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Homeopathy treatment for Pneumonia from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Pneumonia…

Aconite [Acon]

First stage in robust persons. Chill or more or less severity, followed by intense fever, hot dry, skin quick and and hard pulse; accelerated, labored, incomplete respiration, with restlessness, palpitation, fear of death, hard, painful, dry cough, soreness and heat in chest; during second stage, burning- shooting or burning-pressing pains in chest, with painfulness to external pressure; oppression and acceleration of respiration, sense of weariness and exhaustion in chest; PULMONARY HYPERAEMIA, sputa thin frothy. tinged with blood. Percussion- sounds is still clear, and crepitating rales distinctly audible.

Ammonium-carb [Am-c]

Great debility with symptoms pointing to the formation of heart- clot; BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA OF THE AGED, with rattling of large bubbles in the chest, sputa thin, foamy, adynamia; incessant cough and copious expectoration, excited as if from down in larynx, (<) 3 to 4 A.M., followed by great exhaustion, especially when complicated with coryza or influenza.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

PNEUMONIA BILIOSA with hepatic congestion; PLEURO-PNEUMONIA, when parts of lungs are hepatized and fine rales heard over hepatized part; great oppression of breathing towards morning, must sit up to breathe. BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA, pneumonia catarrhalis; second stage, resolution has set in but fails, and oppression and prostration prevail, at first we found the sharp, stitching pains of Bryonia, but now the pain ceased, mucous rales are heard distinctly over chest with extreme want of breath; rattling, hollow cough, with heat and moist hands, sweat on forehead; DYSPNOEA WITH DESIRE TO COUGH, AND THOUGH CHEST IS FULL OF MUCUS, INABILITY TO BRING IT UP; vertigo with dimness of vision and pressing headache; eyes congested, starting, dull, unsteady, half open or one closed face red, bloated, anxious, or cool, pale and sallow; nostrils dark, sooty, dilated; mouth open, parched; tongue dry and brown; great thirst; tendency to diarrhoea or diarrhoea. PNEUMONIA OF DRUNKARDS, with bilious complications; even jaundice, meteorism, nausea and vomiting; typhoid complications; oedema pulmonum; impending paralysis of lungs or of heart; suitable especially to infants and old or cachectic people.

Aranea-diad [Aran]

Hydrogenoid constitution; violent chill, respiration very short; cough with bloody sputa; oppression of chest; violent haemorrhage from lungs; excessive debility and prostration.

Arnica [Arn]

Where the disease is caused by mechanical injury, and where in plethoric persons pneumonic infiltration shows a tendency to haemorrhage; dry cough, shaking the whole body, with tough, bloody sputa.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Extreme prostration, clammy perspiration, urgent thirst, drinking little and often; shortness of breath on sight exertion; dry and dark tongue and lips, diarrhoea; singing and buzzing in ears; tendency to colliquation and dissolution; threatened gangrene, with ichorous expectoration; foetid or dingy green (Chin Lachesis). In sudden oedema pulmonum, with passive hyperaemia of the lungs, sometimes caused by defects of the right side of the heart; in old people, from repercussed eruptions; in asthmatic persons; hypostatic pneumonia; pneumonia notha in old people, with danger of paralysis of lungs; hoarse after midnight; sudamina.

Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i]

Pneumonia complicated with valvular disease of heart. particularly mitral; constriction of chest with great anxiety and restlessness, (<) evenings; burning and heat in chest, pale face cold extremities.

Arsenicum-of-Antimony [Ant-ar]

(Stibium arsenicosum). Pleuro-pneumonia, especially when left side is affected, WITH RECENT OR OLD EXUDATIONS chiefly in desperate cases, threatening cases asphyxia.

Belladonna [Bell]

Young persons of full habit; temperament and fever high; skin intensely hot to touch, face flushed, eyes congested; great nervousness and restlessness; insomnia; CEREBRAL COMPLICATIONS; delirium or threatened convulsions; tickling dry cough, (<) at night; pressive pain in chest, with shortness of breath, affecting the heart; pulse accelerated often full, hard and tense, (<) from lying on affected side; TYPHOID PNEUMONIA FROM THE START, picking at bedclothes, mottled redness of face, pulse small and soft, intense and constant delirium.

Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]

ASTHENIC PNEUMONIA; great weakness; difficult breathing, steadily increasing; mucous oppression of lungs; undulating or intermitting beats of heart; painful trembling in chest; cough followed by expectoration of green mucus.

