Aconite [Acon]
Puerperal convulsions, cerebral congestion; hot dry skin, thirst, fear of death restless; numbness and tingling of limbs.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Drowsiness; scanty urine, high-colored and albuminous.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
SPASMS PRECEDED BY A SENSATION OF GENERAL EXPANSION, mostly of face and head; just after an attack she lies quite and before another one sets in she becomes very restless; has a presentiment of an approaching attack, stomach feels as if it would burst with wind and marked relief of all symptoms after BELCHING WIND, WHICH COMES UP IN TORRENTS.
Arnica [Arn]
Pulse full and strong and during every pain blood rushes violently to face and head; symptoms of paralysis on left side; tympanitis of abdomen after labor (peritonitis); unconsciousness, involuntary defaecation and urination.
Arsenicum [Ars]
General oedema; wax, puffy look of face; chilliness, extremities cold and clammy; albuminuria, urine dark and scanty; vomiting, diarrhoea great thirst; respiration short, difficult anxious great prostration; trembling of hands; neuralgic pains in chest, head and extremities; each spasm is followed by great exhaustion and restlessness.
Artemisia-vulgaris [Art-v]
Spasms in childbed from lochial discharge interrupted.
Atropinum [Atro]
After normal birth violent convulsions, unconsciousness; deep- red, distorted face; rolling eyes, gnashing of teeth; bloody foam before mouth; bending in of thumbs; throwing about the limbs; on remission stretching of body and deep sopor.
Belladonna [Bell]
Convulsive movements in the limbs and muscles of the face; paralysis of RIGHT SIDE o f tongue; loss of speech and difficult deglutition; dilated pupils; red or vivid face, renewal of fits at every pain; more or less tossing between the spasms, or deep sleep, with grimaces or starts and cries, with fearful visions; jerking twitching of muscles between the spasms; sound sleep or unconsciousness after a spasm.
Cantharis [Canth]
Convulsions, with dysuria and hydrophobia symptoms; bright light, drink, sound of falling water, or the mere touch causes a renewal of the spasms; face swollen and puffy; urine scalding, dark and scanty, with frequent desire; albuminuria, cylindrical casts, mucus and shreds in urine; vulva swollen and sensitive; convulsion with retained placenta or membranes eye bright, pupils widely dilated; face pale and yellowish, bearing an expression of deep-seated suffering.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Collapse and heart failure; labor-pains weak or ceasing, with great debility; breath cold and short, with cold hands and feet; desire to be fanned, must have more air.
Caulophyllum [Caul]
Convulsions with very weak and irregular labor-pains; she feels very weak, is feverish and thirsty.
Causticum [Caust]
Convulsions with screams, gnashing of teeth and violent movements of limbs; dyspnoea with frequent singing.
Chamomilla [Cham]
Convulsions from anger; excessive sensitiveness of rigid os; labor-pains spasmodic and distressing, tearing down the limbs, irritability; and petulance.
Chininum-sulph [Chin-s]
Albuminuric spasms and unconsciousness after parturition; tetanic convulsions in the intervals convulsive action of muscles of face, eyes, etc., oppressed respiration; distended veins; weak, rapid, intermittent pulse.
Chloroformum [Chlf]
Women subject to convulsions during labor, from anaemia, uraemia or reflex irritation.
Cicuta [Cic]
Strange contortions of upper part of body and limbs during the paroxysms, with blue face and frequent but short interruption of breathing, followed by weakness and insensibility as if dead; cold pale face; half-closed eyes with blue margins; opisthotonos, jerks as from electric shocks, borborygmus; hiccough and belching; CONVULSIONS, ESPECIALLY AFTER DELIVERY, OF EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE.
Cimicifuga [Cimic]
False labor-pains, sharp pains across abdomen, insomnia; labor- pains severe, tedious, spasmodic, with fainting fits or cramps; cardiac neuralgia during parturition; convulsions in labor from nervous excitement; feels strange, talks incoherently, screams, tries to injure herself; shivers during first stage of labor.
Cocculus [Cocc]
Spasms following difficult and then brought on by changing position of patient, passing off with a sigh; EXALTED SUSCEPTIBILITY TO IMPRESSIONS, everything causes starting and trembling all over body; shuddering; mental terror during spasmodic irregular pains;terrible pain in small of back, with hour-glass contraction; rapid oscillation of the eyeballs beneath the closed lids; weak and nervous women.
