Asafoetida [Asaf]
Old sores break open and turn black, especially on stump of amputated limb, with neuralgic pains.
Borax [Bor]
Old wounds and ulcers reopen and ulcerate.
Carbo-an [Carb-an]
Stinging in scars, ichorous suppuration after breaking open.
Causticum [Caust]
Superficial wounds, which have healed, open again, due to anxiety or nervous exhaustion.
Crot. [Crot-h]
Sepsis causes old scars to reopen, with oozing of dark blood.
Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]
Old scars becomes red around edges, covered or surrounded by itching vesicles, especially near joints or bones.
Graphites [Graph]
Burning in old scars, especially after mammary abscess or ulcers, removing cicatrical hardness whenever present.
Hypericum [Hyper]
When cicatrices are located in parts rich in sentient nerves as fingers and toes, with much pain; after amputations, when ends of nerves are involved.
Iodium [Iod]
Scars itch, break open or pimples break out on them.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
Cicatrical tissue of ulcers remains depressed or deep stinging scars on hand, after palmar abscess.
Lachesis [Lach]
Scars redden, becomes painful, break open and bleed, often surrounded by purple areola or many small pimples.
Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]
Scars blood-red, blue and painful.