
Cistus-can [Cist]

Twitching toothache in the upper left molar, which is decayed;scorbutic, swollen gums, separating from teeth, easily bleeding putrid, m disgusting.

Clematis [Clem]

Stitching and drawing toothache, worse at night, better for short time from cold water, when drawing in the air, in the open air; worse from warmth of bed, from smoking tobacco, from syphilitic affections, when mercurialized; decayed teeth feel too long, contact extremely painful; free flow of salvia; gums of left lower molar pain as if sore worse while eating.

Coccinella [Cocci-s]

Pain in molars, as if they were carious and cold air entered; tearing drawing, pulling or pulsating pain in teeth; hot flushes in face, faceache, gums swollen, rAGING PAIN DURING DAY, DISAPPEARING ALMOST ENTIRELY AT NIGHT, sleep sound and undisturbed; PERIODICAL TOOTHACHES (Diadema), coming on every day at noon, extending over whole face and hairy scalp; sensation of coldness in teeth; intermitting pulse.

Coffea [Coff]

Excessive pains, with weeping, trembling, anguish and tossing about indescribable pains, or stinging, jerking, intermittent aching especially at night and after a meal, worse from hot or warm drink, from especially at night and after a meal, worse from hot or warm drink, from chewing at night, better when holding ice- cold water on mouth.

Colchicum [Colch]

Teeth very sensitive when pressed together as in biting, tearing in jaws and gums; teeth feel too long, tearing tensive pains in facial muscles; drawing in bones of face and nose, as if they were rent asunder, (<) when taking something cold in the mouth after having had something warm.

Conium [Con]

Drawing pains and fine stitches in gums and teeth;pains (<) by cold food; gums bleed easily and teeth feel as if they were loose; tongue dry and swollen.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

Stitching, boring tearing pains, more on right side, or dull jerking, especially at night in arthritic patients.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Toothache from cold, especially with diarrhoea, confusion in head, profuse salvation; teeth feel blunt, or as if asleep, receding spongy gums.

Euphorbium [Euph]

Aching, stitching or boring pains, with erysipelatous swelling of cheek or with crumbling of teeth, (<) touch chewing when beginning to eat.

Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]

Congestive and inflammatory toothache and faceache, always appearing after eating warm food, lessened by cold; toothache with hot cheeks; red spot permanent even during interval of pains.

Ferrum-picr [Ferr-pic]

Toothache radiating to temples, ringing in ears, which feels as if stuffed.

Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]

Fistula at the root or of gum; teeth exceedingly sensitive; violent pains at the root of the right eyetooth, with frequent discharge of pus; great sensitiveness to pressure on gum over right eyetooth; worse from cold, or improved until the water becomes warm in mouth; mouth and teeth coated with mucus in the morning; roughness and heaviness of teeth.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Purely nervous toothache, from cold; pains from teeth to temple; irritability and oversensitiveness.

Glonoinum [Glon]

Toothache from taking cold after having been overheated; beating of pulse is felt in all the teeth, which feel elongated; stabbing in gums, worse from hot applications, better from cold; rush of blood to head, with headache; SUDDEN EXACERBATION in night, then in left jaw, in ear and head.

Graphites [Graph]

Pressing pain in teeth, worse from touch or biting; drawing pain in molars while walking in the wind; tearing pain, worse by warmth, renewed by going to bed; stinging toothache, after cold drink;swelling of gums and dryness of mouth.

Hamamelis [Ham]

Teeth ache, can scarcely sleep, yet not decayed; pains worse in warm room; sharp, lancinating pains along the molars, extending to malar and temporal region; gums sore painful, swollen bleed easily, especially after extraction of tooth.

Hecla-lava [Hecla]

Facial neuralgia or headache dependent on derangement of the dental nerves, abscess of gums, injuries of alveolar process,

diseases of antrum Highmori, which are the causes of the toothache.

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

Hollow teeth feel too long and painful;looseness of teeth; toothache worse room, when biting teeth together; gums and mouth very painful to touch, bleed easily;painful, erysipelatous swelling of cheeks;jerking and drawing plain in teeth.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Toothache driving to desire, in sensitive, nervous, excitable persons; tearing throbbing, extending to cheeks and along the lower jaw;tearing raging pain in gums, with buzzing sensation in tooth, which is loose and feels, when chewing as if were coming out; jerking throbbing, tearing drawing, extending into forehead;violent tearing pains in different teeth, as if the blood were pressing into them, with flushes of heat and rush of blood to head; intense pain in gums after extraction of a tooth; worse from cold and in the morning, sometimes accompanied by jerking in fingers and arms, red and shining eyes, convulsiveness.

