
Homeopathy treatment for Ozaena from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Ozaena…

Alumen [Alumn]

Lupus, cancer, polypi of nose, sanious discharge, especially when ulceration is present.

Alumina [Alum]

Soreness and scabs nose discharge of thick, yellow mucous or of dry, hard, yellow-green plugs; the parts, especially septum narium, swollen, red and sore to touch, (<) evenings; point of nose cracked; WEAK OR ENTIRE LOSS OF SMELL.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Cancer, ulcer on right alae nasi, burning, stinging, painful, forming a thick, hard crust, which comes off and leaves a bleeding, mattery surface soon followed by another crust; nostrils; corners of mouth and anus red and excoriated; CANNOT BREATHE THROUGH NOSTRILS WHEN ASLEEP; nose swollen, burns, coppery-red, with desire for liquors; ichorous, sanious and foetid discharges, with marked prostration and great general debility (Arsenicum iod.).

Asafoetida [Asaf]

Offensive, greenish discharge from nose, with caries of bones and a feeling as if nose would burst; numbness of bones of face; pimple on tip of nose; small tubercles on cheeks; TEARING PAINS FROM WITHIN OUTWARD in bones of nose, (<) at night. Mercurio- syphilis and scrofula.

Aurum-met [Aur]

Scrofulous and syphilitic affections of bones of nose and face; caries of bones of nose and palate; PUTRID SMELL WHEN BLOWING NOSE, RECOGNIZED BY PATIENT, though olfaction is impaired; excessively foetid discharge; burning, itching, smarting soreness in nose which is sensitive to touch; unbearable frontal headache; caries extends into cheek-bones, with same tearing, boring pain; bony destruction of ear with obstinate otorrhoea; yellow, thick discharge from nose, or dry firm pieces are blown out, always of an offensive odor; nose sunken in, perforation of septum.

Aurum-mur [Aur-m]

Ozaena scrofulosa wit unbearable odor; nasal cavity ulcerated deep in, with dry yellowish scurf and sense of obstruction; nostrils stuffed up with hard crusts; lupus of alae nasi, ulceration of soft parts with perforation of septum.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Swelling of nose and upper lip in children, with acrid discharge; purulent, thick, or yellow-red discharge, making lip sore; red itching pustules on upper lip and cheeks; nose swollen inside and outside; impaired smell.; EPISTAXIS FREQUENT AND PROFUSE, ALMOST TO FAINTING; loud breathing through nose.

Calcarea-fluor [Calc-f]

Copious, offensive, thick, greenish-yellow discharge with OSSEOUS GROWTHS IN NOSE; blowing of much mucus from nose with ineffectual desire to sneeze.

Carbo-an [Carb-an]

Scrofulous ozaena; swelling of nose, with pimples inside and outside, forming crusts which last a long time; vesicle at right nostril with malignant ulcerations; LITTLE BOILS INSIDE OF NOSE, WITH TENSE AND BURNING SENSATION, (<) during menses; saddle across nose with copper-colored eruption. Carcinoma nasi.

Conium [Con]

Ozaena with burning in nostrils and stitching pain in septum; discharge of pus and blood from nose; boring in nostrils; smell of animals in back part of nose; fibrous polypi, hard and elastic, pricking and itching after touching or handling; EXCESSIVELY ACUTE SMELL, WITH PURULENT DISCHARGE.

Elaps-cor [Elaps]

Offensive discharge from nose and throat, smelling like putrid herring pickle; posterior wall of throat covered with a dry greenish-yellow scab, extending up to nose; pains from root of nose to ears when swallowing; sense of smell; gone; NOSE BLEEDS WHEN VIOLENTLY BLOWN.

Graphites [Graph]

Dry scabs in nose, with sore, cracked and ulcerated nostrils; frequently discharge of thick, yellowish, foetid mucus from nose,

which may form hard masses or crusts; loss of smell dryness of noise; discharge from nose MUCH MORE FOETID DURING MENSES, catches cold easily; oozing behind ears.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

Sharp, raw, excoriated feeling in both nostrils, with constant desire to blow nose; ulceration with bloody or mixed purulent discharge; sticky mucus in fauces, with bad taste; AIR FEELS COLD IN NOSE (Kali iod., Lithium carb.); soreness of cartilaginous septum, bleeding when touched; post-nasal catarrh.

