Morbus Brightii

Euonymus-atrop [Euon-a]

LIVER COMPLAINT; chronic catarrh and rheumatic troubles; dyspepsia; migraine, the more severe the headache the more albumen in urine; melancholy and bodily weakness.

Glonoinum [Glon]

CIRRHOTIC KIDNEY, ALBUMINOUS URINE, passes much urine at night with dyspnoea and sleeplessness; high-colored, BURNING WHILE PASSING, with red sediment and muddy, reddish-yellow slime; constant tremulous sensation in cardiac region; heart’s impulse increased; pulse quick, small’; dry, parched feeling, wants cold water; nausea with faintness; jerkings through body; brain feels too large, congested; throbbing headache, (<) by stepping or jarring.

Helleborus [Hell]

Post-scarlatinal or post-diphtheritic dropsy; black urine with a cloud near the bottom of the chamber or a coffee-ground sediment; congestion of kidneys with extensive effusion of serum in abdominal cavity and tissue of lower extremities; jellylike stools; dullness of mind; with slowness in responding; anxious about heart which prevents him from resting anywhere; pulse often slower than beating of heart; want of bodily irritability.

Helonias [Helon]

Great languor; feeling of weakness and weight in the region of the kidneys; albuminuria following scarlatina, or during and after pregnancy; profound melancholy, better while doing something; burning pains in abdomen and kidneys;palpitations; aching burning pain in sacrum down into buttocks; dropsy, general debility, uterine atony; urine profuse, clear, light-colored albuminous.

Hepar [Hep]

DROPSY AFTER SCARLATINA.- sensation as if bruised in small of back and thighs; palpitation of heart; with fine stitches though the heart and chest; urine dark-red, hot, bloody, burning, or pale, with flocculent, muddy-looking sediment.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

MORBUS BRIGHTII ON A SYPHILITIC BASIS; blindness before headache and sight returning with the onset of pain; yellow sight from bile in blood; yellow pallor of face, difficult breathing, sits bent forward, (<) after midnight; nausea, palpitations, COLD SENSATION IN CARDIAC REGION, pressure on heart when lying, (>) after rising, painful retraction of anus; rheumatic, paretic states; urine loaded with epithelial casts and albumen.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Urine hot, scanty, frequent, sediment red and slimy; urine blackish, foaming when shaken; tensive pain on left renal region; sacculated swelling of eyelids; swelling of inguinal glands and oedema of left foot, extending gradually to right foot and upward over body; jerking of limbs if foot is touched.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Urine scanty, dark, micturition painful or urine copious, frequent, pale and watery, or red as blood, great thirst;chronic headaches with coldness of the affected part, (>) by external warmth; oppression of breathing, (<) morning hours; when lungs become engorged; palpitations while walking;weak digestion with empty belching, eating does not relieve, food tastes like straw.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

NEPHRITIS CROUPOSA with dirty, yellow sediment; congestion to heart, slow pulse, twitching of face, alternate states of sadness and cheerfulness with congestion,. by nosebleed; congestive vertigo,, after violent exercise; luminous vibrations before eyes when sneezing, brassy taste, foetid breath, CARDIAC ASTHMA, with sensation as if heart and lungs were constricted; with cold feet; portal congestion and enlarged liver; dryness of stool, so that if crumbles, twitching of facial muscles; SCORBUTIC STATE FROM ABUSE OF MERCURIALS.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

Depressed condition of nerves, insomnia, weary feeling, irritability; nervous asthma with sallow features, sunken eyes, emaciation, on ascending, with dyspnoea; intermittent action of heart; oedema pulmonum.

Kalmia [Kalm]

MORBUS BRIGHTII FROM HEART COMPLICATIONS; dropsy from cold with rheumatic manifestations; persistent pains in back and lower extremities; scanty urine, albuminous, with fibrinous casts and epithelial cells; oppression of chest; dyspnoea, vertigo, dulness of head, periosteal pains prevent sleep.

Lachesis [Lach]

Morbus brightii, after scarlatina or diphtheria, AFTER EXCESSIVE USE OF ALCOHOL (Berberis); urine dark, turbid of black in spots; dropsy with suffocating spells; pale, puffy, yellow face, Dropsical swelling and pain in sacral region during pregnancy, urine scanty, full of albumen, pale face, left leg swollen and painful, left side oedematous; stitches from the kidneys through ureters; difficulty of breathing, blue surface, (<) after sleeping; HYDROTHORAX AND HYDROPERICARDIUM FROM ORGANIC DISEASES OF HEART.

Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]

EARLY STAGES, especially when caused by abuse of alcoholic drinks, by cold or by obstructed portal circulation; face pale, puffed, doughy; thirst, swollen tongue; renal and rectal region painful; scanty, bloody urine; effusion of fibrin or fat globules in the urine, or profuse secretion of pale, albuminous urine; colic and tenesmus; yellowish tint of body; offensive secretions; tendency to ulcerations and glandular swellings.

Mercurius-iod [Merc-i-f]

Urine copious, thick and dark when passing, (<) at night and in the open air; easily swelling;yellow, heavy-furred tongue, headache, especially right side; pressure on vertex, etc.

Myrica-cerif [Myric]

Great despondency and irritability; drowsy sensation in head; dryness of mouth and fauces; the whole mouth; including the roof, coated with dirty-white, adherent mucus; foul, nauseous, bitter taste; throat sore and rough with painful and difficult deglutition; horrid epigastric pains, with great weakness and soreness; urine high-colored and loaded with sand.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

CONTRACTED KIDNEY. Nausea, excessive slimy secretion from mouth and throat; yellow coating all over tongue, with bitter or acid taste; bilious diarrhoea or constipation, piles, anorexia; haematuria, urging after and shuddering along the spine urination; skin dry, dark and dirty.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Great torpor, melanotic dyscrasia, similar to scurvy and stupid typhoids; the heart relaxed, dilated, with thin walls; atheroma of the arteries, insidious appearance of the renal degeneration, carelessness and apathy, perfect prostration, with low delirium, neither hunger nor thirst, nausea and vomiting, bleeding gums, urine contains much phosphates, fibrinous casts and epithelial cells, fatty corpuscles, rarely carbonate of ammonia, and never much albumen, costiveness or light-yellow diarrhoea, no fever or heat; cool wrinkled skin, cool breath, cool sweat.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Affects primarily the right heart, producing venous stasis; kidneys present great structural changes, granular and fatty degenerations, destruction of epithelium, and finally atrophy; urine highly albuminous; the blood profusely affected, the red corpuscles greatly diminished and the white corpuscles increased. Nervous exhaustion, atrophy of softening of the brain, sensation of weakness or emptiness in the stomach; painless watery diarrhoea; congestion of the right heart, and hence venous congestion of kidneys; dimness of sight, amaurosis; haemorrhages; hoarseness; pneumonia; jaundice; fatty degeneration and atrophy of liver or pancreas; tuberculosis; caries; retinitis albuminuria.

Plumbum [Plb]

GRANULAR KIDNEY. Loss of appetite, frontal headache worse from mental application; difficulty of breathing, especially at night when lying down; oedema of ankles; dry skin, no perspiration even after exercise; colicky pains proceeding from the spine, with obstinate constipation and retracted abdomen; amaurosis from atrophy of the optic nerve (phos., from retinal haemorrhage); epileptiform conditions, paralysis; cutaneous anaesthesia, with albuminuria; exceedingly pale skin; chlorosis; rapid emaciation and progressive debility; hypertrophy of heart; atheromatous degeneration of the arteries; haemorrhagic tendency, intractable epistaxis; urine of low specific gravity, pale, containing albumen, tube-casts, epithelial cells, blood and pus corpuscles; urine dribbles; inability to pass urine, though bladder is full; urine foetid and high-colored; HARDLY ANY DROPSY.

Sarsaparilla [Sars]

Syphilitic taint, mercurial poisoning. scrofula, cachectic states from hepatic diseases or rheumatism; cloudiness of head; dim sight, as if looking through a mist; aphthae; frequent and copious micturition of pale urine, depositing a sediment; frequent desire, but scanty urination; foetid breath; dyspnoea; tearing in almost all the joints and limbs; great weakness; languid feeling; emaciation.

Secale [Sec]

MORBUS BRIGHTII AFTER SCARLATINA; retention of urine, urine pale or bloody, urinary deposits looking like cheese; discharge of thick black blood from kidneys; obscuration of sight.

Tartar-emet [Ant-t]

Humid asthma; dyspnoea from mucous accumulation and impending paralysis of the pneumogastric nerve; vanishing of sight, sees only through a thick veil; pale, puffed face, with coma; pale, sunken face; nausea and vomiting; stools of cadaverous smell; albuminous urine; palpitation, pulse rapid, weak and trembling; great weakness and lassitude, fainting.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.