Bromium [Brom]


pneumonia; sensation as if he could not get air enough into the chest; feeling of exhaustion and weakness in chest, where constriction impedes respiration, with dry, tickling cough; hepatization of lower lobes; NOSEBLEED. Emphysema following pneumonia, cannot lie down at night; fears to suffocate, loose cough night and day, but no expectoration; cold feeling in chest.

Bryonia [Bry]

PLEURO-PNEUMONIA, true croupous pneumonia, indicated after Aconite, when hepatization or stage of exudation has let in, pulmonary oppression with feeling of anxiety; heavy pressure just over sternum; bruised feeling and shooting pains in chest, (<) by every motion, and PAINS MORE BEARABLE WHEN LYING ON AFFECTED SIDE (Belladonna, worse); cough still hard and painful, but expectoration viscid, tenacious, of a brickdust color; abdominal breathing; foul tongue; constipation; gastric catarrh; thirst for large quantities of water.

Cactus-grand [Cact]

Oppression of respiration, pricking pains; acute, intense pains with the cough; bloody sputa; hard, quick, vibrating pulse; feeling of constriction in chest preventing free speech; sharp wandering pains in chest, especially in scapular region; cough, with thick yellow sputa like boiled starch; hepatization of lungs.

Cannabis-sat [Cann-s]

PNEUMONIA INFANTILIS, simulating, meningitis, with high fever and delirium, the lung-lesion often only limited, confined to the apex; MOSTLY INDICATED LATE IN THE THIRD STAGE, stage of absorption, where deposit is limited to the lower portion of the lungs, with difficult greenish expectoration, delirium during the fever and green bilious vomiting; cough frequent, dry, teasing; complication with diseases of the heart and of the larger blood vessels.

Cantharis [Canth]

Violent pain with accelerated pulse and great thirst; burning pains; delirious talk about business; stitches in chest extending into axilla and sternum; tenacious mucus with painful hawking and nightly lancinations in chest; pleuro-pneumonia with stitches and darting in chest, (<) during inspiration, cannot lie on affected side; stitches when turning the body quickly or when breathing rapidly, with arrest of breathing; great sensitiveness of chest to the touch; extraordinary weakness of respiratory organs, disproportion between frequency of pulse and respiration.

Capsicum [Caps]

Cough excited by drinking coffee; cough prevents sleep at night; when coughing, THE AIR FROM LUNGS CAUSES A STRANGE OFFENSIVE TASTE IN MOUTH; very foetid air rises from lungs when coughing; (<) when lying down, (>) by drinks of cold water; general cyanosis with burning, biting heat, objectively apparent, burning in air- passages; PLEURO-AND BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA WITH DIRTY BROWN, NOT RUSTY, SPUTA; burning cough, splitting pain in head, drawing or stinging in sides of chest; stitches in back and bladder; pressive, ulcerative pain in neck and earl cough (<) from any draught, warm or cold, after warm drinks, from depressing emotions, or exposure.

Carbo-an [Carb-an]

LAST STAGES OF PNEUMONIA AND SUPPURATION OF RIGHT LUNG, (<) by lying on right side; SUFFOCATING HOARSE COUGH PRODUCING SHAKING OF THE BRAIN as if the brain were loose in the head; cold feeling in chest (Bromium); expectoration of green, purulent and horribly offensive sputa, coming from right lung; sensation of something as soon as he closes his eyes.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Spasmodic cough, with deep, rough voice or else aphonia; decided burning in chest; profuse, yellow, foetid expectoration, especially in aged patients, with a great deal of rattling in chest; dyspnoea, (<) on turning over in bed and on dropping off to sleep; great prostration, tongue dry with little or no thirst; foul, decaying, diarrhoeic stools; breath foul, craves fresh air; foulness of all secretions; pneumonia complicated with affections of right heart, or on emphysematous patients, with old bronchial catarrhs. PARALYSIS PULMONUM.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Infantile pneumonia and capillary bronchitis with prevalence of HEPATIC SYMPTOMS; PNEUMONIA BILIOSA, face deep-red; great oppression of chest, fanlike expansion of alae (Lycopodium); one hot and one cold foot (Lycopodium); quiet delirium, mostly at night, followed by lethargy which continues during the day; grayish- yellow, sallow, sunken features; heat in face with dark-red cheek; sudden restlessness of limbs, feet move involuntarily; severe chills, followed by heat and sorrowful, anxious mood; irregular palpitation of heart, bright-yellow, stools; hollow, short, exhausting, racking cough, with forcible ejections of small lumps of mucus or inability to raise or dislodge; straining cough, (<) mornings, with expectoration deep from lungs; violent STITCHES IN RIGHT LUNG GOING TO LOWER EDGE OF RIGHT SHOULDER- BLADE.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.