Tussis Convulsiva

Cepa [All-c]

Hoarse, harsh, dry, spasmodic cough, causing a raw splitting pain in larynx, so severe that he tries to suppress the cough, worse a warm room and when lying down; better in the open air, but getting worse again on entering a warm room;copious; fluent, acrid coryza and profuse gland lachrymation; constant sneezing when coming into a warm room; catarrhal ophthalmia; chills run up the neck, weakness in hips and loins; lassitude. autumnal epidermis.

Cerium-oxalicum [Cer-ox]

Vomiting and epistaxis with every coughing spell.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Early catarrhal stage; constant irritation in larynx causes a dry, tight, hollow, suffocating c cough, accompanied by crampy sensation and excited by titillation under sternum in upper part of chest; difficult expectoration of tenacious mucus, with hoarseness and followed b soreness on part from which mucus; loosened; wheezing, rattling noise after (<) daytime, hardly any at night; cough and vomiting most frequently DURING meals; crossness of child keeps up the cough and the latter aggravates crossness; fever, diarrhoea; cough (<) in windy weather, from emotion, (>) when warm in bed.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Frequent fits of violent, dry, hollow or short exhausting cough, excited by severe tickling in larynx, which bring tears to eyes; heat and sensation of dust in trachea, throat and behind sternum, not (<) by cough; deep in lungs; tightness in neck and throat and difficult breathing; stitches in left clavicle and in left mammary region.

China [Chin]

Weakly children, debilitated by the long continuance of the whooping cough; nervous erethism combined with adynamia;copious mucus in throat and chest; loss of appetite from exhaustion (China ars).

Cina [Cina]

Violent periodically recurring paroxysms, excited by sensation or down in throat, and by a quantity of adherent mucus in throat in morning without, in evening with expectation of a whitish, slimy, tasteless substance, detached with difficult, OBSTINATE CHILDREN, WITH BLACK HAIR AND BLACK EYES (Bell: quiet, mild children, with blonde hair and blue eyes); before attack ravenous hunger, m bellyache, mucous diarrhoea, itching of anus, fluent nasal catarrh; during fit loss of consciousness, pale face, cold sweat on forehead, bleeding from mouth and nose, tonic spasms of legs, suffocating, turgidity of body; after the attack whimpering when touched; vomiting of food, mucus or bile; difficult deglutition of fluids; clucking in abdomen; thorax seems too narrow;sleeplessness; with crying and weeping, clucking sound down oesophagus, as the child goes out of the paroxysms; grinding of teeth; child is afraid to speak or move for fear it will ring on a fit of coughing.

Coccinella [Cocci-s]

At the coughing spell a quantity of albuminous, ropy mucus is poured forth; SENSATION OF ICY COLDNESS IN THE WHOLE BUCCAL CAVITY.

Coccus-cacti [Coc-c]

Child awakens in the morning and is immediately seized with a paroxysm, ending in vomiting of clear ropy mucus hanging in great long s strong from the mouth; it racks the system all over, head pains as if it would split, purple face; second stage, suffocative cough, with expectoration of much tough, ropy, white mucus, which accumulates in chest and throat, difficult to raise, causing nearly strangulation and vomiting of food; protracted bronchial catarrhoea remaining after whooping-cough, irregulars in urinary secretion.

Conium [Con]

Powerful spasmodic NOCTURNAL paroxysms of cough, at night without, in daytime with difficult, bloody, purulent, sometimes hardened sputa, of putrid taste and smell, especially after measles, scarlatina, or during pregnancy.

Corallium-rubr [Cor-r]

Fits of violent spasmodic cough, commencing with gasping for breath and continuing with repeated crowing inspirations until he grows purple and black in face, and is quite exhausted; worse in latter part of night and mornings; larynx and trachea more involved than chest; mucous membrane of throat and chest very sensitive, any change of air set the a patient coughing; loss of appetite and thirst severe fit of coughing followed by a loose cough, with vomiting of quantities of tough, ropy, strong mucus.

Crocus-sat [Croc]

Chorea complicating whooping-cough, evening paroxysms accompanied by ludicrous gestures and continued caresses, followed for one hour y beating, biting unruly manner, followed by quiet sleep, from which patient awakes whooping, and a repetition of the whole scene; violent exhausting dry cough, relieved by laying the head on pit of the stomach.

