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Homeopathy treatment for Scarlatina from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Scarlatina…

Aconite [Acon]

SCARLET RASH with high fever, full, quick pulse: dry, hot, burning skin, oversensitiveness to external impressions. SCARLET FEVER, throat dark-red, with burning and sticking pain when swallowing, which may extend to ears; auricle red, sensitive, hot to touch and swollen; sudden excruciating pains in stomach, gagging and retching, vomiting of blood, stoppage of breath; also from exposure during desquamation, child starts up during sleep in perfect agony with distressed features, gasping, cold sweat on forehead, cold limbs.

Ailanthus [Ail]

ADYNAMIC MALIGNANT SCARLATINA FROM THE START; general prostration and marked cerebral affection during the first stage; pulse small, weak, often irregular; skin harsh and dry, covered with a scanty dark-bluish rash, more profuse on forehead and face; violent vomiting, dizziness, photophobia, stupor and insensibility; pupils dilated; great thirst, with dry, parched tongue; THROAT INSIDE SWOLLEN, DARK-COLORED EVEN ULCERATED, with infiltration of the cellular tissue about the neck; excoriating nasal discharge; great exhaustion and stoical indifference to whatever happens; petechiae, TORPOR, eruption is slow to make its appearance, remains livid even on forehead and face; skin dry, but never hot; irregular, patchy, livid eruption, disappearing on pressing and returning very slowly, interspersed with small vesicles, (<) forehead, neck and chest.

Ammonium-carb [Am-c]

MILIARY SCARLATINA OF A MALIGNANT TYPE from deficient oxygenation; throat swollen internally and externally, with enlargement of glands and bluish, dark-red swelling of tonsils; infiltration of cellular tissue around engorged cervical lymphatics; gangrenous, putrid ulceration of tonsils, covered with rapidly decomposing, sticky, offensive, muco-pus; burning pains in the throat, sticky salivation; NOSE OBSTRUCTED, particularly at night, causing the child to start from its sleep as if smothering, has to lie with its mouth wide open in order to breathe; mental confusion, gloom, inclined to shed tears; chill and heat often alternate till towards midnight; continuous day or night-sweat; UPPER HALF OF THE BODY COVERED BY ERUPTION WITH VIOLENT ITCHING, or faintly developed eruption; stertorous breathing; involuntary defaecation and urination; threatening paralysis of brain with excessive vomiting; hard swelling of right parotid and lymphatic glands of the neck.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Great difficulty of breathing from the suppression of the eruption; face bluish or purple, child becomes more and more drowsy and twitches; rattling breathing; violent convulsions from repelled or non-appearing eruption skin pale, cold and great difficulty in breathing; insensibility, child lies motionless and paralyzed.

Anthracinum [Anthr]

GLANDS UNDER CHIN PAINFULLY SWOLLEN, of stony hardness; swallowing exceedingly difficult, with great thirst; pulse frequent, small, with violent action of heart; great restlessness, debility and depression, with pain in limbs; haemorrhagic exudations; induration of cellular tissue; cynanche cellularis.

Apis-mell [Apis]

MILIARY SCARLATINA with defective efforts of nature to get up a fever; eruption interspersed with miliary rash, body hot in some places and cool in others; rash deep-red in color with burning and stinging in skin; heat of feet and hands when complaining of chilliness; child drowsy, sleeping most of the time, or drowsy and cannot sleep, is fidgety and restless, peevish and irritable; tongue dry, deep-red, swollen and inflamed, often covered with blisters; inability to swallow; dryness of mouth without thirst; diphtheritic patches on tonsils, outside throat engorged with erysipelatous blush on it; PUFFINESS OF THROAT AND OEDEMA OF UVULA. Bad cases with repercussed eruption, perspiration breaks out, dries up, breaks out again and dries up again, with irritation of meninges, muttering delirium, great and early prostration, and sudden shrill screams with rolling of head on the pillow; nausea and vomiting, with soreness of pit of stomach to touch; nose stuffed up and dry. POST-SCARLATINA DROPSY; suppression of urine or urine scanty, dark-red from decomposed blood, containing epithelium and casts. Anasarca with thirstlessness, pale, waxen skin, an eruption here and there resembling nettlerash on limbs or an erysipelatous, rosy appearance on anasarcous limbs;

orthopnoea with cold legs, bronchial catarrh, great difficulty in breathing until phlegm is raised, spasmodic constriction of larynx, all (<) by heat and (>) by cold. SCARLATINA TYPHOSA, the whole nervous system languishing under the paralyzing influence of the poison.

