
Homeopathy treatment for Metritis from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Metritis…

Aconite [Acon]

VIOLENT FEVER, especially when the disease was caused by FRIGHT, during confinement, or during menstruation; hard rapid pulse; hot dry skin; intense thirst; sharp shooting pains in the whole abdomen, which is very tender to the touch; great restlessness; fear of death; and predicting even the hour of death.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Stinging thrusting pains, similar to those arising from a sting of a bee; absence of thirst, urine scanty, dyspnoea.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Burning throbbing, lancinating pains, restlessness and anguish, with fear of death, thirst, but cold drinks make her worse; wants to be wrapped up; endometritis.

Belladonna [Bell]

TYMPANITIS, the abdomen swollen up like a drum and very sensitive to touch, so that she wants all the bed-clothing removed, (<) from least jarring; pungent heat, abdomen feels extremely hot to thee touch; lochial discharge scanty or suppressed; MARKED CEREBRAL IRRITATION: heaviness, drawing and pressure in hypogastrium, as if everything would pass through vagina, with burning, stitching pains; bruised feeling in back; pains come suddenly and disappear suddenly; clutching pains in abdomen, as if hands were clawing with their nails; stitching pains in hip-joint, which cannot be touched or moved; inventory flow or urine; drowsy dozing; with startings and inability to go to sleep.

Berberis [Berb]

RENAL AND VESICAL SYMPTOMS IN CONJUNCTION WITH METRITIS: sticking, digging, tearing pains down the hips, from deep pressure, extending down back and following course of ureters, back feels stiff and numb; burning in bladder; great prostration; face sunken and worn looking.

Bryonia [Bry]

The least motion aggravates her suffering; head aches as if it would split open; sitting up, as if in bed, causes nausea and fainting; lips and mouth parched; great thirst; stools hard and dry.

Cantharis [Canth]

Constant painful urging and tenesmus of the bladder; in worst cases, when the patients lies unconscious, with their arms stretched out along the side of the body, interrupted by sudden starting up, screaming, throwing about the arms, and even convulsions – all signs of erosions and ulceration of internal organs.

Carbo-an [Carb-an]

Chronic and subacute metritis; inefficient urging to urinate, with painful presser in the groins, loins and thighs; soreness in pit of stomach; lassitude; leucorrhoea, staining the lines yellow.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Much soreness about vulva, with aphthae; aching and pinching in iliac region; languor, weariness and physical depression towards noon, faintness and hunger; flatulence, (>) by emission of flatus; wants to be fanned.

Chamomilla [Cham]

After confinement, caused by fit of chagrin or anger; heat all over, with thirst and redness of face; on side of face red, the other pale; irritable and cross, can hardly restrain herself to treat people decently; lochia generally increased with laborlike pains, going through from back to front; greenish, watery, milky diarrhoea; urine abundant and light-colored.

China [Chin]

After loss of blood distention and oppression of abdomen, not (>) by eructations; ringing in ears; sufferings increased by least touch; painless diarrhoea.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Much paralytic pain in back and paralysis of lower extremities; sensation of SHARP STONES IN ABDOMEN RUBBING TOGETHER AT EVERY MOVEMENT; painful in uterus, with cramps in chest, fainting and nausea,(<) from every change of position; head and face hot, feet cold; pulse hard and small, metallic taste; intense thirst or aversion to drink; SHIVERING OVER MAMMAE.

Colocynthis [Coloc]

Metritis from indignation; colicky pains bend her double; cutting as from knives in bowels; great distress and distention of abdomen; feeling as if intestines were BEING SQUEEZED BETWEEN STONES; great restlessness, (<)after taking food or drink; pain (<) by touch and changing position; full, quick pulse, great thirst; bitter taste in mouth.

Conium [Con]

Burning, sore, aching sensation in uterine region; urine intermits in its flow; vertigo on turning over while lying pulse unequal and irregular; bitter taste, thirst.

Crocus [Croc]

Black stringy discharge; rolling and bounding in abdomen, as from a foetus; stitches in abdomen arresting respiration.

Ferrum [Ferr]

Fiery-red face, bowels feel sore to touch, as if they had been bruised or weakened by cathartics; headache and vertigo; ringing in ears, frequent short shuddering g; hot urine, leucorrhoea like watery milk.