Coffea [Coff]
Puerperal convulsions from extreme excitability; head hot red; face puffed, eyes glistening, after sudden emotions, especially pleasing ones; constant loquacity and sleeplessness.
Crot. [Crot-h]
Convulsions in connection with albuminuria, sopor, coma, bloated countenance. sensation of tight constriction in throat; tremulous weakness all over, as if some evil were apprehended; hysteric convulsions, followed by paralysis, septic or zymotic influence, or in haemorrhage and in broken-down constitutions.
Cuprum [Cupr]
Spasms, complicated with violent vomiting; opisthotonos with every paroxysm, with spreading out of the limbs and opening the mouth; clonic spasms during pregnancy, when the attack begins at the periphery and spread centrally; post-partum convulsions with rash; sour-smelling sweat; soreness of abdomen to pressure; burning in small of back; shrill, piercing shrieks before fit; frequent attacks of blind rage, biting at persons (Cuprumars).
Gelsemium [Gels]
Premonitory symptoms; HEAD FEELS VERY LARGE, spasms appear early, because os uteri remains hard and thick; distressing pains from before backward and upward in abdomen, though the os may be relaxed and the pulse soft and full; convulsions with unconsciousness, labor-pains gone, os widely dilated great lassitude;dull feeling in forehead; fulness in region of medulla oblongata; ALBUMINURIA WITH DROWSINESS and twitching of different parts of the body, dim vision.
Glonoinum [Glon]
Congestive form; unconsciousness; face bright-red puffed; violent throbbing of heart and carotids; pulse full and hard, eclampsia from protracted labor or after instrumental delivery; albuminuria.
Helleborus [Hell]
Shock passes through brain as if from electricity, followed by spasms, cannot fix idea, stares, slow to answer, muscles fail to act properly.
Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]
URAEMIC CONVULSIONS, with drawing at the nape of the neck from irritation at the base of the brain; respiration irregular and gasping; great distress about heart with weak spells; surface of body cold and blue; excessive prostration.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
HYSTERICAL OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS; shrieks, anguish; chest oppressed; unconsciousness; bluish color of face; twitching and jactitation of every muscles of body; during convulsion limbs forcibly curved and body throw up from the bed; delirium; deep sleep with convulsions; spasms followed by paralysis; retention of urine.
Ignatia [Ign]
Convulsions commence and terminate with groaning and stretching of limbs, accompanied with vomiting, face usually deathly pale, especially after or grief, night-watching.
Kali-brom [Kali-br]
ECLAMPSIA FROM PRESSURE OF CHILD ON SOME OF THE PELVIC NERVES or against an undilating os; pupils dilated, face bright-red, expressive of anguish and fear; she is nervous, cannot sleep, must walk about for relief.
Kali-carb [Kali-c]
Eclampsia, she does not lose consciousness during the spasms, and they pass off which eructations of wind (Argentum nit).
Kali-phos [Kali-p]
Convulsions in weak and exhausted women, oversensitive to all internal and external impressions, with sunken countenance, coldness and palpitation after the attack; afraid to be alone and (>) by gentle motion.
Lachesis [Lach]
Convulsions commence on left side and are worse about throat and neck, with trismus and blue face, body backward and cold extremities; after the fit trembling all over, faint and exhausted; jealousy (Hyosc.).
Laurocerasus [Laur]
She is conscious of a shock passing through her whole body before spasm (Helleb); much gasping for breath, with livor of skin; clonic spasms of all limbs with exhaustion and paralytic weakness; deep, snoring sleep.
Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]
Albuminuria, excess of salvia; trembling or convulsive twitching of the muscles of face, arms, legs sleepy daytime, wakeful nights; dull and slow of comprehension.
Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]
Convulsion with stiffness of limbs or of body, fingers clenched, thumbs drawn in; insomnia from exhaustion, convulsions (<) right side, (>) by warmth.
Moschus [Mosch]
CONVULSIONS FROM URAEMIC POISONING; stupefying pressure upon brain; eyes staring, glistening, pupils dilated, distention and rumbling in abdomen, with horribly offensive flatus; urine clear as water and very copious or scanty and thick as yeast; sexual orgasm.
Nux-moschata [Nux-m]
Convulsions motion of head from behind forward; hysterical ECLAMPSIA IN WOMEN WHO EASILY FAINT, spasms commence with a scream and foaming at mouth; drowsy before and after spasms; labor-pains spasmodic and irregular, or false and weak.