Sweat Morbid conditions of

Homeopathy treatment for Sweat Morbid conditions of from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Sweat Morbid conditions of…

Aconite [Acon]

Peculiar sensation over whole body, as when vapors are descending upon skin suddenly in a vapor bath, and drops are felt standing upon it; constant sweat, especially in covered parts.

Agaricus [Agar]

Sweat after little exertion; when at night when sleeping.

Antimonium [Ant-c]

General sweat without smell, making the tips of fingers soft and wrinkled; sweat during sleep; general warm sweat in bed every morning.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Debilitating cold clammy sweats, sour and foetid;sweat tinging the skin and eyes yellow, NIGHT-SWEATS T THE COMMENCEMENT OF SLEEP.

Artemisia-vulgaris [Art-v]

Profuse sweat, having a PECULIAR FOETID, CADAVEROUS ODOR, resembling the odor of garlic; SWEAT RELIEVES, warm sweat all over, most on occiput.

Aurum-mur-natr [Aur-m-n]

Sweats only on right side, left hot side remains dry;profuse perspiration.

Baptisia [Bapt]

Critical sweat on forehead and face which relieves;frequent sweat from small of back all directions;foetid sweat.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

FOETID FOOT-SWEAT, tOES AND SOLES GET SORE; checked foot-sweat, followed by lameness, tonsillar angina, etc., sweat increased in presence of strangers; offensive sweat of one (mostly left) side; sweat increased by eating; sweat returning every other evening; soles feel bruised at night, keeping one feet, (<) while walking or dancing.

Belladonna [Bell]

Sweat on the covered parts, sweat with or immediately after a heat, mostly in face; sweat staining the clothing and of empyreumatic smell;sweat during sleep, day and night; sweat and suddenly disappearing; sweat with enuresis.

Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]

Sweat while eating, while walking, morning in bed, especially in face;sweat with itching; cold sweat with aromatic odor.

Bovista [Bov]

Sweat in axilla, smelling like garlic; sweat every morning, most profuse on chest, about 5 to 6.

Bryonia [Bry]

Sweat in short spells, and only on single parts; profuse and easily excited sweat, even when slowly in the cold open air; profuse night and morning sweat; sour or oily sweat, night and

day; sour sweat at night, preceded by thirst;oppressive drawing in head when the sweat is about to terminate, and succeeded by a muddled condition of the head; vaporous exhalation of the skin from evening till morning.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Sweat during the slightest exercise even in cold open air ( Sepia, sweat after the exercise, when sitting quietly); during first sleep; morning-sweat; most profuse on head and chest; clammy night-sweats, only on legs; foot-sweat makes the sore; feet cold and damp.

Calcarea-phos [calc-p]

Copious night-sweats, on single parts towards and in the morning.

Caladium [Calad]

Sweetish odor of perspiration, (>) from sweat and after short sleep; perspiration attracts flies, the genitals relaxed and sweating; itching burning of vulva.

Cantharis [Canth]

SWEAT SMELLS LIKE URINE; sweat on genitals; cold sweat, especially on hands and feet; from every movement.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Copious and frequent sweat on face and head; profuse putrid or sour sweat; exhausting night and morning-sweats; foot-sweat, excoriating toes, which are red, swollen, stinging as if frosted.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Checks the excessive sweating of women after confinement; sour sweat, with smarting sensation of skin during or after heat; sweat during sleep, mostly on head;profuse sweat without relief, especially in children.

China [Chin]

Copious, profuse oily sweat, easily excited during sleep or motion; EXHAUSTING NIGHT-SWEATS; greasy sweat on the side on which he lies; increased thirst during sweat; partial cold sweat on the face or all over body, with thirst; sweats easily, especially at night in sleep; hectic fever, with profuse debilitating night sweats.

Cimex [Cimx]

HIS OWN SWEAT IS DISGUSTING TO HIM; it smells so musty; during fever sweat relieves all other symptoms; night-sweats of haemorrhoidal patients.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Sweat of body from evening till morning with cold sweat on face; morning sweat principally on chest; sweat from slightest exertion over whole body, especially of affected parts.

Colocynthis [Coloc]

Sweat at night, smelling like urine, causing itching of skin, especially on head and extremities.

Conium [Con]

Sweat day and night, AS SOON AS ONE SLEEP, or even when closing eyes; night and morning-sweat with offensive odor and smarting in skin, or offensive odor present without the perspiration.