Iodum [Iod]

Chronic foetid discharge from nose which is painful and swollen; carious ulcerations.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

NOSE FEELS UNNATURALLY DRY, being obstructed by large clinkers of dark-greenish, foetid, hardened masses, hawked up from post- nasal space, (<) morning till noon; rapid exfoliation and ulceration; loss of smell; PERFORATING ULCERS ON SEPTUM AND ELSEWHERE; desires and fulness from inflammation of frontal sinuses; ropy, tough mucous discharge from posterior nares, offensive or not; polypus nasi.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Blood-tinged mucous discharge; nosebleed; excoriating acrid, greenish mucus, making nostrils sore and crusty, breathing through nostrils at night impossible; chilly out-doors, but breathes easier in open air (Kali bichromicum, obstruction (<) in open air), and becomes obstructed again on entering a warm room.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Greenish-yellow, excoriating ozaena, with throbbing and burning in nasal and frontal bones; syphilis, nose red, swollen; discharge acrid, watery, cool; tightness at root of nose; darting and stinging in face.

Lachesis [Lach]

Ozaena syphilitica or mercurialis; nasal mucous membrane swollen, discharge watery, with red nostrils and herpes on lips; nose red externally, filled with scabs, discharge of pus and blood. RED NOSE OF DRUNKARDS.

Lac-caninum [Lac-c]

Ozaena syphilitica, when the corners of mouth and alae nasi are cracked.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Ozaena with orange-yellow discharge, acrid, excoriating; POSTERIOR NARES DRY; nose stopped up, especially at root, breathes with mouth open.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]

Ulceration of edges of nostrils; yellow scurfs in nose; watery; acrid, mucous discharge corroding upper lip; picks affected parts, (<) from deep breathing, sneezing, touch and in the morning.

Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]

Ozaena, discharge from nose like glue, m drying up in posterior nares; perspiration of septum; NOSE STOPPED UP AND RUNS AT THE SAME TIME; rawness and smarting in nostrils.

Mercurius-iod-flav [Merc-i-f]

Septum sore with sharp pain; much mucus descends into throat, causing hawking; constant inclination to swallow; thick yellow coating on back of tongue.

Mercurius-iod-rub [Merc-i-r]

Whitish-yellow or bloody discharge; affection of posterior nares with raw sensation; nasal and turbinated bones involved; dropping of mucous with much hawking.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Mercurio-syphilis; foetid, yellow, corroding nasal discharge; ozaena with ulcers; STITCHES IN NOSE AS FROM SPLINTERS; dirty, bloody mucus from posterior nares; large, soft protuberances on alae, covered with crusts; green casts from nose every morning.

Peru-balsam [Bals-p]

Ozaena with ulceration; discharge and thick.

Petroleum [Petr]

Scabs from nose with purulent mucus, nose sore, nostrils cracked; Post-nasal space filled with mucus and causing hawking of phlegm.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Chronic rhinitis; ulcerations of nostrils, nose swollen and dry, cannot draw air through it, (<) on windy days.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

Ulcerated ozaena with epistaxis; polypi; loss of smell, of peculiar susceptibility to odors, which makes him feel faint; migraine.

Sepia [Sep]

Ozaena scrofulosa, catches cold easily from deficiency of vital heat; loss of smell or foetid smell before nose; blowing of large lumps of yellow-green mucus or crusts with blood from nose; painful eruption on tip of nose; goneness in epigastrium; sweat in axillae, palms of hands and soles of feet.

Silicea [Sil]

Gnawing and ulcers high up the nose, with great sensitiveness of place of contact nose inwardly dry, excoriated, covered with crusts; obstructed mornings, fluent during day; intolerable itching of tip of nose; cold nose.

Theridion [Ther]

Chronic catarrh, discharge offensive-smelling, thick, yellow or yellowish-green; caries of nasal bones; dull, thick, heavy sensation in forehead or throbbing extending to occiput; trickling into pharynx; itching behind ears, she would like to scratch them off.

Thuja [Thuj]

SMELL IN NOSE AS OF FISH BRINE; painful scabs in nostrils; blows out much thick green mucus mixed with blood and pus; later brown scabs from; nose sore; red eruption on alae, often moist; skin of face greasy; watery, purulent otorrhoea, smelling like putrid meat (Tell. like fish brine); persistent insomnia; sycosis.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.