanishes in the room; vertigo, with danger of falling on turning round quickly; stupefaction, dizziness and vacancy in head, with complete loss of thought, sight and hearing.

Lac-defloratum [Lac-d]

Vertigo on moving head from pillow, (<) LYING DOWN and especially turning while lying, (>) sitting up; head feels heavy; with marked tendency to fall to right side.

Lachesis [Lach]

Vanishing of thought, with blackness before the eyes in paroxysms, vertigo after stooping, with staggering and incipient loss of sense, as if threatened with apoplexy, in the evening; vertigo, with staggering to the left side; early in the morning after rising; frequent momentary vertigo, particularly on closing the eyes, on sitting or lying down, sometimes with deathly paleness, nausea and vomiting, giddiness, with headache, particularly after menses; cerebral anaemia due to uterine or ovarian irritation; epileptiform vertigo.

Lachnanthes [Lachn]

Giddiness in the head, with sensation of heat in the chest and around the heart; dizziness in the head, with perspiration, with boiling and bubbling in the chest, sensation as if the vertex were enlarged and were driven upward; headache in the morning, worse at noon, with dizzine

Laurocerasus [Laur]

Vertigo with disposition to sleep, (<) in open air; dulness of senses; stupefying pain over whole head; brain feels contracted and painful.

Ledum [Led]

Vertigo when walking or standing; he was scarcely able to keep himself erect; vertigo, the head inclines backward; vertigo even when sitting, increasing when stooping, and becoming so violent in walking that he threatens to fall as if he were intoxicated, with a feeling of heat in the whole body, especially, in the face, without thirst, with pale cheeks and forehead; sleepy action of the whole head an in vertigo; excessive feeling of intoxication; loss of sense, vertigo in occiput, causing the head to feel like sinking back.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.