Hepar sulph [Hep]

Where there is evidence of a tendency to suppuration; burning, throbbing pains; chilliness, wants to be covered.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Emotions cause the inflammation, with spasmodic symptoms; jerks of the extremities, face and eyelids: TYPHOID METRITIS, with delirium, throws off the bedclothes, lasciviousness, wishes to go naked, etc.

Ignatia [Ign]

Suppressed grief; cramps, with lancinations, aggravated or renewed by touching the parts; empty feeling at the pit of the stomach.

Iodum [Iod]

Acute pain in mammae, developed by the metritis; the mammae very sore; low cachectic state of thee system, with feeble pulse.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

Continual nausea; every movement causes cutting pain, running from left to right; pain about the navel extending to uterus; discharge bright-red; dyspnoea, faintness; rapid pulse.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Cutting, darting, shooting and stitching pain all over abdomen; intense thirst continually.

Lac-caninum [Lac-c]

Parenchymatous metritis with extreme soreness and tenderness that made every motion, position and even breathing painful; gloomy feeling with fits of weeping; she is exceedingly nervous and irritable, (<) as headache gets worse; severe pressure on brain.

Lachesis [Lach]

She CANNOT BEAR ANY PRESSURE, not even of the clothes, upon the uterine region; she wishes frequently to lift them, not that the abdomen is so very tender, but that the clothes cause an uneasiness; SENSATION AS IF THE PAINS WERE ASCENDING TOWARDS THE CHEST; metritis during the critical age; aggravation after sleep; amelioration of the pains by a flow of blood from the vagina; skin alternately burning hot and cool; abdomen distended; lochia discharge thin and ichorous; puerperal metritis with foetid lochia, face purple and patient unconscious.

Lilium [Lil-t]

CHRONIC METRITIS; pain in small of back, right and left ovarian region, (<) when menstruation is at its height; flow bright, clotted, intermitting; between periods sense of weakness and dragging, with feeling as if uterus fell from right to left.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Cutting pain across abdomen from right to left; rumbling in abdomen, particularly in left hypochondrium; pain in back when urinating; red sand in urine; dryness of vagina, discharge of wind from vagina.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]

Hysterical complaints and spasmodic turns; uterine spasms extending to thighs; large difficult stools; which crumble as they pass the anus.

Mel-cum-sale [Mel-c-s]

(3rd or 6th; Jeanes). Soreness in hypogastric region extending from ilium to ilium.

Mercurius [Merc]

Stitching, aching or boring pains in the uterus; with little heat, with frequent sweats and chills, moist tongue, with intense thirst, aggravation throughout the night.

Murex [Murx]

Nervous temperament, lively, cheerful disposition; strong, determined will; strong sexual passions; menses anticipating and profuse; feeling of dryness and constriction in sexual regions; copious watery urination; urine smelling like valerian.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Bruised pain at cervix; frequent desire to urinate, with pain; scalding and burning, retention of urine, dysuria, ischuria; frequent and ineffectual desire to defaecate, or passing a small quantity of faeces at every attempt; much backache, (<) by attempting to turn in bed; heaviness and burning in abdomen; swelling of os tincae, with contusive pains and stitches in abdomen; pain in forehead above eyes and fainting spells, (>) towards morning; despondent, sleepless or started by frightful dreams.

Opium [Op]

After fright, her fear of the fright still remaining; flushed face, delirium, sopor; in her lucid intervals complains of the sheets being too hot for her; sleepy, but cannot sleep; foetid discharge from uterus.

Platina [Plat]

Particularly after confinement, if there be EXCESSIVE SEXUAL EXCITEMENT; painful pressure in the region of the mons veneris and the genital organs; profuse discharge of thick; black blood, constipation, the stools adhering to the anus and rectum; palpitations.

Podophyllum [Podo]

Endometritis (cervical and corporal) with thick, tarry dark and offensive leucorrhoea; sensation as if genitals would come out during stools, (<) lying on back, (>) from external warmth and bending forward, while lying on side; restless sleep, whining.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Tensive, cutting pains in uterus, which is very sensitive to touch; tension and contraction in abdomen as if menses would come on, with nausea and vomiting of mucus; migraine; bad taste in mouth; no thirst; nightly diarrhoea and scanty urination.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

METRITIS WITH TYPHOID SYMPTOMS; internal and external genitals inflamed, erysipelatous; tearing and bearing-down pains into the thighs; lochia vitiated and offensive; slow fever, dry tongue, restless, especially at night, wants to change position often; powerlessness of lower limbs, can hardly draw them up.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.