Ignatia [Ign]

Jaws and teeth feel as if crushed; soreness and tenderness in teeth FELT MORE INTERVALS BETWEEN MEALS THAN WHEN EATING; boring pain in front teeth and soreness in all teeth, worse after coffee, smoking dinner in the evening, after lying down, and in the morning when awaking; sore taste in the mouth, with sour eructations.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

PAIN IN TEETH, AS IF THEY WOULD BE PULLED OUT, in paroxysms; extremely violent pain in a hollow tooth when biting anything, ad if would be pulled out, followed by constant tearing in it.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Tearing, lancinating toothache, with pains in facial bones; stitches in teeth, cheeks swollen with stinging pain, teeth are loose ache only while eating worse when touched by anything warm or cold; bad breath; flat taste.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Feeling as if a worm crawling at the roots of the teeth; gums swollen; decayed teeth, which feel elongated.

Kali-nit [Kali-n]

Pulsating toothache; stitches when teeth are touched; bleeding gums.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

Toothaches in pale, weak, irritable people with easily bleeding gums; brown covering of the teeth; discharges smelling like carrion.

Kali-sulph [Kali-s]

Toothache worse in a warm room and towards evening, better in fresh air.

Kalmia-lat [Kalm]

Teeth tender, with neuralgia of face and head; pressing pain in molars late evenings.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Pains from teeth to left side of face, extending to temples and ears; teeth decay rapidly and bad odor from decayed teeth; in children teeth wedge-shaped; facial pains burning, patient excitable nervous, in children even convulsions; gums bluish- red, inflamed on upper left side spongy scorbutic discharging dark blood.

Lachesis [Lach]

PERIODONTITIS from dead nerve pulp in the fang of decayed or plugged molar ending in abscess, swelling corresponds to external fangs of upper molar; with swelling of cheek; skin feels tense, hot and crisp, as if it would crack;throbbing in cheek;decayed teeth crumble and pain when biting; after sleep from abuse of mercury; gums bluish, swollen bleeding worse from warm drinks;drawing, tearing, throbbing, boring pains in jaw- bones extending down throat, relieved by discharge of pus; pains in the limbs of the opposite side; particularly suited for colds in damp, warm spring weather during menstruation the smaller the discharge the greater the pain at the cessation of the menses.

Lachnanthes [Lachn]

Drinking coffee causes pain in all teeth; upper incisors and eyeteeth feel as if loose, with sensation of soreness,(<) when touching with tongue and closing teeth, or after eating.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Teeth excessively painful to touch; from teeth lose, or as if too long; toothache, with swelling of the cheeks, relieved by heat of bed and warm application; (<) at night, by rest, by cold, when coughing, eating; gums bleed violently when touched;gumboils, fistula dentalis.

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

AILMENTS FROM CUTTING THE WISDOM TOOTH; beating and stinging in teeth after eating; boring pains at night, or tearing;jerking ulcerative pains, becoming INTOLERABLE DURING REST, so that he is obliged to get up and walk the room, with swelling of cheek and twitching in fingers and feet; a cold drink relieves immediately; worse while riding in a carriage in the cold; teeth feel loose and too long;caries of lower teeth; toothache of pregnant women.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]

Toothache almost insupportable if the food touches teeth;sensation as if the upper cuspidati were elongated;painful swelling and easy bleeding of gums.

Magnet-pol-arct [M-arct]

Pains in carious teeth as if they would be pulled out, or painful jerks and shocks through the periosteum of the jaw, with drawing, aching tearing digging burning and stitching pains, swelling and painfulness of gums to contact, or gums feel numb when the pains abate; worse after eating and in warmth; better in open air and when walking red; and hot swelling of cheek; chilliness of body;nervousness, tremor of limbs.

Manganum [Mang]

Smarting toothache, made unbearable when anything cold touches the tooth; violent toothache, suddenly going from one place to another up the ears.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.