Crot. [Crot-h]

Pertussis with great debility, much cardiac weakness, blueness or pallor of countenance after the attack and tardy return to natural color; fit followed by puffiness of face or haemorrhagic spots, purple lips blood-shot eyes nosebleed or much frothy, stringy, bloody expectoration, threatening pulmonary oedema or paralysis.

Cuprum [Cupr]

CONVULSIONS DURING THE COURSE OF WHOOPING-COUGH, SPASMS OF FLEXORS PREDOMINATE; long uninterrupted paroxysms, which last until the breath is nearly exhausted, exited by mucus in trachea and spasms in the larynx, cough sounds as if water were pouring from a bottle; dry evenings, the morning scanty sputa of mucus, with dark blood, of a putrid taste and odor; fits recur every half to two hours, (<) by eating solid food, inhaling cold air; bending body backward; (>) by swallowing cold water; before fit alternation of gaiety and anxious depression; during fit pale, sunken face blue lips, frothing at mouth, retching, vomiting of bile and blood; constriction of chest; chronic spasms and convulsions, beginning at fingers and toes; stiffness and rigidity of whole body; after attack headache; audible gurgling of drink down oesophagus; vomiting only a solid food; spasmodic asthma, rattling of mucus in chest; oversensitiveness of all senses; jerking during sleep.

Daphne-ind [Daph]

Cough with vomiting and yellowish frothy expectoration, mixed sometimes with streaks of blood; cough fatigues and hinders sleep.

Digitalis [Dig]

Hollow, deep, spasmodic cough, excited by roughness and scratching in the roof of mouth and trachea; morning without, evenings with expectation of scanty, jellylike mucus; worse midnight and morning; from drinking cold fluids, from eating, walking talking, bending body forward; pulse very slow, much accelerated by the slightest motion; chilliness with heat and redness of face; heat with cold sweat on forehead; one hand hot, the other cold; desire for bitter food; vomiting of food, then of bile; after the attack great prostration.

Dirca-pal [Dirc]

Cough day and night; gaggling and vomiting dyspnoea; suffocative cough; hoarse after eating; hoarseness, and rawness of larynx; takes cold early. follows well after Carb.v.

Drosera [Dros]

Whooping cough in periodically returning spasms, made up of quickly succeeding barking coughs, which do not allow the patient time to recover breath; excited by sensation of dryness, of of feathers in throat, in the evening without in the morning with yellow, bitter expectoration, which the patient has to swallow;worse after lying down and after midnight, by laughing, singing, weeping; wind colic; bloody mucous diarrhoea; attacks of suffusion; gasping for breath; constriction in chest; bruised feeling in limbs; sleepiness immediately after sunset; shivering during repose even in bed; cough with vomiting of food first and latter, at the end of the fit, of mucus; gigging with the paroxysms, child holds each hypochondrium during cough, and if sputum is not raised, retching and vomiting ensue.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Whooping-cough excited by copious secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea, attended by copious, easy expectoration of tasteless mucus, and often of florid blood; worse from taking cold, by getting wet, or from, repercussion of eruptions, from damp cold atmosphere.

Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]

Hoarse, rough, hacking cough, excited by sensation of soreness and heat in bronchi, WITHOUT EXPECTORATION; patient supports chest with his hands when coughing aching and bruised pains through body; worse evenings and by motion (Arnica).

Euphrasia [Euphr]

Suffocative cough with, profuse lachrymation and fluent coryza; the flat-tasting watery mucus is difficult to dislodge, and expectorated only on the morning; COUGH ONLY IN DAYTIME, none at night;worse evenings, when awaking from sleep, from wind; acrid watery nature of all secretions.

Ferrum-met [Ferr]

Spasmodic cough, in the evenings without, in the morning with a blood-streaked, purulent, slimy, sometimes frothy expectorations, of a sweetish,, putrid, or sourish taste, worse in the evening till midnight; during this period the sputa are not dislodged, but in daytime, during motion, they are loosened. Suitable for drinkers of brandy, excessive use of tea, or for persons who have taken much China. Spasmodic cough, ceasing after a meal, or commencing after a meal, with vomiting of food.

Hepar [Hep]

Hoarse croupy night-cough; deep, dull, whistling cough, in the evening without, in the morning with expectoration of masses of mucus, purulent and bloody, sour, or of sweet taste and offensive odor; worse when becoming cold, even of one extremity only, or from eating and drinking anything cold; mucous outlying in chest, with choking cough worse after exposure to chilly night air shattering shocks and soreness in chest profound sleep, with head thrown back;copious sour sweat; hasty speech and hasty drinking.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.