Arnica [Arn]

TYPHOID SCARLATINA, with nosebleed and haemoptoe, (<) when coughing; ecchymoses on different parts of body or even small boils; head and breast warm, lower part cold; sweat sour and offensive, sometimes cold; heat in oft-repeated short attacks.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Rash does not come out properly; child is thrown into convulsions and lies pale and in a sort of stupor with restlessness and moaning; suddenly it seems to arouse, goes into convulsions, and then relapses again into stupor; total loss of strength; convulsive twitchings, excessive vomiting and diarrhoea, brought on or (<) by food or drink; tendency to gangrene; lips dry and black, often bloody; throat dry and livid, yet thickly covered by the eruption; uvula oedematous; parotid swollen and suppurating; destructive process in middle ear appearing simultaneously with the eruption on the outside; INTOLERABLE EARACHE IN PAROXYSMS; drumhead bulges and after its destruction profuse, watery, ichorous discharge from middle ear; thick, slimy, foetid saliva from mouth; bitter taste, especially after eating or drinking; longing for cold drinks and acids; vomiting of brown substances; urine dark-colored and bloody, passed with difficulty; emaciation; dyspnoea, constantly changing position; cold sweat, cold extremities; puffiness of eyelids; dropsical symptoms.

Arsenite of Potash [Kali-ar]

(Kali ars., Fowler’s solution). Chief remedy when the RASH COVERS THE WHOLE BODY AND THERE IS ENOUGH LEFT TO POISON EVERY ORGAN OF THE BODY, especially brain and kidneys; coma alternating with delirium, subsultus tendinum; renal elements in urine; oedema pulmonum with uraemic symptoms.

Arum-triph [Arum-t]

EXCORIATING DISCHARGE FROM NOSE AND MOUTH, making nose and upper lip raw and sore; tongue swells, papillae large and red; throat very sore, putrid; tonsils very much swollen; discharge from nose ichorous, filling whole nasal cavity and throat, making lips and surrounding parts of face sore, cracked and bleeding; excessive salivation, saliva acrid; scabs form, the child will hardly open its mouth; dry cough, which hurts the child so much that it cringes under it and involuntary puts the hand to throat as if to modify the pain; child is restless, excitable, irritable, tosses about and sleepless at night; great delirium, rash dark and imperfectly developed, MORE IN PATCHES THAN UNIFORM; child picks and bores fingers in nose and nervously picks at one spot till it bleeds, or at the dry lips; dizziness on being raised; head burning hot; swollen bloated face; swelling of submaxillary and parotid glands, left worst; desquamation a second or third time, in large flakes, especially where the eruption came fully out. In mild cases the urine may be profuse, and if it is not, PROFUSE URINATION IS A SIGN THAT THE DRUG ACTS WELL. In bad cases uraemia may develop with complete suppression of urine and uraemic cerebral symptoms; desire for milk, which relieves soreness and pricking sensation in mouth and throat.

Baptisia [Bapt]

TYPHOID SCARLATINA; extensive ulcerations in throat; great foetor of breath; nausea followed by vomiting; tonsils inflamed; diphtheritic ulcers; dry, sore tongue, coated at first with reddish papillae, followed by a yellowish-brown coating in centre, edges red and shining; slight delirium; burning heat of face; oppressed breathing; dysenteric stools; scalding, high- colored urine; continued fever, with great prostration.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

SCARLATINA MILIARIS; throat pale, submaxillary and parotid glands swollen and tender; nostrils swollen, but pale; foetid, copious salivation; or after first stage induration of glands and dry throat, pressing stinging pains when swallowing; acute tonsillitis with tendency to suppuration in scrofulous, dwarfish children (after Belladonna and Mercurius); great prostration and weariness, with constant inclination to rest.

Belladonna [Bell]

TRUE SYDENHAM SCARLATINA, eruptions perfectly smooth and of bright scarlet hue; asthenic type with active delirium, and during early stages; vomiting, violent and cerebral symptoms prominent; restless sleep with crying out, twitching of muscles, grinding of teeth and constant motion of mouth, as if chewing; when aroused from sleep, child is violent and full of fear; striking at those around it; eyeballs red with wild look about eyes and redness of face; throbbing of carotids; involuntary moving of hands to head, bending head backward, as if too heavy; head hotter than other parts of body; lips, mouth and throat very red; throat bright-red and swollen and tongue coated with elevated papillae; tympanum markedly congested, and congestion extending to external to external auditory canal; violent tonsillitis and angina, with stitching pain and spasmodic contractions; inability to drink, liquids return through nostrils; violent thirst with or without dread of water; suffocating sensation on turning head or touching pharynx; calor mordax. Or the rash fails to come out and the child becomes pale or livid, rolls head into pillow, moans, whimpers and screams, jumps out of bed and wants to walk in his sleep; pulse small and accelerated.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.