Crocus [Croc]

Scanty sweat at night, only on the LOWER HALF OF BODY, cold and debilitating.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Foetid sweat, with skin disease; offensive sweat night and morning over whole body; during day, more over back in axillae and palms; foetid sweat, with copious discharge of limpid urine; (<) by application of water.

Ferrum [Ferr]

Sweat profuse, long-lasting, as well by day, at every motion, as at night and morning in bed; clammy, debilitating sweat; strong-smelling night-sweat; every other day sweat from morn till noon; sweat stains yellow, is foetid on going top sleep;WORSE WHILE SWEATING ( Ferrum picr.).

Graphites [Graph]

VERY DRY SKIN, NEVER PERSPIRES, perfectly indifferent to external touch, or sweat from slightest motion, often of the front of body only; stains yellow, is sour and offensive, frequently cold; profuse night-sweat or inability to sweat, the feet sweat profusely, not offensive as under Silicea, but moderate walking causes soreness between the toes, so that the parts become raw, spreading blisters on toes; thick and crippled toe-nails.

Ignatia [Ign]

Sweat on face while eating (Laur., after eating).

Hepar [Hep]

Cold. clammy, frequently sour or offensive-smelling sweat; perspires day and night, without relief, or first cannot sweat at all, and then sweats profusely; night or morning-sweat with thirst.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

OFFENSIVE SWEAT OF GENITALS; excessive sweat of axilla and about genitals; clothing feels uncomfortable about groins.

Jaborandi [Jab]

COPIOUS SWEATING AND SALIVATION; profuse secretion from most of the glandular structures of the body; perspiration starts on forehead and face and then spreads all over body, most profuse on trunk; profound prostration after sweating; unilateral left- sided sweat;profuse night-sweats (Pilocarp).

Iodum [Iod]

Acrid, corrosive foot-sweat; oedematous swelling of feet; debilitating sour-smelling in morning hours, with much thirst; profuse night-sweat.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

Sweat hot, sudden attacks in room;partial cold; on upper part of body,, smell sour, (<) by motion and during sweat; (>) after it; profuse after quinine.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Sweat on back,.during effort at stool; profuse while sitting quietly; cold on forehead and hands.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Sweat mostly on upper parts, after eating and easily excited by exercise during the day;profuse foetid foot-sweat;swelling and redness of soles; chilblains; stitches in painful and sensitive corns; night-sweats without relief.

Lachesis [Lach]

Profuse sweat with most complaints; sweat cold, stains yellow or bloody sweat, staining red, with bodily languor.

Lachnanthes [Lachn]

ICY COLD SWEAT, especially on forehead; sweat after restless sleep; sweat with dizziness; skin cold, damp, clammy;morning sweat.

Lactic-acid [Lac-ac]

Copious sweating of feet, but is not offensive.

Laurocerasus [Laur]

SWEAT AFTER EATING ( Ignatia, during meal); sweat generally during and after heat till towards morning.

Ledum [Led]

Night-sweats putrid or sour, with inclination to uncover and itching; sweat, mostly on forehead, from least exertion, mixed with chilliness.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Nocturnal sweat, often foetid and viscid, chiefly on chest and back;cold sweat on feet, sometimes copious and with excoriation of skin; foetid sweat in axillae and feet, with burning in soles, fissures in heels; sweat from least exertion, cold sour bloody or offensive, smelling like onions (Art., Bovista, ) clammy at night, often with coldness of face, (>) uncovering, with or without thirst for water.

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

Sweat greasy, stains yellow; sour, putrid-smelling; heat, mostly forenoon, with sweat on head.

Manganum-acet [Mang]

Profuse sweat, with short, anxious breathing, night-sweats, itching often only on neck and lower limbs; every part of body extremely sore, when touched.

Mercurius [Merc]

Profuse sweat at night, towards morning with thirst and palpitations; from exertions even when eating; evening in bed before falling asleep; sour offensive or cold, clammy oily (China) and causing burning of skin; with all pains, BUT GIVING NO RELIEF; (<) by the weakness.

Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]

COLD SWEAT, often only on forehead, or general cold sweat, with anxiety; night-sweat; foetid towards morning.

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

Night and morning sweats, (<) when sweating, wants to uncover, cold sweat on feet, evening in bed; swelling, redness and burning of tips of toes; chilblains.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

Night-sweats alternating with dry skin; morning sweat; perspiration profuse from every exertion, anxiety; cold, anxious sweat; burning sweat on forehead where hat presses.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Sweat on waking at night and on rising in the morning; sweats easily from any exertion; SWEAT RELIEVES HEADACHE AND OTHER PAINS, though it weakness.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.