
Homeopathy treatment for Tumors from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Tumors…

Apis-mell [Apis]

Small ulcers, with a gray slough, deep and running one into another; pain burning, itching, stinging, sharp stinging pain in ulcer or rumor; pus scanty and of light-yellow color; erysipelatous inflammation of surrounding skin; dark-purple color of old scars; thirst absent or increased for small quantities; worse mornings; better from cold water and pressure; left side.

Arnica [Arn]

Tumor following a contusion or a similar injury, but not becoming malignant; dull tingling pain in indurated part; red, blue or yellow spots, like ecchymosis; pus thin and bloody.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Foul, destructive, easily-bleeding ulcers; black pustules surrounded the tumor or ulcer; burning pain, especially in interior tumor; great emaciation; excessive prostration; skin colorless, waxy, dry and harsh; pains are felt even when asleep; lancinating pains; pus copious, watery, bloody, corrosive; worse evenings and at night, from cold, better from warmth (Arsenicumiod.); lymphoma of neck, skin over it full of holes.

Artemisia-vulgaris [Art-v]

Cancer of stomach?

Aurum-met [Aur]

Malignant ulceration for palate and nasal bones (syphilis, lupus) mental despondency, with suicidal disposition; pus greenish, ichorous, putrid;worse at night and morning; on getting cold, while reposing; better from warmth, moving, while walking.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

Glandular and atheromatous tumors, especially in old persons where pus is scanty and growth slow; LIPOMA; especially of drunkards; sarcoma in neck, with burning worse at night, when lying on affected side; bitter when walking in open air; steatoma; small fibroid tumors.

Belladonna [Bell]

Tumors with much inflammation, painful to even light touch, naevi.

Bryonia [Bry]

Indolent tumors, of slow growth, with slow and imperfect suppuration.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Leucophlegmasia and malnutrition; polypi, nasal and uterine; fibroid tumors; lipoma, encephaloma; tendency to boils; deficient animal heat, cold feet, perspiration on head and feet; pus copious, putrid, yellowish or white, like milk; worse in cold air or wet weather; better from having the garments loose; pedunculated fibroids (Calcarea iod., Calcarea ars.)

Carbo-an [Carb-an]

Colloid deposits in viscera, particularly stomach; cancer of uterus; dry, indolent ulceration on external parts; scirrhus cancer on forehead worse evening and at night, in open, cold or dry air.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Old spreading, putrid, carcinomatous ulcers; the pain in stomach is of a gnawing-digging character, with nausea and sensation of heat in stomach; pus scanty. corrosive and acrid; worse in the morning, in the open air, when walking; better from pressure.

Conium-mac [Con]

Tumors of all kinds, especially scirrhus, committing on after confusion; STONY HARDNESS of the tumor, and feeling of weight; cancerous swelling and induration of glands,(secondary deposit); cancerous tumors of lips and face; fibrous; worse in open air, from being uncovered, from pressure or rubbing; better when lying down and from warmth;adenoma.

Crocus-sat [Croc]

Tumors, with ulceration and bleeding; blood black, and hangs in long strings.

Colocynthis [Coloc]

Ovarian cysts, with pain in abdomen upon straightening up; walks bent, with hands pressed to painful side; attacks of excruciating pains, cutting and griping, obliged to bend double, and scream, s with agony; bilious vomiting during paroxysm.

Condurango [Cund]

Scirrhus and open carcinoma. One of the best remedies to relieve the stinging-burning pains of cancer.

Galicum-ap [Gali]

Cancer of tongue; epithelioma.

Graphites [Graph]

Tumors in persons with herpetic dyscrasia; wens, smooth and shining on scalp; sebaceous cysts, particularly when atheromatous; pus scanty, and smelling like herring brine; sclerosis of connective tissue.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

Ulcers after removal of tumor, with pricking pain on motion of the part; cancer and Epithelioma; fibroid tumors.

Iodum [Iod]

Induration and parenchymatous enlargement of glands, particularly of head and neck; complete prostration of strength and general emaciation;dirty-yellow color of skin; pulsations in pit of stomach; worse when lying on painful side, from pressure, warmth, or walking quickly; better from cold, after eating.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Tumors, especially ovarian; the nervous symptoms characteristic, especially confusion of mind, and spinal symptoms tending to paraplegia.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Painful tumors on scalp, more painful from pressure and motion, less from external heat, accompanied by itching, as if in bones of head, with great dryness of the hair; itching warts.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Epithelioma of tongue.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Epithelioma; carcinoma ventriculi; tightness in pit of stomach, must wear clothing loose; painful hard place in left side of stomach; cancer or uterus. acrid bloody ichor from womb; profuse discharge of dark coagulated blood or of pungent bloody ichor, preceded by pain in back; cancer of mammae, which is hard, bluish-red, and covered with little scurfy protuberances; awful burning, as of red-hot coal in pelvis, with discharge of clots of blood having a foul smell.

Lachesis [Lach]

Small ulcers scattered about, with pain in old cicatrices, pain or burning in ulcers upon being touched; skin in neighborhood of tumor of livid or mottled appearance; melanosis; colloid or encephaloid cancer; gangrenous spots; cancer of breast, with lancinating pains; worse in open air, from pressure, and after sleep, better in dry weather.

Lapis-albus [Lap-a]

Lipoma, sarcoma, glandular, and fibrous tumors; carcinoma as long as ulceration has not yet set in.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Swelling of upper lip, with a large ulcer on the vermilion border of the lower one; vesicular tumors; naevus maternus; emaciation and debility from loss of fluids.

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

Carcinoma linguae, when the edges of the ulcer and surrounding parts are of a blue color.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Pain and swelling of gland, ultimately becoming scirrhus; ulceration following tumor, with a sticking pain as from a painter upon touching them or on notion; bone tumors following mercury or syphilis; Condylomata, with sticking pain and much moisture on anus and perineum; pus bloody and corroding.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Open cancers, bleeding profusely;polypi bleeding readily on slight provocation; lipoma; encephaloma; colloid cancer; condyloma of large size, rough and dry, following the vagina painfulness of stomach to touch, and when walking; worse after eating anything warm; pus thing, ichorous, l; hectic, desires to be magnetized; lymphoma on neck with hectic fever.

Phytolacca [Phyt]

Swelling and induration of a glands; carcinoma mammae; lipoma; shooting lancinating pains, worse after sleeping; great exhaustion and prostration.

Platina [Plat]

Ovarian tumors and cysts; black and clotted metrorrhagia; induration and ulceration of uterus; mental symptoms characteristic

Silicea [Sil]

Semi-malignant and cancerous tumors; scirrhus induration of the upper lip and face; sebaceous and synovial cysts, fibroid tumors epulis; encephaloma oculi; blood-boils an warts;gliomatosis.

Teucrium [Teucr]

Polypi of all kinds but particularly nasal; fibroids.

Thuja [Thuj]

Warts and condylomata, seedy and pedunculated; naevus. spongy, cauliflower excrescence; scirrhus and cancer of uterus.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.